Just to be safe, I would like to make sure if our recognition agree well with yours.And may I ask the conditions on this investment requires our partnership in Japan?I was wondering if you could tell me about that.And we have already told Mike as follows:・We really have an interest in the A company and we would like to consider the investment in them.・We would be pleased to make a deal for mid-long term rather than for short term.・If you have the opportunity to expand your business into Japanese market, we will help you with many things.I look forward to hearing from you soon.
連絡が遅くなりました商品は18日に受け取っています品質も問題なかったです申し訳ないですが30着の注文は他社に出しましたあなたの対応は大変早く満足できますがやはり何度も納期が遅くなったり品質に多くの問題があったのでまだ安心できません焦らなくても信頼ができた時点で大きな注文をします。しばらくは今まで通り少量の注文を繰り返しますレプソルスーツについて 右膝から下のカラーを添付ファイルのように黒に出来ますか?肘パットをメタルパットに変更できますか?
I apologize for the delay in replying to you.I have already received the product on 18th and the quality looks okay.We are really satisfied with your quick responses, but there are still some concerns on your delivery lag and quality control, and we are really sorry but we have ordered 30 clothes to other company this time.For the time being, we would like to continue a small amount of order as usual, and when we can build a trustworthy relationship between us, we hope to place a much more order to you.We are appreciated if you can answer the following questions:1. Repsol suitMay we have the change of the color under the right knee to the color like as attachment?2. Elbow padsMay we have the change of the elbow pads into the metal putt?Thank you so much.
I tried to transport the Guitar I bought from you to Japan via a forwarding company, but they haven't yet transfer it to me. So I was wondering if you could directly transport the product to my address in Japan and I will pay 110 US dollars for shipping cost.I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you so much.