Generally speaking, a name is more valuable to a B2C (marketing-driven) company than a B2B (sales-driven) counterpart, so allocate your efforts accordingly. But whatever the case, there are simply no excuses for having a bad name. It represents your company and should always live up to image you want to project — both internally and externally.
Pre-Naming PreparationPart of the secret to creating a good name is laying the right groundwork. Before you start naming your company, follow the steps below.Set a goal and deadline. Your goal should be finding a name that is solid and presentable, rather than something perfect. Your deadline may vary, but always have one, otherwise the process will drag on indefinitely and there won’t be any urgency to finish. A few weeks of organized effort should be enough time to develop a name and gain consensus among your co-founders, but if you’re on a tight schedule, it’s also possible to do in just a few days.
RealLifeConnect Launches its Check-In Stations in China, Adds Sina Weibo SupportAustrian startup RealLifeConnect is adding support for China’s Sina Weibo to its social media check-in stations. To back that up, RealLifeConnect is launching in China, pushing its RFID/NFC-equipped hardware to allow people to shout out to Weibo from these terminals, either from events, exhibitions, or stores.
The idea behind RealLifeConnect is that it links real-world spaces with digital networks, forming what CEO Michael Ionita-Ganea calls “offline social media.” The two other founders are Christoph Wagner (CFO), and Juergen Hoebarth (CVO). Juergen tells us that its Asia operations are run out of Hong Kong, and that the company is now working with partners in China to develop “solutions for certain consumer brands” – to be revealed at a later date. With Sina Weibo now added to the line-up, the startup can tout access to the Twitter-like Chinese site and its 300+ million registered users.
同サービスのアイデアは、現実の世界をデジタルネットワークにリンクさせることで、CEOのMichael Ionit-Ganeaが「オフライン・ソーシャルネットワーク」と呼ぶものを形成している。共同設立者には他に、Christoph Wagner氏(最高財務責任者)とJuergen Hoebarth氏(最高ビジョン策定責任者)の2人がいる。Juergenは、アジアでの業務は香港から行い、同社が今中国のパートナーと協業し「特定顧客ブランドのためのソリューション(後日発表)」を開発していると言う。SinaWeiboがラインアップに加わった今、同スタートアップはTwitter似のSinaWeiboそして3億人を超える登録ユーザーにアクセス可能なことを宣伝できる。
RealLifeConnect doesn’t rely on people using their own phones, since NFC uptake in smartphones has been lackluster. Instead, says Juergen, “We are doing it with RFID/NFC cards or tokens – they have an RFID/NFC chip inside which is linked up with your Weibo profile during the registration process” (pictured below). The chips inside these things are cheap, so they’ll be given to folks for free by brands or event organizers.
And then, if you opt to interact with one of the stations, you’ll be able to quickly and seamlessly do things like check-in to an event or store on Weibo, or post about your experience there. In theory, this is a way for brands to get more people posting about them on Weibo, bolstering their social media marketing efforts.
As for the idea’s genesis, Juergen explains:The initial seed to linking up the physical world with the digital one and RealLifeConnect was born back in summer 2010 during a roadtrip to a conference between me and Michael Ionita. This was just a few days after Facebook released Facebook places which allows users to check-in at venues. We were brainstorming ideas and came to the conclusion sooner or later we will check in to all things around us not only places and visioned about what would be possible with this.
このアイデアの誕生について、Juergenは次のように説明している。「実世界とデジタル世界そしてRealLifeConnectをリンクする最初の発想は、2010年の夏にカンフェランスに参加する途中で私とMichael Ionitaの間で生まれました。それは、ユーザーが場所のポイントでチェックインすることができるというFacebook PlacesをFacebookがリリースしたわずか数日後のことでした。私達はアイデアをブレーンストーミングしていて、その後、場所だけでなく身の回りにあるものすべてにチェックインできるようにしようという結論に達し、これを利用してどんなことができるかについて思い浮かべました。
Michael was at this time already involved and made a major contribution with his knowledge around Facebook’s API and its possibilities. Both me and Michael presented the concept to people around us which are working in the advertising and social media space, and we recognised a demand for a easy to use one shop stop solution for a service like this which resulted into incorporating RealLifeConnect finally in May 2011 where we already started to do the first smaller projects as test pilots before going fully operation with our platform in autumn 2011 supporting social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Linkedin.
Variations of its social media check-in stations can do other things like transferring files or contact details via NFC or RFID. The hardware can be rented or bought, depending on how long the store or event wants to have the installation.RealLifeConnect says it has seen 50 successful cases of its kit in action across five continents in just the past 10 months. Right now it’s hiring and scaling globally, and attracted some useful seed funding of $120,000 at the end of 2011.Here’s a three-minute demo video mixed in with scenes from RealLifeConnect’s recent China launch:
Tibiji Takes Password-Protected Notes and Tracks Your FinancesTibiji is a brand-new service from Beijing-based startup Feike, consisting of an online personal organiser. We have seen several such services before, but most just do notes, such as Evernote’s Yinxiang Biji or Netease’s Youdao Yunbiji. But Tibiji users are able to organize many other aspects of their life into this cloud-based system.Upon logging into the dashboard, one is able to store important contacts, maintain personal finances, keep track of special dates and birthdays, record notes, and monitor personal favors.
Tibiji、パスワード保護されたメモ系サービスで、財務を追跡Tibijiは北京に拠点をおくFeikeの新しいサービスで、オンラインのパーソナルオーガナイザーだ。これまでにこの種のサービスをいくつか見てきたが、EvernoteのYinxiang BijiやNeteaseのYoudaoYunbijiなどのように、それらのほとんどがメモを取るだけのサービスだ。だが、Tibijiを使えば、日常行うその他の多くのことをこのクラウドサービスで整理することができる。ダッシュボードにログインすると、大事な連絡先の保存、個人の財務管理、特別な日や誕生日の記録、メモ取り、個人的なお願いの管理をすることができる。
One of the founders of Tibiji tells us via email that its product stands out from other single-function notes app because it not only combines several features into one, but they claim to be the only available platform that provides monitoring of personal favors.I was intrigued by this latter feature, which allows a user to note their personal ‘receivables’ and ‘payables’ from others (as shown in the image below). But on second thought, are people really so particular about receiving and giving?
This Tibiji service also hopes to go green by encouraging the adoption of a paper-free way of organizing life. It offers a virtual notepad with a customizable link, so users are able write, edit, and share by accessing the link. Concerned about privacy issues? No worries! Each note page can be secured by a personal password so only those who have the password, are able to access it. There is one major disadvantage though – users cannot upload any images or audios into the notepad, so this just serves as a basic note-keeping tool.
Nonetheless, the personal finance management feature is fuss-free, and enables users to have a quick overview of their monthly income and expenditures. Each entry can also be further categorized into things like lifestyle, culture, and necessities. From the dashboard, you can see problem areas and manage your budgets with ease.
It is accessible via your mobile web browser, but there are no mobile app versions, and that’s a little disappointing. Keying in Tibiji’s main web address brought me to a random user’s note page (a security flaw?). It seems like using Tibiji on a desktop web browser provides a more seamless user experience, but defeats the main purpose of being mobile and convenient.
Overall, Tibiji is a simple and straightforward tool which does a pretty cool job in managing personal accounts and contacts. But if you are someone who prefers to make random notes and loves apps, perhaps other cloud note apps might do a better job. Here are a few from China that might be of interest, or you can try something like nvNotes, which is currently on sale in the app store.
全般的に見ると、Tibijiは個人的な財務や連絡先の管理をかなり上手くこなすシンプルで簡単なツールだ。だが、適当なメモ取りやアプリの方が好きなら、その他のクラウド・メモサービスの方がいいかもしれない。こちらで、興味があるかもしれない中国のメモ系サービスをいくつか紹介している。もしくは、app store販売中のnvNotesのようなサービスを試してみてもいいだろう。
Rather than summarizing Lauria’s argument, I’ll just quote it verbatim. There are two sections of the article in which his position on China is explained. The first is in the introduction:Vinnie Lauria, founding partner of venture capitalist firm Golden Gate Ventures, told ZDNet Asia in an interview a major disadvantage in China was its blocking of Facebook and Twitter.“Startups often get out in the market leveraging both networks. They are so vital to a startup’s success so they can’t easily operate in China,” he said.
Lauria氏の論点を要約するかわりに、一語一句を引用することにする。同記事には、同氏が中国に関する見解を説明している部分が2か所ある。まず最初は、同氏の紹介文のところだ。「Vinnie Lauria氏は、ベンチャーキャピタル企業Golden Gate Venturesの設立パートナーで、ZDNet Asiaとのインタビューに対し、中国が不利だという大きな原因はFacebookとTwitterがブロックされていることだと述べた。」「『スタートアップは、その2つのネットワークを活用して市場に出ることが多いのです。それらのネットワークはスタートアップの成功に必要不可欠なので、スタートアップは中国では簡単に運営できません。』と同氏は語った。」
I certainly agree with Lauria’s assertion that startups would have to be crazy to be creating a competitor for Facebook or Twitter and that leveraging platforms like that is a great idea. But why does that put startups in China at a disadvantage?Sure, Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China. But Chinese startups can leverage platforms like Renren and Sina Weibo and WeChat to exactly the same end. They may not be as international as Facebook and Twitter, but with hundreds of millions of users, China’s major social networking sites offer some pretty impressive opportunities to startups willing to leverage them.
FacebookやTwitterの競合サービスを作るスタートアップがバカげていること、それらのプラットフォームを活用することが素晴らしい考えであることには、確かに私も同意見だ。だが、FacebookやTwitterがブロックされていることが、なぜ中国のスタートアップを不利にするのか?確かに、FacebookやTwitterは中国ではブロックされている。だが、中国のスタートアップはまさに同じ目的で、Renren、Sina Weibo、WeChatなどのプラットフォームを活用することができる。それらのサービスはFacebookやTwitterのように国際的なサービスではないかもしれないが、何億人というユーザーを抱えている。そんな中国の主要なソーシャルネットワークサイトは、これらのサービスを活用しようとするスタートアップに素晴らしいチャンスを提供している。
In fact, for some startups, working with Chinese platforms may even bring an advantage: access to a huge number of users with minimal hassle. Sure, Facebook offers more users than Renren, but they’re spread out across dozens of countries with different laws, regulations and tax codes. China’s bureaucracy may be a labyrinthine nightmare, but at least there’s only one bureaucracy for Chinese startups to worry about. A startup can set up operations in China, leverage a platform like Sina Weibo, and have access to 300 million-plus users who (for the most part) share the same language and culture and live in the same regulatory environment.
実際、スタートアップのなかには、中国のプラットフォームと提携することでメリットを得ることもある。それは、厄介な作業が最小限で済み、膨大な数のユーザーにアクセスできることだ。確かに、FacebookのユーザーはRenrenよりも多い。だが、それらのユーザーは、法律、規制、税制の異なる数十か国に散らばっている。中国の官僚制は迷路のような悪夢かもしれないが、少なくとも中国のスタートアップが心配しなければならない制度はたったの1つだ。スタートアップは中国で事業を立ち上げ、Sina Weiboのようなプラットフォームを活用することができ、(ほとんどの地区で)同じ言語・文化を共有し、同じ規制環境に住む3億人を超えるユーザーにアクセスすることができる。
This is not to say that being international is a bad thing, or that international appeal for startups is impossible. But let’s be honest here: leveraging Chinese social networking sites gives Chinese startups access to a massive number of users without requiring those startups to worry about things like localization and culture clashes, let alone regulatory enforcement or tax policy. In China, if you don’t get China, you’re totally screwed. But if you do understand the market, the possibilities are enormous. The country may not have Facebook and Twitter, but to startups that want to leverage social networking communities’s massive user bases, that’s probably an advantage.
Seattle Hospital Will Live Tweet, Instagram First Hearing Restoration SurgeryUPDATE: You can view pictures of the surgery — pre, during and post-op here: Day, 79, doesn’t have a Twitter account, but after her live-tweeted cochlear implant surgery Tuesday morning, she has a chance at becoming a trending topic. Perhaps more significantly, she’ll be able to hear again after five years of living entirely without hearing.
シアトルの病院がTwitterとInstagramで初の聴覚回復手術を実況アップデート:この手術の手術前、手術中、手術後の写真はこちらから。 Day(79才)はTwitterのアカウントを持っていない。だが、火曜日の朝に人口耳の手術をライブツイートした後、彼女は話題の人となった。おそらくもっと重要なことは、5年間全く耳が聞こえない生活を送ったあとに再び耳が聞こえるようになることだろう。