
zhizi 翻訳実績

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原文 first launched in November 2009, and can be streamed from the website or within its apps for iPad (pictured), iPhone, Android, WP, and Symbian. In a Chinese-language blog post, Douban explains that a higher quality music stream with no ads is the perfect experience for music fans, but prohibitive bandwidth and licensing costs mean that a paid music sub is the best solution for now. It seems that Douban, which first came to life in 2005 and now has over 50 million registered users, is being very cautious with its pricing, putting a full year six months at not much more than it costs for one massive frappucino at a certain coffee chain beloved of Chinese consumers.


Douban.fmは2009年11月にローンチし、ウェブサイト、もしくはiPad(写真)、iPhone、Android、WP(Windows Phone)、Symbian向けのアプリ内でストリームすることができる。中国語のブログ投稿で、Doubanは広告がなく質の高い音楽ストリームは音楽ファンにとって申し分のない環境だが、帯域幅の禁止とライセンスコストの問題を考えると、有料購読の音楽サービスが今は1番良いソリューションだと説明している。2005年に誕生し、今では5000万人を超える登録ユーザーを持つDoubanは、同サービスの料金設定に非常に慎重になっているようで、(1年*)6か月の利用には、中国人が大好きな、あるコーヒーショップの大きなフラペチーノを若干上回る料金を設定している。

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IMII Brings Intensive Digital Marketing Training to Indonesia

The UK-based digital marketing and e-commerce community EConsultancy, together with Indonesia-based digital marketing company Techad 1, wants to grow Indonesia’s marketing talents through a local digital training division called the Internet Marketing Institute of Indonesia (IMII). In three weeks’ time, IMII will hold its first fast-track digital marketing training course in Indonesia. Here are details:

・Date and time: January 30th and 31st, 9am to 6pm

・Venue: The Energy Building 29th Floor, Layang-Layang Business Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia

・Registration fee: IDR 5,000,000 ($518)



イギリスのデジタルマーケティング/eコマースコミュニティーEConsultancyとインドネシアのデジタルマーケティング企業Techad[1]が、Internet Marketing Insutitute of Indonesia(IMII)というインドネシアのデジタルトレーニング部門を通じて、同国のマーケティングに従事する人材の育成を目指している。今から3週間後に、IMIIはインドネシア初の即戦力に繋がるデジタルマーケティング・トレーニングコースを開催する。詳細は以下の通り。


・開催場所:インドネシア・ジャカルタ、Layang-Layang Business Centre、
      The Energy Building 29階


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Participants in the course will also receive a six-month silver membership at Econsultancy, where users can have access to full market reports, best practice guides, the member forum, event discounts, and others benefits. EConsultancy has opened training divisions in other Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

This is part of IMII’s monthly digital marketing courses in Indonesia. You can see more information about this training course here.

Techad Group now has three subsidiary companies under it: performance-based ad network Adplus, digital advertising company Brightstars, and IMII.




1.Techchad Groupは現在、Adplus(業績ベースの広告ネットワーク)、Brightstarts(デジタル広告企業)、そして、IMIIの3つの子会社を傘下に持っている。

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Ford Makes a Play for Chinese Drivers with In-Car Weibo App

While we’re not attending the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, we are paying close attention to news coming out of the annual tech event. Among all the headlines, American car-maker Ford (NYSE:F) made a play to bring more mobile applications to its Sync voice-activated system, and surprisingly China’s most popular microblog, Sina Weibo, is one of nine new apps to be added.

According to the announcement, Ford’s collaboration with Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) makes the Weibo mobile app available in the vehicle via the AppLink API, allowing drivers to access news, weather, microblogging, and location-based services using voice control.



私達はラスベガスで開催されている「Consumer Electronics Show」には参加していないが、この毎年恒例のテックイベントに関するニュースには細心の注意を払っている。そのなかに、米自動車メーカーのFord(NYSE:F)が同社のSync音声認識システムにモバイルアプリを更に追加したというニュースがあった。驚くことに、同システムに新たに加わった9つのアプリのうちの1つが、中国で最も人気のあるマイクロブログサービスSina Weiboなのだ。

発表によると、FordとSina (NASDAQ:SINA)の提携により、AppLink APIを通じて同Weiboモバイルアプリが車内で利用でき、ドライバーは音声認識システムを使って、ニュース・天気・マイクロブログ・位置情報サービスにアクセスできるとのこと。

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Duke University Takes to Sina Weibo to Connect with Potential Students

We’ve written much in the past about how individuals and organizations outside of China are making use of Sina’s (NASDAQ:SINA) Weibo microblogging platform in order to reach Chinese speaking netizens. Whether it’s famous celebrities (see Tom Cruise, Emma Watson, Brad Pitt) or politicians (from Australia, England, Japan) or brands — Weibo appears to be the medium of choice.

College recruiting appears to be the latest use for Weibo, as Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering recently held a group chat on its Sina Weibo page in order to answer questions from prospective students for its graduate program.


デューク大学、Sina Weiboを利用して将来の学生と交流

中国国外の個人や組織団体が中国語圏のネチズンと交流するために、Sina (NASDAQ:SINA)のWeiboマイクロブログプラットフォームをいかに利用しているかについては過去にもたくさん記事にしてきた。有名セレブ(トム・クルーズ、エマ・ワトソン、ブラッド・ピット)であろうが、政治家(オーストラリア、イギリス、日本)であろうが、もしくはブランドであろうが、Weiboはこの上ないメディアのようだ。

そして、Weiboを使った最新の実例が、大学への学生呼び寄せだ。デューク大学のプラット・スクール・オブ・エンジニアリングが最近、Sina Weiboページでグループチャットを行っている。同校の修士課程に関心のある学生が寄せる質問に答えるためだ。

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In total, there were 150 participants, with 80 questions posted in the short span of an hour. Graduates and current students in the program were also available to answer questions. You can get an idea of the type of inquiries that were asked here.

Duke is also active on Renren as well, giving it a pretty progressive Chinese social media strategy.

While it’s no surprise that more and more schools are enlisting the help of social media tools in recruiting these days, it’s interesting to see U.S. schools go so far as to join Chinese platforms to recruit Chinese students. I wonder how active most Chinese universities are in comparison, assuming they are active at all?




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Collaborative consumption for motor vehicles is not new in the world or even Asia. This year, we’ve seen ridesharing apps enter the market, offering users the ability to split costs on a cab fare or find a carpooler to share a ride to work. Governments are particularly supportive of this concept due to its public benefits: Reducing air pollution and traffic congestion.

In Singapore, carsharing companies like CarClub and Whizzcar own a fleet of vehicles and offer membership plans that gives access to a variety of vehicular types. Customers can make a booking, head to anyone of the stations belonging to the companies, and begin driving.




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It enables car owners to make money by renting out their car when it’s not in use, and also allows commuters to zip around town in a vehicle without the hefty ownership costs. iCarsclub simply provides the platform and infrastructure to bring these people together to transact in a convenient fashion.

So, iCarsClub does not actually own a fleet of vehicles. It does not have to pay for maintenance either, since that is the responsibility of car owners. The only hardware it has to keep in tiptop shape are the keyless entry systems that customers can unlock with a mobile phone prior to getting into the car.




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In theory, iCarsclub can lower usage costs since it saves on operating expenses. Indeed, Jamie Wang, founder and CEO of the company, claims that on some makes, its fees are 30%-50% lower than its competitors.

However, it isn’t easy to make a straightforward comparison, because the fee structures are radically different. Weighing a three-hour rental of a manual Suzuki Swift on a Monday morning of both services, I find the costs to be roughly similar. iCarsclub’s fees came up to SGD39, inclusive of prepaid fuel charges, while CarClub’s fees are either SGD26.60 or SGD35.90, depending on which membership plan you have.


理論上では、iCarsclubは利用料を下げることができる。事業の運営費を抑えているからだ。実際、同社設立者でCEOのJamie Wang氏は、同社の利用料金は計算してみるとライバル企業よりも30〜50%安いと述べている。


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What may give iCarsclub a long-term advantage, however, is its business model, which is far more scalable and potentially more profitable than CarClub’s. While the incumbent is limited by the number of cars it owns in its fleet, iCarsclub can expand more easily simply by getting more car owners on board. They certainly wouldn’t mind earning extra cash for their vehicle’s idle time.

The startup’s challenge would be to earn the trust of customers and mitigate concerns that other users might damage their vehicles. iCarsclub offers motor insurance in case of an accident, but what happens when a renter steals an item or damages, say, the rear view mirror or scratches the car paint accidentally?


