yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

アマゾンで"Shiseido Pure White W For Shiny Skin 270 Tablets 3 Set"を検索してみてください。







We are sorry to have caused confusion. What we are selling is just 1 bottle.
Please search on Amazon with "Shiseido Pure White W For Shiny Skin 270 Tablets 3 Set".
This page shows the set that comes with 3 bottles. The lowest price for this is $134.00.

It was written in your email that the answer from us to your question if the listing was for a set of 3 was "YES".
However, this is the first time we have received your email, so we have never given you such a reply. Didn't you have mistaken us for someone else?

If you are not satisfied with our product, you may select one of these 2 options:

1. If you are going to accept the product as it is, we will give you a refund of $15.00.

2. Please return the product to us in Japan within 7 days by mail with a tracking number.
Once the product has been received on our end, we will give you a refund of $62.10 being the price of the product.

Kindly select one of the above options.

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Thank you for the quick response and answering my concerns. If I were to select the option of having a replacement sent how long would the estimated shiping time be? The shipping information would be to the same address as the original purchase. Thank you and hope your week has started of well.

We have an exclusive agreement to sell Miracle Blanket with Hippo Tails on Amazon.com. We are not currently adding any additional Amazon or Ebay resellers, as stated in the resale agreement signed upon the first order for all wholesale customers. Please kindly remove all of your Miracle Blanket listings immediately, and we will be glad to buy back any unsold inventory, if that is why you purchased them.



私共はAmazon.comでHippo Tailsのミラクルブランケットを独占販売する権利があります。卸売契約をさせて頂いている顧客の皆様と初回発注の際に締結している転売契約書に記載のとおり、現在私共ではこれ以上AmazonもしくはeBayで転売セラーを増やす予定はございません。あなたが出品中のHippo Tailsのミラクルブランケット全てを早急に削除してください。あなたのもともとの購入理由が私共による在庫の買い戻しと言うことでしたら、販売未済となっている在庫については私共が喜んで買い戻させて頂きます。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Feel free to ship this order of 12 but you can not charge me more than I already paid?.. do you not read english - since you are listing on the USA site? ... 1 of a 1L 12Pack ... if you want to sell ONE jar - then do so on the ASIN for 1 jar .. this is NOT that ASIN and you are not doing amazon any service by now claiming this is 1 jar... the USA seller sells 1 pack of 12 .. you undercut his price and now want to sell me 1 pack of 1 .. or you want ME to cancel the order? .. No - either ship it as per your listing - or cancel my order yourself... I want what I ordered.. 12 complete jars shipped express to me from Japan for the price you have shown



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

As I have also checked that the order is still in a 'unshipped', you will can cancel the order from your own end, however it will have an impact on your performance ratings.

As the listing is for 12 quantities as described in the website, you can fulfill the order with 12 quantities, by following this option you will be able to have avoid any negative feedback or a-z claim.

Further, I would recommend you to change your listing and provide the correct information of the quantities on the item page, so as to avoid such scenario in future.

We hope you are able to resolve this matter in a way that serves your long-term best interests.






yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Their is a thin hairline crack from almost the tip of the razor all the way down. I have since went back to to the original photos and the original add and there is no mention of the crack, nor is a crack clearly identified in the photo. I'm a little disappointed in that I have bought several razors in the past and not had the experience before. I paid to ship back the first razor which is on the way, but I think in this case you should send a replacement razor and cover the cost of the return if you want this one back. The other alternative is to refund me the cost of both razors and enclose an additional $48 US to ship the second cracked razor back.

