lulu (yamayayo) 翻訳実績

10年弱前 女性 40代
日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語 中国語(簡体字)
yamayayo 英語 → 日本語

“I believe that a smaller, more focused team today will set us up for growth and expansion tomorrow,” O’Neill wrote. “Here are two things that you can expect from us over the next several months: we will launch major foundational product improvements around the core features that you care about most, and we will pull back on initiatives that fail to support our mission.”

A company spokesperson tells VentureBeat that offices affected are in Taiwan, Singapore, and Moscow. The layoffs are from across the entire company. Initiatives that are on the chopping block are those deemed “non-priority,” such as Evernote Food, which will shutter tomorrow.



企業のスポークスマンがVentureBeatに語ったところによると、影響を受けたオフィスは台湾、シンガポール、そしてモスクワとのことである。解雇は企業全体にわたって行われている。まな板の上の鯉となっている取組みは、明日閉鎖されるEvernote Foodのような「非優先的」と見なされている取り組みである。

yamayayo 英語 → 日本語

Among its many findings, there were some particularly troubling, “code red” results that revealed CEOs seem to have a rosier view of a company’s analytics efforts than directors, managers, analysts, and data scientists. For example, EIU found that CEOs are more likely to think that employees extract relevant insights from the company’s data – 38 percent of them hold this belief, as compared to 24 percent of all respondents and only 19 percent of senior vice presidents, vice presidents, and directors. Similarly, 43 percent of CEOs think relevant data are captured and made available in real time, compared to 29 percent of all respondents.

