Based out of Paris, with three employes working behind the scenes, Mapstr is close to finalizing a pre-seed round with 10 angel investors on board. Having investors in the mix, however, will obviously expedite the need to start monetizing — so how can an app such as this make cash without ruining the experience with ads or “promoted” places?The most obvious route would be to go freemium — charge for add-on “premium” features. And we’re told that this is the most likely option for the startup when it decides to start making money. A version for Android and the Web is also currently in the works, and should launch later this year.
Mapstr isn’t the first company to create such an app — Pin Drop launched in the U.S. App Store last year, and it was a very similar proposition. But that was shuttered due to lack of funding, and had a U.K.-based team hired by the mighty Apple. Then there’s Citymaps, which offers similar functionality, but has a slew of extra features that make it more of a social network.By focusing purely on bookmarking, Mapstr could find some fans.
このようなアプリを作ったのはMapstrが初めてではない。去年U.S. Apple Storeでサービスの提供が始まったPin Dropは非常によく似たアイデアのものだった。しかしそれは提供資金の不足により失敗に終わってしまい、そのイギリスチームは強力なAppleに引き抜かれてしまった。そして同じような機能を持ったCitymapsがあるがそれにはそれをソーシャルネットワークにしてしまう余計な機能がいくつか見られる。純粋にブックマークについて特化することによってMapstrはファンを獲得してきたのである。
It begs the question: Why haven’t brands caught on?Last year, 2.1 billion mobile users downloaded over 350 billion apps and spent around 76 percent more time on their device than the year previous. And yet, in Mary Meeker’s yearly trend report, the industry is still under-spending on mobile ads by around $25 billion.Still, within that opportunity gap there are brands taking advantage, and they’re finding ways to win. So we created an extensive research report outlining exactly how.
一つの疑問がある、なぜ企業は理解しないのか?昨年21億人ものモバイルユーザが3500億件ものアプリケーションをダウンロードし、その前年に比べて彼らのデバイスを使用する時間を76%も増加させている。しかしながらMary Meeker氏の動向レポートによれば企業は未だにモバイルの広告に対しておよそ250億米ドルもの過小出資をしている。しかしその隙間を利用することによって優位性を手に入れようとする企業もあり、そして彼らはその手段を見つけている。それで我々は正確にその方法を概説する広域的なリサーチレポートを作成した。
We’ve been talking about these concepts since this 1971 cover of Time Magazine asked the question: Will “the new genetics” turn man into superman? The answer, dare I say, is fast-approaching.Prakash Menon is CEO of BaseHealth, a platform enabler that adds genomic precision to modern health and wellbeing offerings.
我々は1971年にTime Magazineが表紙で"新時代の遺伝学"は人を超人に変えるか?と問いて以来、それについて議論し続けた。そして(私が思うに)その答えは急速に近づきつつある。Prakash Menon氏はゲノムの解析結果を現代の健康と提供品に加えるためのプラットフォームであるBaseHealthのCEOである。
Coming soon: An API for the human genomeGholson Lyon, a geneticist at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory recently pointed out in an article about Apple’s DNA-related ambitions that we don’t yet have a “killer app to interact with [our DNA] quickly and easily.What’s missing is technology that democratizes access to the genome and makes it programmable. Lyon agrees; there is still a technological hurdle in that “common systems for interpreting [the genome] are lacking.”The first wave of genomics can be characterized by the “sequencing era.” In 1990 the Human Genome Project debuted, captivating the country and the world.
近日公開:ヒトゲノムの塩基配列取得APICold Spring Habor研究所のGholson Lyon氏は先日AppleのDNA関連の抱負に関する記事で、我々は「迅速かつ容易に利用可能かつ画期的な[我々のDNA]アプリケーションを未だ持たない事を指摘した。望まれているのはゲノムへのアクセスを一般化し、それをプログラム可能にする技術である。「ゲノムを読み解くための一般的なシステム」には未だ技術的問題が残っている事についてはライアン氏も同意を示した。ゲノム技術の最初の波は「配列時代」として特徴づけるまでになり、ヒトゲノム解析計画は1990年のデビュー以来国と世界を虜にし続けている。
Every technological marvel and every transformational advance has a dystopian counterpoint, whether real or imagined. Certainly, when it comes to genomic data availability and portability, we will need to be more thoughtful and careful than ever about privacy, security, and the ethical implications of our actions. But the societal benefits are, in my opinion, large enough to motivate us to solve these issues.For example, we are today literally programming genomic structures. It has quickly becoming possible to “edit” various genomes (human and otherwise).
* Or, what about an organ and/or bone marrow donor matching application that uses the genome to make the process of matching more streamlined and efficient?* Would you use a recipe application that uses your genomically-available food response to adjust ingredients? How about an athletic training application that uses genetic information to adjust routines, rest periods, supplements, and diet?* I can even imagine a world in which online role playing/MMO games use a genomic API to build worlds around each player that reference his or her molecular reality — how surreal would that be?
The third wave is playing out in front of us, and the fourth wave is coming, but it’s not widely distributed yet. We’re just starting to see the very first “APIs for the genome.” At meetups around the country, developers are rushing to familiarize themselves with molecular biology’s essential concepts. The building blocks are increasingly there, but the finished products are not.I will nonetheless suggest that a disproportionate number of the next batch of billion-dollar businesses will be built on and around the human genome, only some of which will be “healthcare” companies.
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