Games work well on mobile messaging apps because people want to play with friends they actually know, not someone they met just once or twice. That is also why DeNA and GREE are scrambling to build their own mobile messaging apps, pouring on resources despite being relatively late entrants to this market.And it might not be just games which will thrive within the mobile messaging app platform. Other verticals like mobile commerce could also work well with high user stickiness. Let me elaborate a little bit on this:
1. Market grabWeChat dominates China. KakaoTalk dominates Korea. Line dominates Japan and is looking to snag a slice of China. It’s like a war out there now.The rest of Asia is pretty much up for grabs. We are seeing a concentration of fighting going on in Indonesia where chat apps are working with local mobile carriers and partners and setting up bases across Southeast Asia. Tencent has been quiet about its movements but we know it is moving full steam ahead in Indonesia and Thailand. The market grab is for real but it isn’t quite in the media limelight just yet.
1.市場確保の競争WeChatは中国市場、Kakao Talkは韓国市場を独占している。そして、Lineは日本市場を独占し、中国市場のシェアを少しでも掴もうと取り組んでいる。今、同業界はまるで戦争状態だ。アジアの残りの地域では、シェアを勝ち取る余裕はまだある。インドネシアでは競争が集中しつつあり、チャットアプリサービスは現地のモバイル通信業者やパートナーと提携し、東南アジア全域での拠点を築こうとしている。Tencentはこの動向を静観しているが、同社はインドネシアとタイ市場にむけて全力で取り組もうとしている。市場確保の競争は現実に起こっているのだが、メディアにはまだあまり取り上げられていない。
2. Mobile gaming platformKakaoTalk and Line have proven that games make money on mobile messaging apps. So suddenly, everyone else wants to jump in. I have people asking me why Tencent hasn’t made a move into games for WeChat. Well, we asked the folks from Tencent but they declined to comment. My take is that Tencent is more focused on grabbing users than monetizing WeChat. Seriously, they don’t have to do anything else just yet. Tencent is rich. And if they decide to go into games, they certainly can. Tencent is strong in games anyway.
2.モバイルゲーム・プラットフォームKakao TalkとLineは、ゲームがモバイルメッセージアプリに収益をもたらすことを証明した。それで、突然、誰もがそれに飛びつこうとしている。私は、TencentがなぜWeChatでゲームを提供しないのかと尋ねられることがある。それで、Tencentの人に聞いてみたが、コメントを拒否された。私が思うに、TencentはWeChatのマネタイズよりもユーザの獲得に注力しているのだと思う。冗談ではなく本当に、Tencentはまだユーザ獲得以外に何もする必要がない。同社にはお金がある。それに、もし同社がゲームサービスを提供しようと決めれば、それをするだけの能力が同社にはある。Tencentはゲーム分野に強いのだから。
While the idea of a mobile messaging app as a game platform is fresh now, it may turn stale as more mobile messaging apps start hopping onto the bandwagon. Eventually, developers will become confused about who to build games for, and the one that offers the best revenue share ratio and an easy plug-and-play solution to host games would be the winner.
3. Vertical chat appsToday, we have general social networks like Facebook and Twitter. If you want something more private with your family and friends, then go for Path. There are also general e-commerce sites like Amazon and Tmall and vertical commerce sites like Mbaobao and Lamiu. The point is, I believe the trend is the same for mobile messaging apps. In fact, it has already happened in a way. There are specialized chat apps for couples (Between, Lovebyte), ladies (Cubie), and for hook ups (Momo). There will probably be more specialized mobile chat apps in 2013. I also believe there will also be chat apps serving local markets in their own local languages too.
Admittedly that’s a lot of guesswork, but it’s just because I’m excited how this race will pan out. Whether you’re an investor or entrepreneur, watch this space closely as it may bring some very unexpected opportunities in 2013.
以上、推測の多いことは認めるが、それは私がこの競争がどう繰り広げられるのかに非常に興味があるからだ。あなたが投資家であれ、起業家であれ、この業界の動向からは目を離さないで。ひょっとしたら、 2013年には思いがけないチャンスをもたらすかもしれないから。
The Weibo Social Commerce Model that Twitter Should CopySina Weibo is not making money. Not yet at least. But it may have found a way to do so, as we saw from last week’s Weibo social commerce test with Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi. The manufacturer offered 50,000 MI2 phones to Weibo users, which they could order through tweeting. Payments are all done within Sina Weibo.
Twitterが見習うべき、WeiboのソーシャルコマースモデルSina Weiboは収益を上げていない。少なくとも今のところは。だが、先週実験的に行った、 中国のスマートフォンメーカーXiaomiとのソーシャルコマースで、収益を上げる方法を見いだしたかもしれない。XiaomiはSina WeiboのユーザにMI2ブランドの携帯を5万台提供したのだが、それはユーザがツイートを通じて注文できるというものだった。決済はすべて、Sina Weibo内で行われる。
The result was staggering, with 1.3 million reservations made for those phones in just over five minutes. That was pretty shocking, and I chose it to be my pick for the top news story of last week. As I noted then, we have to give credit to Sina Weibo as a platform as it enabled Xiaomi to capitalize on such high demand. If Xiaomi could to fulfill each request, that would have meant $416 million!I can’t help but feel that this is something that Twitter could try too. In fact Twitter has already tested something like this with its @EarlyBird experiment. That turned out to be a flop.
その結果は驚くべきもので、わずか5分の間にその携帯電話に130万台の注文予約が入った。このニュースはかなり衝撃的だったので、私は先週のトップニュースにこの話題を選んだ。私がその時に指摘したように、Xiaomiにそのような高い需要を集めさせ収益を上げさせることができたSina Weiboを1つプラットフォームとして評価するべきだと思う。Xiaomiがすべてのリクエストに応えられたとしたら、4億1600万ドルの売上に繋がったのだから!こういうことはTwitterにもできるのではないかと思わざるを得ない。実は、Twitterも同じようなことを@EarlyBirdで試したが、完全な失敗に終わっている。
But the mechanism is different. @EarlyBird helped brands tweet out deals, but that’s about it. In contrast the Xiaomi-Weibo experiment last week was led and spread by Xiaomi. Folks who made a reservation also had to tweet their orders. And the result of this brand and fan push was a viral one.Another key difference between Weibo and Twitter’s @EarlyBird is that payment is made through Weibo credits, thus providing a seamless process of ordering and paying for a Xiaomi MI2 entirely on Weibo.I’m not sure if Sina Weibo will open this up for all brands, but given this Xiaomi success, my guess is that it probably will.
だが、仕組みが違う。@EarlyBirdはブランドの販売に関するツイートを支援したが、それだけだった。それと比較して、先週のXiaomiとSina Weiboの取組みでは、Xiaomiがキャンペーンを先導し広めている。注文予約した人も各自の注文をツイートすることが条件だった。Xiaomiブランドとファンの取組み結果は、次々と影響を与えていくものだった。Sina Weiboと、Twitterの@EarlyBirdのもう1つの大きな違いは、決済がSina Weiboの決済アカウントで行われることで、つまり、Sina WeiboはMI2の注文と決済がすべてWeibo上でシームレスにできる環境を提供している。Sina Weiboが今回のアプローチをその他すべてのブランドにも適用するかどうかは分からないが、Xiaomiの成功を考えると、おそらくそうすると私は思う。
This Chinese Startup Wants to Bring You a 3D-Printed, Smartphone-Controlled Drone [VIDEO]We don’t find hardware startups in China as often as we’d like – but we’ve stumbled across what looks like the coolest we’ve ever seen. The team of tinkerers and ‘makers’ behind AngelEyes is prepping crowdfunding for its upcoming HeX Air Robot, a smartphone-controlled drone that looks like some sinister stealth helicopter (pictured above).
中国スタートアップ:スマートフォンで操作する3Dプリントの無人飛行物体の提供を目指す中国でハードウェアのスタートアップを見つけようと思っても、私達が見つけたいと思うほどは見つからない。だが、今まで見たなかで最もクールと思われるものを偶然見つけた。なんでも屋とAngelEyesの“メーカー”がチームとなって、不気味で秘密のヘリコプターのように見える、スマートフォン操作のHeX Air Robot(写真上)を製品化するためにクラウドファンディングの準備をしている。
Team member George Liu tells us that the HeX Air Robot (see it in flight in the video below) will soon drone its way onto Kickstarter to raise funds to evolve and then manufacture the flying machine. Until that launches, the globally-minded Chinese startup has a couple of software platforms to sell, as well as a huge fascination with 3D printing to keep everyone occupied. To find out more, we fired him a few questions:
チームメンバーのGeorge Liu氏は、HeX Air Robot(下のビデオで飛行しているところが見れる)を進化させて製造するための資金を集めるために、同プロジェクトをまもなくKickstarterに掲載すると語っている。そのローンチまで、グローバル視野を持った同中国スタートアップには販売可能なソフトウェアが数個あると同時に、みんなを夢中にさせる3Dプリントにも大きな関心を持っている。さらなる情報を得るため、Liu氏にいくつかの質問を投げかけた。
How did AngelEyes come to life, and how many products do you have right now?George: AngelEyes came to life from the vision to propel the democratization of technological innovation. Before AngelEyes existed, we did some projects purely on software and they failed eventually. But now the tide is turning, and it is becoming easier and affordable for individuals to manufacture things on their desktops, which means hardware can be as easily iterated as software, and the cost of going through several lifecycles of hardware manufacturing decreases dramatically.
Plus, crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter unfolded a new way to finance tech startups. That’s pretty much the context how we plunge into projects that can integrate software and hardware. So far, besides HeX, we’ve got two other cloud services: ‘AR Generating‘ and ‘Pattern Recognition’.
さらに、テックスタートアップを支援する新しい方法として、Kickstarterのようなクラウドファンディングが展開されています。それが、私達がソフトウェアとハードウェアを結びつけることのできるプロジェクトに飛び込んだ背景です。今のところ、HeX以外では、「AR Generating」と「pattern Recognition」という2つのクラウドサービスを提供しています。
When will your HeX Air Robot be for sale, and how could it be used?George: Actually there are several stages in the development of HeX. The first stage, which we are on now, [means we’ve] finished the first prototype of it and we’re improving it. We plan to sell it on, which we estimate might happen at the end of January, to raise funds for the next stages of evolution. With the money we could raise, we’re going to add some sensors and an airborne computer on HeX to make it able to avoid obstacles automatically. Ultimately, we plan to mount a camera on it (pictured below) and make it able to track a moving target and film it so that extreme-sports fans can use it as an aerial filming kit.
HeX Air Robotはいつ発売される予定ですか?また、どのように活用できるのでしょうか?Liu氏:実際のところ、HeXにはいくつかの開発ステージがあります。今、私達は第1ステージにいて、(つまり)最初のプロトタイプを造り終え、プロトタイプの改善を行っています。それを、Kickstarter.comで販売するつもりです。Kickstarterでのキャンペーンは1月末ごろになると思いますが、そこでプロダクトを進化させるという次のステージのための資金を集める予定です。獲得した資金を活用して、Hexにいくつかのセンサー加えたり、コンピューターを搭載して、障害物を自動的によけれるようにするつもりです。最終的には、カメラを取り付ける予定(写真下)で、動いているものを追跡したり、撮影も可能にすれば、過激なスポーツが好きなユーザーはこれを空中撮影キットとして利用することができます。
You seem to be interested in 3D printing. Is that just an experiment right now, or can you sell printed products at good prices?George: Yes, we find 3D printing fascinating. It’s not just an experiment. Actually, we make some components and parts needed on HeX by 3D printing and all of the design files will be shared on the website Thingiverse so that hobbyists can download them to make and customize a HeX for themselves. Also, we’ll sell HeX and its parts via Shapeways, which we think is a new way to sell hardware.
Your hardware website is all in English – which markets are you aiming at?George: We’re aiming at foreign markets, particularly North America that is a huge and mature market for things like HeX.Does your startup have any funding, and how large is it right now?George: We haven’t drawn any funding yet. That’s why we’re planning to get funded on and we hope to draw some seed funding as well. Right now we have six employees and two interns.We’ll let you know when HeX hits Kickstarter. In the meantime, check out this two-minute video of the drone in flight:
3D Printing Photo Studio Pops up in Xi’an, ChinaThe folks over at Shanghaiist point out a very cool 3D photo printing studio which is located in the Chinese city of Xi’an. In total, the process takes 15 minutes to scan the customer’s body, and then two to three hours to print.It’s pretty awesome to see operations like this popping up around the world. Just last month, we saw another one spring up in Tokyo as well. That one is pretty awesome too. I could use a mini-me!
Among China’s Airbnb Clones, It’s a Battle Between Ants and Little PiggiesOur first two bits of Chinese startup funding news of 2013 could not have gone to companies with weirder names. Beijing-based (meaning “little piggy” in Chinese) is actually a short-term rentals site in the mold of Airbnb. Today Xiaozhu revealed that it brought home the bacon recently with “nearly US$10 million” in series A funding.Likewise, the similar (meaning “ants”) disclosed that it had been spun off as an independent entity from its parent company, Ganji, and also secured about $10 million in backing. Mayi’s round is led by VantagePoint, with participation from BlueRun Ventures and Sequoia Capital.
Airbnb似の中国サービスで競い合っているのは「蟻」と「子豚」2013年にまず紹介する2件の中国スタートアップの資金調達ニュースが、こんな奇妙な名前の企業になるなんて…。北京に拠点をおく中国語で「子豚」という意味)は実は、Airbnbのような短期の宿泊施設レンタルサイトだ。同社は今日、シーリズAの資金調達で「1000万ドル近い」資金を最近調達したと発表した。同様に、同じようなサービスを展開する中国語で「蟻」という意味)も、親会社であるGanjiから独立企業として分離し、およそ1000万ドルの資金を確保したことを発表した。Mayiの資金調達ではVantagePointがリードインベスターとなり、BlueRun VenturesとSequoia Capitalが参加している。
The growth and progress of Xiaozhu is pretty impressive for a travel site that only launched in August of last year. The investors in its initial major round haven’t been revealed yet. Xiaozhu has properties in 13 Chinese cities thus far. But it’s not just focused on China’s middle-classes and fancy homes (like the one pictured above), and even has listings in places like student dorms for a few bucks per night.As for Mayi (pictured right), it claims to have surpassed 300,000 rented room nights in its first year of operations. But if its commission is 10 percent, then it’s difficult to see how short-term rentals can actually be profitable for startups once they’ve splashed out on prohibitive marketing campaigns
The good news for these two curiously-named travel rivals comes eight months after series A funding for the site that will surely be the nemesis of both sites: Tujia. It attracted interest and funds from China’s biggest online travel company, Ctrip, and followed that up by adding over 2,000 overseas listings in conjunction with its American co-investor HomeAway.The double investment whammy for Xiaozhu and Mayi is sure to shine a spotlight on the Chinese holiday rentals industry, which has so far been overshadowed by a lot more dynamism in Southeast Asia, with lots of recent action from Travelmob, 9Flats, and Airbnb itself.