厚生省より追記のお願いが来ています。a."I LOVE YOU CHOCOLATE"にラズベリーとストロベリーは何%含まれているか、成分表上に追記してください。b.また"RAW CAN SUGARは一般的な砂糖ということで良いか?"という質問も来ています。その返事で良いですか?よろしくお願いします。
We received additional requests from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.a. Please add to the ingredients table how much (%) raspberry and strawberry are included in "I LOVE YOU CHOCOLATE".b. They are also asking if "RAW CAN SUGAR" means regular sugar. Can we tell them that it is?Thank you in advance and I look forward to your reply.
3月28日、16時から原宿で追いコンを行いたいと思います(18時開始予定)。参加または不参加に丸をつけ、26日までに田中あるいは一年生の幹事までこの紙を提出して下さい。 追いコンに 参加/不参加
We are planning to hold a farewell party from 16:00 on March 28 (starting at 18:00) at Harajuku. Please circle either "attend" or "not attend" and submit the form to Tanaka or the freshman organizer.I will attend / not attend the farewell party.
Could you advise which file needs to be modified to fix the problem that the thumbnails are displayed too big when using IE?Additionally, is it OK that when I view the website below using IE9, it detects a virus?Is there any security problem? (like someone uploaded an image infected by a virus?)Sorry for bothering you with many requests and questions.
Timothy and Ming are looking at an IPO in the next couple of years. Nuffnang has had a long journey so far and it didn’t come easy. When asked about advice for budding entrepreneurs, Timothy said that as entrepreneurs it is important to be humble and focused when growing your startup. Oh, and of course, managing your cashflow well.Also: We’re excited to have Ming speak at Startup Asia Singapore 2013 on April 4 – 5.
Timothy氏とMing氏は向こう数年以内の株式公開を見据えている。Nuffnangは、これまで長い道のりを歩んできたが、それは決して簡単ではなかった。これからの起業家たちへのアドバイスを求めると、Timothy氏は、起業家として謙虚であること、スタートアップを成長させるときには集中することが重要だと述べた。えっと、そしてもちろん、キャッシュフローを上手に管理することも。追記:私達はMing氏が4月4日から5日に開催されるStartup Asia Singapore 2013で講演してもらうことを喜んでいる。
The Nuffnang Founders’ StoryMost bloggers in Southeast Asia will have heard of Nuffnang, if they are not already using it. To date, it is arguably the largest blog ad network in Southeast Asia, delivering a whopping 13 million page-views per day.
They initially had the idea to build an Amazon for Southeast Asia. But knowing that an e-commerce business requires heavy capital, they didn’t jump straight into it. Instead they thought about building a blog ad network which was relatively capital friendly to get going. Their idea was to monetize through the mass of bloggers out there. Together, the founders coughed up S$65,000 to get the business started. In case you’re wondering, the name Nuffnang stands for “really good” in Jafaikan, a dialect that’s a mix of Jamaican and West African words and accents that can be heard among some immigrants in London.
Deng Fei Launches Weibo Campaign to Share Images of Water PollutionWeb journalist/activist Deng Fei is already a pretty famous guy in China’s cyberspace. In part through social media, he’s orchestrated a number of online campaigns, most of them targeted at helping children (like his famous “Free Lunch” program). But while everyone is home for the holidays, Deng has sparked another social media movement by asking a very simple question:How is the river in your hometown? While you’re home for the holidays, take a photo of the river or stream in your hometown and upload it to weibo for us to see.
Deng Fei氏が水質汚染の写真を共有するWeibo上の運動を始めるウェブジャーナリスト・運動家のDeng Fei氏は、中国のサイバースペースでは既に結構な有名人だ。一部でソーシャルメディアを利用し、彼はこれまでに数々の、主に子供支援を目的とした、オンライン運動(彼の有名な「無料ランチ」プログラムなど)を指揮してきた。しかし、皆が休日で故郷に戻っている間に、Deng氏はとても簡単な質問から、もう一つのソーシャルメディア運動のきっかけを作った。あなたの故郷の川はどうですか?休日で実家にいる間、故郷の川か小川の写真を撮って、Weiboにアップロードして、皆に見せてください。
It took off thanks in part to retweets from other influential weibo users like tech angel investor Xue Manzi (you may remember him and Deng Fei from their panel at GMIC 2012), and on Friday became one of Sina’s trending topics, with thousands of net users responding to the call.As you might have guessed, results vary but many of the rivers look kind of disgusting. Here’s a collection of photos of some bad ones I came across while browsing:
テックエンジェル投資家のXue Manzi氏(読者は彼とDeng Fei氏をGMIC 2012のパネリストとして覚えているかもしれない)のような、他の有力なWeiboユーザーのリツイートの力もあり、この運動は軌道に乗った。そして金曜日にはSinaのトレンディングトピックの一つになり、何千ものネットユーザーが呼びかけに応えていた。お察しのとおり、結果はまちまちだが、多くの川は気持ち悪いくらい汚れて見える。私がブラウシング中に見かけたうち、ひどいものの一部の写真をここに示す。
What’s interesting about this is not so much that some Chinese rivers are full of trash — this should not come as a great shock to anyone — but that it is a clever way of making a local issue into a national one. Sina Weibo has proved to be fertile ground for this, and we have seen the same story play out with corruption over the past few years and more and more weibo users realize that corruption isn’t just a local issue after reading weibo accounts of “local” corruption all over the country. Deng Fei appears to be trying something similar here, as while one river being full of trash is a local problem, everyone’s rivers being full of trash might point to a larger problem.
この運動で興味深いのは、中国の川にはゴミだらけのものがあるということ(これは誰にとっても大きなショックではなかった)よりも、地方の問題をを全国的な問題にする巧妙な手法であるということだ。Sina Weiboはこういうことには格好の場であり、我々は過去数年の間に汚職について同様なことが起こるのを目の当たりにした。より多くのWeiboユーザーが国中の「ローカル」な汚職の話を読むにつれ、汚職は局所的な問題ではないことを理解した。Deng Fei氏は同様のことをやろうとしているように見える、というのは、一つの川がゴミだらけなのは、その地域の問題だが、皆の川がゴミだらけだということは、より大きな問題を暗示しているかもしれないからだ。
(Of course, not everyone’s rivers are full of trash, and Deng’s campaign has taken off in part because some people just want to show off the nice rivers in their hometowns.)Whether or not anything comes of Deng’s river campaign, this kind of movement will be quite a bit more difficult to engineer if Chinese users continue to move to WeChat, making that their primary social network of choice. WeChat, of course, is all about local, which is great for a chat app, but I wonder if some of the social issues weibo has helped to publicize will disappear from the public consciousness again if everyone moves to WeChat to get their social fix.
It is true that Bose products are popular but I can barely make any profit at that price.I will look into other products.As for F, I will stay away from it for a while.I will reconsider when the market price settles down a little.I am surprised that you provide a price very fast after I request price of a product.Can I request any brand?Or do you have specific categories that you are more familiar with?
I am sending you the document with the required items filled in.Please check.Please contact me if there is any problem with the content.
先日”MCINTOSH C32”プリアンプが届きましたが、箱をあけてびっくりしました。電源コードが切れていました。そのような説明は記載してませんでしたので大変驚いてます。断線の修理をしようとおもいます。修理代を返金いただくことは可能でしょうか?希望は100ドルです。ご連絡お待ちしてます。
I received "MCINTOSH C32" preamp few days ago but I was surprised when I opened the box to find the severed power cord. I am very surprised because no such explanation was given. I need to fix the power code. Can you give me a partial refund to cover the repair cost? My request is $100. I look forward to your reply.
私が落札をして支払いをした瞬間、あなたの出品ページが消されました。ebay規約に反しているとのことで。DEWALT DC970K-2 18Vを3つ注文しましたがちゃんと送ってくれますか?あなたを信用していますが「NEW」で間違いないですね?発送したならトラッキングナンバーを教えてください。もし、2日以内に返信がなかったらキャンセルします。早めに回答してください。
Your product page disappeared just when I won the auction and made the payment.Due to being in violation of the ebay rules.I ordered 3 of DEWALT DC970K-2 18V but you will be sending them, correct?I trust you that the items are "new", are they?If you have already shipped the items, please provide the tracking number.If I don't hear from you in two days, I will cancel the order.Please respond as soon as possible.
Smart energy firm gridComm closes S$689K funding from Get2Volume for more robust power linesGet2Volume and Singapore’s National Research Foundation have funded smart grid startup gridComm for next-generation product development.Green energy is a hot topic today, with greenhouse gases on the rise and global warming a threat to the environment. Singapore startup gridComm is addressing the need for more efficient power transmission through improving the reliability of data communications across the power grid.
スマートエネルギー会社gridCommがより堅牢な送電線のためGet2VolumeよりS$689,000の資金調達を完了Get2VolumeとシンガポールのNational Research FoundationはスマートグリッドのスタートアップであるgridCommによる次世代製品開発のため資金を提供した。温室ガスの増加や地球温暖化による、環境に対する脅威により、グリーンエネルギーは今日ホットな話題である。シンガポールのスタートアップであるgridCommは、電力グリッド内のデータ通信の信頼性を向上することにより、より効率の高い送電に対する需要に応えている。
gridComm and Get2Volume have announced a funding of S$689,000 (US$557,000), in order to better address the need for more efficient smart grid communications. “We are excited to incubate and fund gridComm to address industry in power line communications solutions,” said Get2Volume CEO Mike Holt.
gridCommとGet2Volumeは、より高効率なスマートグリッド通信へのニーズにより的確に応えるため、S$689,000 (US$557,000) の資金供与を発表した。「我々はgridCommが業界の送電網通信ソリューションに取り組むため、同社を育て、資金提供することに興奮しています」とGet2VolumeのCEO Mike Holt氏は述べた。
Hello,I dont sell dead space 1,2. I just sell version 3 now. I can provide 10 pieces now also. But at first, i wanna ask you about the payment. Can u make payment by another paygate others, such as Liberty Reserve, Webmoney,... not use paypal because of the fees, and i didnt use my paypal also. Reply to me soon so that we can do business soon. Thank you. Hope we deal more and more.Best regard.Sent from my iPhone
こんにちは。Dead Space 1,2は販売していません。現在は3だけ販売しています。また10個送ることができます。しかし、その前にお支払いについてお願いしたいことがあります。お支払いをLiberty ReserveやWebmoneyなどの別の方法でしてもらえないでしょうか?Paypalは手数料が高いのと私もPaypalを使わないので。近いうちにお取引できるよう早めにお返事ください。ありがとう。もっともっとお取引したいと願っています。よろしくお願いします。iPhoneから送信
We received your order for 5 of the product, but we only have two in stock because we had another order. We are sorry but if you are fine with receiving 2 items, we can send them immediately. In that case, could you please cancel the current order first? We apologize for the inconvenience, but please let us know how you would like to proceed.
We wish to keep expanding the Japanese market for this product without damaging its value.If the sales are good, we plan to purchase more than 30 pieces every month.If we succeed in expanding the market, we expect to be able to sell more than 100 pieces a month on a regular basis.I have several things that I want to verify.Are the products A and B the same?The trivet part seems to be different. Was there a change?Are you only selling A at the moment?I would greatly appreciate your reply on these questions as well.
We would also appreciate it if you can help.If you ever wholesale to other Japanese clients, would it be possible to restrict them from selling the product at Amazon?The reason is that if many people start selling at Amazon, there will be a price war and it will become difficult to sell the products.We are afraid that the product will lose its value due to price decrease even though the product is very good.In Japan, there is a tendency for even good products to go downhill early because of too many sellers competing to lower the price resulting in lower value.