An expert from Analysis International, Zhang Fan, summarizes Xunlei’s shortfalls as its failure to totally move past its P2P business model, and a lack of quality long-form video content that can pull in a higher calibre of advertiser.For the sake of nostalgia, check back on our post from early July when Xunlei looked to be raising just over US$100 million from an IPO.There are still some Chinese IPOs in the lined up for the rest of the year. NASDAQ’s CEO, Robert Griefeld, recently chatted to iChinaStock, and said that are “30-plus Chinese companies in the pipeline.” But the only major tech IPO of all of those is the B2C e-commerce site, Vancl.
Analysis InternationalのZhang Fan氏は、 迅雷がP2Pのビジネスモデルの域を完全に脱しきれなかったこと、力量の高い広告主を引き寄せることができる質の良い長編の動画コンテンツが不足していることが、同社の収益の不足の原因だとまとめている。過去を振り返るためにも、 迅雷がIPOで1億ドル超を調達するかのように見えた7月初旬の我々の記事を読み返して欲しい。年末までにまだ、いくつかの中国企業のIPOが見込まれている。ナスダックのCEOロバート・グライフェルド氏は「まだ30社を超える中国企業のIPOが進行中だ」とiChinaStockに語った。だが、その企業のうちで唯一大手のハイテク株のIPOはB2C電子取引商の凡客(Vancl)である。
How Google Ventures Chooses Which Startups Get Its $200 MillionGoogle Ventures, the search giant’s venture capital arm, will invest more than $200 million in more than 100 companies over the next year.Bill Maris and Graham Spencer of Google Ventures discussed the VC firm’s investment philosophy at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco Tuesday. Maris explained that Google Ventures combines quantitative analysis of each startup along with traditional venture capital signals and gut instincts.
グーグル・ベンチャーズが2億ドルを投資するスタートアップ企業の選考方法グーグル・ベンチャーズ(検索エンジン「グーグル」のベンチャーチャピタル部門)が、来年にかけて100社を超える企業に2億ドル以上の投資をする予定だ。グーグル・ベンチャーズのビル・マリス氏とグレアム・スペンサー氏が、火曜にサンフランシスコで行なわれた「Web 2.0 Summit」で同社の投資哲学を語った。マリス氏は従来のベンチャーキャピタル指標と本能的な直感とともに各スタートアップ企業の数多くの分析を組み合わせて決めると説明した。
“We want to use our analytics to try to figure out … to get a better sense of whether we should invest,” Maris said as he explained how Google Ventures would choose the companies that would receive funding from the firm. The New York Times reported Google would spend $200 million in venture capital investments earlier this year.Maris and Spencer said one thing that doesn’t affect the firm’s investment decisions is whether or not a company could be a strategic asset to Google. Like traditional VC firms, Google Ventures makes its investment decisions solely on the potential financial return to the firm and its partners.
When Federated Media’s John Battelle told Maris and Spencer they don’t act like normal VCs, Maris responded with a simple quip. “Who at Google acts normally? It’s not something we’re trying to achieve.”
「Federated Media」のジョン・バテル氏はマリス氏とスペンサー氏に彼らが普通のベンチャーキャピタルではないと言った時、マリス氏は分かりやすい冗談で対応した。「グーグルの誰が普通なんでしょう?私達はそんなことを目標にしているのではありませんよ」と。
During the test, Facebook will closely monitor the demand for Credits as a payment method and the user experience of those that pay though its virtual currency. If a high enough percentage of users make purchases through Credits and feedback is positive, Facebook may expend additional resources to let more websites add Credits as a payment option.
Eventually, Facebook might open the option to all web developers selling virtual goods or digital media, allowing the social network to earn a 30% cut on transactions across the web. In exchange, sites will be able to provide an easier way to buy their goods and media than punching in credit card or PayPal details. Facebook has provided a signup page for developers that want to try Facebook Credits for Websites if the test is expanded.
最終的には、Facebookはこのオプションをバーチャルグッズやデジタルメディアを販売するすべてのウェブデベロッパーに公開し、ウェブ上の取引の30%の収入を得ることも可能かもしれない。そのかわり、各サイトはグッズやメディアを販売するのにクレジットカードやPayPalなどの手続きよりも簡単な決済方法を提供することができる。Facebookは、テスト期間を終えて更なる展開に進んだ場合のために、「Facebook Credits for Websites」を試してみたいデベロッパー向けにサインアップ用のページを提供している。
I think I can get the model A about 3 weeks, so I will let you know once I get it. The parts of model B is not sold in Japan, but there is a way to get it. The plan is to ask you to send the watch to me and I have it repaired by CASIO in Japan. The model B only can be repaired by sending it to CASIO. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.
Zynga To ‘Hire Aggressively’ For Its Bangalore OfficeWe reported back in March about social game developer Zynga and its plans to double its Bangalore office staff from 100 to 200 employees. And today we’re hearing via an Economic Times report that the company has plans for more aggressive hiring at that location.The report cites CTO Cadir Lee as saying that the company is bringing in more engineers and game designers. Lee added that “India is a strategic R&D center” for Zynga.
Zinga、バンガロール事務所への人材を「積極的に雇用」去る3月にソーシャルゲームディベロッパーのZynga(ジンガ)および同社のバンガロール事務所の人材を100人から200人に倍増するという計画についてお伝えした。本日、我々はエコノミックタイムズ経由で、同社が当初の計画よりも更に積極的に人材を採用することを聞いた。CTO(最高技術責任者)のCadir Lee氏はエコノミックタイムズで、Zyngaはエンジニアやゲームデザイナーを更に採用する予定だと述べており、「インドは(Zynga)の戦略的R&D(研究開発)センターだ」と付け加え述べた。
The company also announced the global launch of Mafia Wars 2 this week, which sees the game debut in 16 languages on Facebook. Fans of the game in Asia will be pleased to hear the title is available in Indonesian, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Thai. Check out the promo video for Mafia Wards 2 below.
Zyngaは今週「Mafia Wars 2 」のグローバル公開についても発表し、同ゲームはフェイスブックで16か国語のサポートがされている。 アジアのファンも、このゲームがインドネシア語、トルコ語、中国語(繁体字)、韓国語、日本語、タイ語でプレイができると聞けば嬉しいだろう。「Mafia Wars 2 」のデモビデオをご覧になりたい方は下の動画で。
Year-on-year profits for Zynga are down 95 percent, although Gamasutra says the company attributes this to no new games in the first half of the year, and increased spending on hiring, acquisitions, and international growth. We asked Zynga more about its India plans this morning, but not surprisingly the company declined to comment because of its current ‘quiet period’ leading to its upcoming IPO.
The Southeast Asian insider in DeNARecently, the Asian technology scene has been flooded with a flurry of Japanese activity. One of the latest headlining companies is social gaming company DeNA. First, with the acquisition of Punch Entertainment Vietnam followed by Chile-based Atakama Labs S.A, the Japanese gaming giant has also set foot in Singapore and is currently using a Japanese incubator cum launchpad called CROSSCOOP Singapore. The recently launched KDDI and Singapore Economic Development Board supported incubation facility for Japanese companies transitioning into the region is capable of housing up to 50 companies and 170 staff.
ディー・エヌ・エー東南アジアの経営者最近、アジアのハイテク産業は日本企業の活発な活動で溢れかえっている。その中でも、一番最近報道の見出しを賑わしているのがソーシャルゲーム企業のディー・エヌ・エー(DeNA)だ。まず、同社は「Punch Entertainment Vietnam(パンチ・エンターテイメント・ベトナム)」、そしてチリの「Atakama Labs S.A」を買収し、シンガポールにも事務所を開設して、現在は「CROSSCOOP Singapore」と呼ばれる日本のインキュベーション施設を利用している。 KDDIやシンガポール経済開発庁によって最近設立された「CROSSCOOP Singapore」は、日本企業の同地域への参入を支援するインキュベーション施設で、50社170人のスタッフを収容できる。
To find out more about DeNA’s expansion strategies and plans for the region, e27 met up with DeNA Asia Pacific Holdings managing director, Tetsuya Mori, to hear more about the Singapore headquarter’s roadmap. Mori draws from a very diverse and rich background starting with an MBA at Yale and stints at McKinsey & Co., Silicon Graphics, Sun Microsystems and Mitsubishi UFJ Capital before joining the gaming industry. Mori’s investing experience has exposed him to the potential of Southeast Asia, with a special admiration for Vietnam which he calls ‘The Hidden Gem’. “As I started investing more, I start to discover that Southeast Asia is fascinating.
DeNAの事業拡大戦略や同地区での計画をもっと知るために、e27はDeNAアジアパシフィックホールディングスの森徹也社長にお会いし、シンガポール本社の今後の計画について尋ねた。森氏の経歴は多様で豊かだ。まず、イエールでMBAを取得し、その後マッキンゼー (McKinsey & Co.)、シリコングラフィックス、サン・マイクロシステムズ、三菱UFJキャピタルを経て、DeNAに加わった。森氏は、投資業界での経験を通じて東南アジアの可能性に気づき、特に「隠れた宝石」と同氏が呼ぶベトナムには特別な関心がある。「投資を増やし始めるにつれ、東南アジアが魅力的な地域だと分かり始めた。」と森氏は語る。
The whole region has a very fast growth, driving every industry to the right trajectory and cultivating ‘promising tomorrow’ psych in everyone’s mind,” said Mori.Mori explains that DeNA’s Singapore subsidiary is the only subsidiary of the company that has a “holdings” status. The reason is because DeNA sees a lot of potential in the region and has actually laid out three goals that they hope to achieve in the region. The first is to identify talent in the region and provide them with support.
Mori explains that the mobile game industry, unlike the console game industry, does not require a huge amount of capital and that a single talent within the group can actually provide them with substantial advantages over their competitors. Such is the appreciation and value of talent that DeNA is looking to connect with the developers in the region to identify and get these developers on board.
The second goal for DeNA is to establish partnerships within the region. Mori understands that as DeNA expands out into different countries, they require a lot of understanding of the various foreign markets. With plans to launch a mobile game in a Southeast Asian market by the first half of next year, it makes understanding the selected market even more crucial. According to Mori, “You’ll need lots of creativity, lots of local knowledge. This is not a market where you can go in and say ‘We are the big guys and we are going to put our flag on your soil.’ That is not going to work. You really have to fine-tune each market, you have to find out the right way, the right time. Otherwise, nothing will work.”
DeNAの2つめの目標は、同地区内でパートナーシップを築くことだ。DeNAが様々な国に進出すると同時に、各外国市場についてよく理解する必要があることは森氏も理解している。来年の前期までに東南アジアでモバイルゲームを導入するという計画もあり、選ばれた市場を理解するのはなおさら重要なことだ。「創造性や現地に関する知識がたくさん必要になる。ここは、 参入したからと言って『自分達は大手なんだ。ここに自分達の旗を立てるよ』と言えるマーケットではない。そういったことは通用しない。各市場に相応しい微調整を必ずしなければならないし、適切なやり方、タイミングを見つけなければならない。そうでなければ、何も成功しない。」と森氏は語る。
DeNA’s third goal differs slightly from the earlier two and focuses on the practical business decision for DeNA’s globalization movement. DeNA’s primary Japanese market and also their investments in the US are one of their higher revenue generating sources. Their last fiscal year brought in about US $1.5 billion in revenue with profit margins close to 50 percent. However, these markets are also one of the highest taxed markets in the world and DeNA is, like any other expanding Japanese company, searching for global opportunities where they can maintain a sustainable growth trajectory for the company.
Tetsuya Mori struck me as one that is well-versed with the cultural practices of the region. He understands the negative implications of an acquisition and maintains that DeNA only resorts to acquiring a company if they have specific goals to validate a buyout. For example, in the case of Punch Entertainment Vietnam. “They (Punch Entertainment Vietnam) are a very efficient and effective engineering house with very good experience. We wanted to augment our in-house development capacity outside of Japan because hiring inside of Japan can be difficult and expensive,” said Mori.
森徹也氏は地域の文化的慣行に精通している人だと感じた。同氏は買収によるマイナスの影響を理解しており、DeNAは買収が有効であると認める具体的な目標のある企業のみを買収するという考えを擁護した。例えば、Punch Entertainment Vietnamがその1例だ。「同社は非常に効率効果のよいエンジニア企業で、実績も非常によい。DeNAは日本国内での雇用はとても困難で高いでの、日本以外で社内の開発能力を増強したかった。」と森氏は語った。
Mori also noted that Punch Entertainment’s value was also with their systematic development process that DeNA hopes to integrate into it’s own. Other than that, DeNA resorts to more conventional ways of winning the hearts of foreign developers through supporting them by providing tools, knowledge and if necessary, some funding.Mori will be involved in three of Techventure 2011′s panel discussing on the coming of age in Asian innovations, venture incubation and adoption and mobile gaming.
また同氏は、 DeNAが社内に取り入れたいと思う Punch Entertainment Vietnamの組織的な開発プロセスの価値についても触れた。それ以外では、ツールや知識、必要であれば資金を提供して外国のディベロッパーを支援しハートを掴むという、より慣例的な方法をとっている。森氏は、「Techventure 2011」で行なわれる、「アジア・イノベーション時代の到来」、「ベンチャーインキュベーションおよびアダプション」、「モバイルゲーム」という3つのパネルディスカッションに参加する予定だ。
Online Tea Retailer Raising US$ 15M from Domestic, a Chinese B2C vertical provides online retail of tea today announced raising RMB hundreds of millions (US$ 15 million) in Series A round of funding from four domestic venture capitals.The funding will go towards website upgrading, warehousing expansion as well as diving deeper into upstream industry chains, according to the Shandong (eastern China) province-based company.Ma Yufeng, its CEO said the company has set up one warehouse in Ji’nan city of Shandong province at which it headquartered while a Beijing warehouse is currently under construction.
お茶のオンライン小売業「」、中国国内投資家から1500万ドルの資金を調達中国のB2C垂直統合型企業でお茶のオンライン小売業の (買買茶)は本日、国内のベンチャーキャピタル4社からシリーズAの資金調達で1億元(1500万ドル)を獲得したと発表した。山東省(中国東部)の拠点をおく同社によると、資金はウェブサイトのアップグレードや倉庫の拡張および業界チェーンの上層部へ食い込むために充てられるとのこと。同社CEOの馬玉峰氏は、 Maimaitea.comには山東省の済南に倉庫があり、本社もそこにあるが、北京の倉庫は現在建設中であると述べた。
Founded in Oct. of 2010, is positioned to be an online tea retailer with unique strengths as its parent company possess its own tea plants as well as tea processing factories.As of now the tea vertical boasts daily PV of about 400k with daily orders of over 5k.Chinese online marketplace is seeing amounting competition as Tencent, Shanda among other internet giants are in scramble for the fruitful waterfront with their latest initiatives, like B2C new comer by shanda and QQ Wanggou by Tencent. However, verticals focusing on a niche market still have their own edges as compared to general B2C sites.