M-02は男性向けとしてblue/black女性向けとしてred/orangeを各1個下さいその色に合わせたearplugsを4個お願いしますシリコンコードは4本 専用ケースは全ての種類と色を一個づつ同送して下さい貴社の商品はおそらく非常にスグレていると思いますとても重要な点ですが、日本で御客様が商品を選ぶ基準は使い勝手です商品と同時にケーブルとケースの形状そして色を総合的に検討します良い商品を販売したいです製品に合わせたクリップ付きのコードを探してもらうことは出来ませんか
I wolud like to have M-02 for one each of blue/black for men, and red/orange for women.4 color-coordinated earplugs for those colors, 4 silicon cables, and all colors and designs of dedicated case are also required. I suppose your products may extremely excellent. Please note that most of Japanese customers regard the quality as important.They consider the design and color of the cabe and case, as well as main product.I would like to sell exellent products.Would it be possible for you to find cables with clips that would be well coordinated with the product for me?
We will inform you about the amendment of Banking Law, which took place in June, 2015.Is there new information that Jim obtained about this issue?The goverment agency responsible for the financial system, including the banking law, in Japanese goverment is the Financial Services Agency. Mr. Yamada, executive of the Financial Services Agency is my old friend from school days and weaverandcowherd@ezweb.ne.jp have exchanged various opinions. The other day, when weaverandcowherd@ezweb.ne.jp met for dinner, the revision of the banking law came up to the topic and I heard about the purpose of the amendment.
4. In this case I misunderstood, I mistook and I wouldn't deny it. It is a fact that I made Amazon representatives confused. I am very sorry. Here I swear I will double-check not to cause matter like this.