Chinese Web Gaming Companies See High-Level Execs QuittingIf the excitement about Diablo 3 is any indication, games in China aren’t any less popular than they were a year ago, but something does seem to be afoot in the online gaming industry, which has seen a number of high-level execs leave their positions in the past quarter.
中国のゲーミング企業の上層役員の辞任劇Diablo 3に関しての盛り上がり度からすると、中国のゲームは1年前と比較してもまだまだその人気は冷めやらずだが、オンラインゲーミング産業界では何らかの動きがあるようで、前四半期に何名かの上層部役員が退任していっている。
The Douche BagRunning an event is fun, especially when you’re selecting folks for a competition. At our upcoming Startup Asia event, one of the key highlights is Startup Arena, the startup pitching competition. That competition, thankfully, got quite a bit of traction. We have a couple of hundred applications so far. Some even contacted me on my mobile to apply. It is great fun to meet, Skype, and learn from fellow entrepreneurs. I must say I have learned a great deal just by going through the selection process.
But as you know, while some are selected, we can’t accept everybody. In fact, more than 90 percent of the applicants don’t get selected. While it is tough to select the right startups, it is far tougher to reject, especially if you know the person as a friend.
Unfortunetely I’ve had to reject a lot of startups over the past couple of weeks. Some asked for my reasons and I did my fair part to explain to them why. Some entrepreneurs have thanked me for my honest feedback, while others were less receptive, some even calling me a douche bag or an asshole (the exact words used). I don’t think I’m being one. And throughout all communication touch points I was being fair, not tough. I was also pretty sure that my tone and comments were fair and objective in this highly-competitive situation.
That is also, in my opinion, what we need in our growing Asia community — Someone that is direct and not afraid to speak the truth. The Asian culture doesn’t support that. I’m a firm believer in honest feedback. Simply because that’s the only way to understand how the users feel about the product. If you want nice words, talk to your mom, pop, girl/boyfriend. They will shower you with love.
But if you want honest feedback then find meaner people who actually care about your startups. I care and that is why I replied to people who asked for my feedback. Though I have to apologize to the hundreds of other startups who I couldn’t include but simply didn’t have time to contact one at a time.Of course, I’m just one person, so take it with a pinch of salt. In fact, every bit of feedback given by anyone has to be taken with a pinch of salt. At the end of the day, you are the entrepreneur. You know your product best. Take the feedback as it is or leave it as it is… And then get back to work.
MiniGames: A Review of Sina Weibo’s Little Amusement ParkIn a bid to monetize its user-friendly but financially dragging giant, Sina recently imbued its Weibo microblogging platform with its own currency — the weibi — and games. But are these games actually any good? I dove into a few of them to find out. This is the fifth in a series of reviews of Sina Weibo games.amusementLittle Amusement Park is the worst amusement park simulator ever.Perhaps I should explain. Basically, this game follows the same basic path of games like WeiCity and Ha Ha Market, where you create a small community and then try to make money off it while insufferably upbeat music loops in the background.
MiniGames:Sina Weibo、Little Amusement Parkのレビューユーザーにとって使いやすいが財務面において無理のある大手のSinaは、課金制度を開始するべく、先頃、当企業のWeiboマイクロブログプラットフォーム上でweibiと呼ばれる独自の通貨とゲームを導入した。しかしこれらのゲームは本当に楽しめるものなのだろうか?私はそれを探るべく、これらゲームのいくつかに飛び込んでみた。これはSina Weiboゲームのレビューシリーズ第5弾となる。Little Amusement Parkは、史上最低の遊園地シミュレーターであるまずは説明した方がいいだろう。基本的に、このゲームはWeiCityやHa Ha Marketと同様、小さなコミュニティを作り上げ稼いでいくものだが、耐え切れないほどアップビートな音楽がBGMとして繰り返し再生される中でそれらを行っていく。
Little Amusement Park wants to be the Roller Coaster Tycoon to WeiCity‘s SimCity, and it fails just as badly as WeiCity does, but in a different way. Where WeiCity just begs you for money like a spoiled child or a gambling addict who is in debt to the mob, Little Amusement Park opts to waste your time in an even less productive way: by freezing.
Little Amusement ParkはRoller Coaster TycoonやWeiCityのSimCityを目指しているが、WeiCityが失敗したように、異なる次元ではあるが同じく失敗している。WeiCityはわがままな子供やギャング団に対しての借りがあるギャンブル中毒者がするように金の無心をするだけなのだが、Little Amusement Parkではさらに生産性のない方法でユーザーに時間の無駄と思わせるのだ。フリーズを発生させることによって、である。
I’d like to describe how the game works, but I literally couldn’t even get through the tutorial. A significant percentage of my play time was spent staring at the screen above while the idiotic background music mocked me with its cutesy toots and bells. When that happened, I’d reload the game, getting a little further through the tutorial each time before accepting a “mission” gave me that screen, or some similar freeze, and I had to reload the page. Again.
Now, to be fair to the folks who made this game, sort of, I am using Google Chrome on a Mac to play. The game probably works OK if you’re using IE6 in Windows XP (a pretty popular combination in China). That said, every other game I’ve tested has worked fine on this exact same hardware and software. If they didn’t bother to test for it — or if I’m wrong and the game is buggy regardless of what browser you’re on — there’s really no excuse for that. Having now looked at a bunch of these games, I also can’t help but think many of these developers have missed out on something very important for any successful new game: the hook.
このゲームを作った開発者のために、一応公平であるべく言っておくが、私はGoogle ChromeをMac上で使用してプレイしている。(中国で比較的人気のある組み合わせの)Windows XP上でIE6を使用しこのゲームをプレイすればきっと大丈夫なのであろう。それでも、その他のゲームを全く同じハードウェアとソフトウェアで試した時には全く問題は無かったのだ。テストするのを省略したのであれば、もしくは私が間違っていてどのブラウザーであれこのゲームはバグだらけのものであったとすれば、言い訳など通用しないだろう。これらいくつかのゲームを見てみたが、私はこれらのゲームの開発者が成功するゲームにおける非常に重要なポイントを忘れていることを感じずにはいられない。引き付けるものがないのだ。
You’ve got to have something that gets the player’s attention when they first start and makes them want to keep playing. Bigger games (like console and PC games) often do this through introducing the story, smaller games (like browser and mobile games) often do this by introducing a simple core gameplay element. The absolute best games do both at once. What good games almost never do — and this is something that nearly all of these Weibo games do — is immediately dump you into the middle of a dry tutorial. Some games need a tutorial, sure, but give first-time players a taste of what they’re working towards first, or there’s no reason for them to bother with it.
プレイヤーがゲームを始めた時、プレイヤーの興味を引き付けプレイし続けたいと思わせる何かがないといけない。成功したゲーム(コンソールやPCゲームの類)はしばしば、ストーリー紹介の部分でプレイヤーを引き付け、小規模なゲーム(ブラウザーやモバイルゲームの類)はしばしばシンプルな主要となるゲームプレイ要素を紹介することでプレイヤーを引き付けている。無条件で最高と言えるゲームではこれら両方の手法を同時に用いることでプレイヤーを引き付けている。良いゲームがほぼ確実にとらない方法は - そしてこれはWeiboゲームのほとんどに見られることなのだが - プレイヤーを簡素なチュートリアルに突如投げ捨てることだ。もちろんいくつかのゲームではチュートリアルは必要である。が、まずは初めてプレイするプレイヤーにこれから何が待ち受けるのかを見せてからという策をとらなければ、プレイヤーはそのゲームには関心すら寄せなくなるというものだ。
In the case of Little Amusement Park, it was moderately fun to play during the moments when it wasn’t frozen. It felt an awful lot like WeiCity, but it didn’t beg me for money, so it might have been kind of fun once I escaped the tutorial. But of course, I never did.Mostly though, it made me want to play Roller Coaster Tycoon again. I’m guessing that’s not what the devs were going for when the first set out to make this thing.
Little Amusement Parkの場合は、フリーズ状態でない時のゲームプレイは適度に楽しめるものであった。WeiCityのように最低な代物と思えたが、金の無心が無かったため、チュートリアルを抜け出してからは楽しいものであったと言えたかもしれない。が、もちろん、そうは言えなかった。しかし一番言いたい事と言えば、このゲームをプレイしたことで、もう一度Roller Coaster Tycoonをプレイしたい気分にさせられた。開発者たちは、このゲームを作り出した当初、このようなゲームを作り上げるつもりはなかったに違いないと、私はそう推測する。
8 Securities Nails $8 Million in Funding, Ready to Launch to Public SoonHong Kong-based startup 8 Securities has recently closed a round of funding worth US$8 million, according to co-founder and CEO Mikaal Abdulla, in conversation with PO. The company’s service is a a socially-engaged “trading portal” that makes it easy for anyone to invest in financial markets using its app-ified dashboard – as we saw when Mikaal and his team made it through to the TC Disrupt Beijing Startup Battlefield which we live-blogged back in November.
8 Securities、800万ドルの資金調達を行い新規上場も間近香港を拠点とするスタートアップ企業の8 Securitiesは先頃、800万米ドルの投資ラウンドを完了させた、と、当企業の共同創始者兼最高経営責任者のMikaal Abdulla氏はPOとのインタビュー時に述べた。当企業のサービスは、ソーシャル的つながりを持つ「取引ポータル」で、当企業のアプリ・ダッシュボードを使用することで誰でも簡単に金融市場で投資を行うことができるというものである。これについては、以前11月、Mikaalと彼のチームがTC Disrupt 北京スタートアップバトルフィールドで勝ち抜いた時に、我々はライブ・ブログで取り上げている。
Since then, 8 Securities has been in private beta. But now it’s ready for primetime having gotten its license from regulatory authorities in Hong Kong, and will launch publicly just after Chinese New Year.The $8 million in funding, says Mikaal, is primarily from Hong Kong-based Full Global Investments, and the Dutch Velocity Capital. That fits in with the American entrepreneurs’ “real aversion to traditional VC funds who are far too conservative in Asia” and which tend to shy away from backing true innovation. It’s a subject he seems to feel passionate about and has even blogged about very openly.
その後、8 Securitiesはプライベート・ベータ版として運営されていた。しかし現在、当企業はプライムタイムに向けて準備万端であり、香港の規制当局からのライセンスを獲得し、中国旧正月後にも上場する予定だ。Mikaal氏は、800万ドルの資金調達は主に香港を拠点とするFull Global InvestmentsとDutch Velocity Capitalからのものであると述べた。これはアメリカの実業家達の「古典的すぎるアジアにおける典型的なベンチャーキャピタルファンドへの忌避」に適合するもので、本来の意味での革新の後押しを回避するものとなるだろう。これは彼が情熱を持っている題目と見られ、ブログ上でも公然と取り上げている。
Funding-Powered FutureHaving closed that substantial round of investment, Mikaal says that 8 Securities has big plans ahead: "We aim to completely disrupt this very traditional [stock trading] industry that has been dominated by institutions. Giving individuals insight into the larger community’s most active trades, trending topics, and sentiment in real-time has never been done.
資金調達を受けた有力な未来大規模な投資ラウンドを完了させた今、Mikaal氏は、8 Securitiesでは大きな計画を控えていると述べる。「我々は、機関によって侵略されてきた非常に古典的な"株式取引"産業を完全に崩壊させることを目的としている。より大規模なコミュニティの最もアクティブな取引の内情、流行の話題、そしてリアルタイムに所感を人々に提供していくということは、これまでに成されていない。」
Our technology was built from the ground up to be multi-lingual, multi-market, and multi-currency. So after we launch in Hong Kong (we launched one of Hong Kong’s first online investing services over 10 years ago) we will expand further. My co-founder and I were privileged to manage 15 geographies for E*TRADE for 10 years before we launched 8 Securities so we have deep experience in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America."The choice of partners itself has significance, given the shared view of Mikaal and his team that their venture is not about a speedy exit. He explains:"As a founding team with a long-term orientation, our top priority was to partner with investors who shared our world view.
「我々のテクノロジーは、マルチ言語、マルチ市場、マルチ通貨を利用して徹底的に作り上げられた。香港でのサービス開始後(香港で最初となったオンライン投資サービスの1つを10年以上も前に開始している)、さらなる事業拡大を行う。私の共同創始者と私は、8 Securitiesを立ち上げる前にE*TRADEを15もの地域にて10年に渡り運営することができ大変恵まれた状況に立つことができ、このため、アジア、中東、ヨーロッパ、そして北アメリカにおいて多いに経験があると言えよう。」Mikaal氏と彼のチームが共に述べる、彼らの事業は早期終了を意味するものではないという見解をもってすると、パートナーの選択自体に重要性があると言える。彼は以下のように述べた。「長期的な方向付けを持つ立ち上げチームとして、我々の最重要点は、同様の見解をシェアし得る投資家たちとのパートナーシップを築き上げることであった。」
After meeting a number of traditional venture capital funds, it was evident that the exit was paramount for them. For us, we were more focused on the journey. While VCs centered the discussion around metrics and a spreadsheet, Full Global and Velocity put strategy and the team at the forefront. All of our investors are entrepreneurs and have run businesses. As such, they have an inherent empathy and understanding of the opportunities and challenges that we face. While we were fortunate enough to have a number of options, we put our faith in people and not simply dollars […] Our investors never asked us to play it safe."
「何名かの典型的なベンチャーキャピタルファンド企業と出会った後、退出は卓越したものとなった。我々にとっては、我々は旅路により重点を置いていた。一方ベンチャーキャピタリストたちは論点の焦点を尺度や数値計算表に置き、Full GlobalとVelocityは戦略とチームを最全部に置いた。我々の全ての投資家たちは実業家で事業を運営してきた。よって、彼らは、我々が対面している機会や挑戦に対する彼ら固有の感情移入と理解を有している。幸運にも我々にはいくつかのオプションがあるが、我々は単に金額だけではなく人々に我々の信念を託したい。[…] 我々の投資家たちは、一度たりとも我々に、安全策を取れなどど言った試しはない。」
nd so the service, which tags itself as “the world’s smartest online brokerage” will launch to the public in early February, right after the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday. Initially it’ll support US and Hong Kong markets, and RMB, HKD, and USD all within one account. Further markets will be added in due course. And not forgetting a pair of mobile apps for iOS and Android.This two-minute introductory video shows the good-looking, modular trading dashboard where its users do their stuff:
Other highlights in the report: For client games: 1.Technology upgrading, more open to outside world, more game genres emerging; 2.Bandwidth updating bodes well for the sector.For page games: 1.Technology upgrading, different types of games integrating with each other; 2.More game genres emerging upon the market; 3.More Chinese gaming vendors step their toes into overseas market.
The group-buying or tuango model has been the most hyped and recently successful example of how O2O can work. However, many of yesterday’s speakers slammed the group-buying model because many players enter the market due to low barriers to entry, compete heavily on price and sell to un-loyal price sensitive customers that will switch from merchant to merchant, looking for the best deal, ultimately hurting the merchants. Now that many group-buying sites are quickly dying from simply a marketing channel disguised as something else, the next trend of O2O with a focus on service and value will emerge.