もんじゃ焼き 浅草一番(餅、チーズ、明太子)関東発祥もんじゃ焼きのトロトロとパリッ!を堪能すべし!作る楽しみとハガシについたおこげの美味しさ。土手を作って真ん中のふつふつとなっている生地…自分の手で美味しさを創り出す楽しみも。お好み焼きとは全く違った味わいを楽しめます。食べたことがない人は『もんじゃ』という美味しさを発見してくださいね!お好み焼きとは全くの別物なので、ここは一度お好み焼きのことを忘れて(?!)香ばしい香りと一緒にトロパリの食感の楽しみを。おすすめです!
文字烧 浅草第一(年糕,芝士,明太子)赶快来品尝发祥于关东的文字烧,软软糯糯,香脆可口!能一边享受自己做的快感,还有沾到锅铲上的锅巴超级美味。做一个堤坝让中间的材料咕嘟咕嘟的慢烤……还有一种亲自制造出美味的快乐。能享受到和大阪烧完全不一样的味道。没有吃过的人请一定来发掘“文字烧”的美味哦!因为和大阪烧完全不一样,所以在这里就暂且先忘记大阪烧(?!)和香气四溢一起感受软糯香脆的口感吧。非常推荐哦!
The post office told me Customs is holding the package and that I need to wait until they send me a letter which could be up to 45 days telling me why they're holding it. I am not happy about this I'm not going to wait 45 days and then who knows how much longer do what I gotta do to prove or what you're going to have to do to prove because all I got is an order through a website so if I don't hear from them in a couple days I just want my money back. Thank you and get back to me as soon as possible on what we're going to do about this I am not happy. Karl
Everything here is very safe, convenient, clean and simple. I do not a car to move from one place to another, instead I just can ride a train which comes every 3 minutes. I do not have to worry about my safety eventhough I have to work overtime and go home late at night. I believe that Japan is more safe compare to my own country. The most important part is I love the toilet here, very clean and I even can decorate it with a beautiful rug.I can walk to work. I am generally allowed to be myself.lifestyle of doing work and punctual in time great food and relaxed life in kansai
I have health problems that affect my ability to drive, so being able to take public transport everywhere is a big advantage to living in the greater Tokyo area. I also enjoy the fact that many musical artists and other events come to Tokyo.japanese is niceRecently, not much. Maybe health infrastructure is good. Trains run on time. That's about it. There are many activities to do in leisure time such as; eating out, going to the movies and shopping. Also there are seasonally activities such as climbing Takao-san, barbeques and the beach isn't too far from Tokyo for a day trip. Very simple family life. Travel a little bit overseas every year for holidayPeople in the local neighbourhood are friendly
A lot of places to go out.FashionableSafety, kindness of people, convenience of life , smooth and safe transportation There is always so much to do and see with my international and Japanese friends. convenience, safe and comfortable, cheap, good lifestyleTransportationClean, healthy I feel safe as a single woman living in Japan.In Tokyo there are many good museums which are reasonably priced. Historical spots like temples are also everywhere in Japan. Public transport is very efficient so I can travel around Japan easily. I particularly like using the Seika train pass for convenience. Nothing İ hate japanCultural change from home. Always wanted to come. Lots of things to learn and explore.
Q35------Free wireless internet everywhere. Marijuana legalization (I don't smoke marijuana, but it is stupid for it to not be legal). GAY MARRIAGE being OK by national law. Prime Minister Abe is a douche. History rewritten in primary school textbooks. Xenophpobic toward other Asian nations and their people. Misogyny is rampant in Japan. Feminism in 100 years behind in Japan compared to the USA. Women are just treated terribly compared to the US and Western Europe.Online banking, less paperwork.Multilingual services
I think it would be better if there are people or staffs who can speak and understand english language, or rather let the japanese people study english so everybody can understand each other. People who can speak englishEnglish-language options/forms/guidelines for **government-related items**, ESPECIALLY taxes!Japan is the best in terms of crime regulation , accident prevention , disaster prevention , cleanliness etc ... But for a foreign resident language is the most important thing ,he needs to know for living here . If there are multilingual sign boards , multilingual pamphlet etc , it would be the best country ...
Trains always come in time, or at least it says that it will be late. There is air con inside trains.Very convenientI like living in the comforts and convenience of the city, knowing that anytime I am just a train ride away from the countryside or seaside. Very convenient to travel within Japan with so many options for hotels, transportation and activities regardless of season.Safenothing specialIt's safe Safe, clean, people are well mannered, food is excellent, traveling to country side of Japan is quite fun and cheap.practice; easy; comfortablei like become a busy and i am always in rush
English assistance from companies such as Softbank or Docomo when trying to buy a phone needs to be easier to get. I find it hard to understand complicated contracts in Japanese...Police StationWe cannot get mobile phone without foreigner registration, then the phone is expensive (150 yen per min) even we get one, very inconvenient for most foreigners. Tax paper or health insurance should be written in English. I usually don't want to pay something I don't understand !nonnot relevantEnglish menu in restaurants English directions sign boards on roads and expressway for driver's Vegetarian food detailSometimes need Legal advice on how to open your own business
Foriegn friendly environment. Disaster related information. Warning of typhoons, earthquakes, floods, etc... warning would be helpful in English.Clean and neatWhen trains stops for any reason, sometimes I need to know what happen in EnglishDisaster procedures and English announcmentsBenefitsNothingDrivers licenseWhy redundant processes are necessary1問とばし(It is unfair to treat …)Noneearthquake preparation trainingDriving license in Japan.EverthingFilling out pointless questionnaires for unthinking corporations BankingnilDiversity of areas i.e. where expats live. Where to avoid the black vans that say bad things about foreign people. Train About foreigners None that I can think of at this moment.I don't know
I just recieved my lens and it seems there is some problem with the aperture. :( It´s stuck onto f1,2 and nothing happens if I turn the aperture wheel. Was it still working when you sent it?I really hope to get this fixedI received a camera. But I have any questions:1. Package included no charger. I have to order it separately from other seller.2. In this camera does not work focus. I need to repair it, but in my country there is no official service Ricoh.My question is - how can I do?I need advice or suggestion.Hi there! Does the camera still record?2CR5 batteries are readily available, so why have you not tested this item?Your asking price is not one I would pay for a non-working item!
I could have kept 2000 units per color in stock and we would not feel the pressure for 45 days. Similar with the iPhones, the communication wasn’t there. And I am aware that prices are relative, but we need to chart patterns. Ipad pro 32gb 9.7, you need 230 units. We get absolutely, no terms from apple or the suppliers on this item, We have to use our cash resources, based on that, we have to analyze, if its worth putting the money. On this order for 230 units, I needed to make $600 more to make sense of the cash outlay, in a situation like that, we can work something out. As I cannot accept revenue loss for you, when the delta between where we need to be and where we are, are fractions of a %.
色毎2000ユニットをストックすることができて、それでこちらも45日間プレッシャーも感じないでしょうが、iPhoneと同じく、コミュニケーションが取れませんでした。そして、私は価格が相対的であることを承知していますが、我々はパターンをグラフ化する必要があります。iPad pro 32ギガ 9.7を230ユニットがほしいですね。私たちはもう、絶対にアップル社から製品の取引先も何も持っていません。私たちの現金を使わなければならぬ、その上、そこまでのお金を使う価値を分析せざぬを得ません。この230ユニットの注文から、私は600ドル以上を稼がないと現金支出に意味がありません。こういった状況で、私たちは何かができます。私はあなたのための収入損失を受け入れることができないように、デルタがこちらが必要の量と今現在の量の間にあるとき、デルタがAパーセントの少量である。
9/1(木)~10/4(火) SHIBUYA109内「collabo mignon」にてAAAコラボレーション展開決定!<『collabo mignon 』×『AAA』コラボレーション概要> 「collabo mignon」では、2016年9月1日(木)より「AAA」とのコラボを実施! プリントシール機に51thシングル「NEW」の世界観を反映し、メンバー達とツーショット風の撮影が可能な撮影フレームなどを搭載!
9月1日星期四——10月4日星期二 在澀谷109內的“collabo mignon”決定開展和AAA的合作!《“collabo mignon” x “AAA” 合作概要》在“collabo mignon”,從2016年9月1日開始實施和“AAA”的合作!貼紙打印機上反映了第51張單曲“NEW”的世界觀,還搭載了能和成員們合照的相框功能!
また、期間中は「AAA」の公式マスコットキャラクターである「え~パンダ」のアミューズメント専用景品が入ったクレーンゲーム機も設置します!<実施期間>2016年9月1日(木)~10月4日(火)予定 <実施内容>●メンバー達とのツーショット風撮影や、まるで「NEW」のジャケットに自身が登場しているかのように仕上がる撮影フレームなど計10種(5種×2セット)を搭載。 ●撮影・落書き中のBGMに「NEW」を搭載。
●「AAA」の世界観で装飾されたクレーンゲーム機内に「え~パンダ」のぬいぐるみとマスコットを計14種(各7種)配置。 <『collabo mignon』概要>『collabo mignon』は、様々なアーティスト・キャラクター・映画などとコラボしたプリ機で撮影することができる、コラボレーションプリントシール機専門店です。店内には常時7台のプリ機を設置。撮影フレーム、撮影中のBGMをコラボ内容に合わせ期間限定でカスタマイズいたします。
●由“AAA”的世界觀裝飾的抓娃娃機裏共配置了14種(各7種)“A熊貓”吉祥物玩偶。《“collabo mignon”概要》“collabo mignon”是壹間合作打印貼紙機的專賣店,在店裏可以拍和各種藝人,角色電影等合作的大頭貼。店內市場放置了7臺大頭貼機。期間限定中可以根據合作內容而特別定做拍攝相框,拍攝中的背景音樂。
そのほか、店内には大型のデジタルサイネージやイベント等も実施可能なステージなど、コラボを盛り上げるための設備も充実しており、お客様に店内全体のコラボをお楽しみいただける、夢のような店舗となっております。 店舗名:『collabo mignon(コラボミニョン)』場所:SHIBUYA109 7F(住所:東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-29-1 )URL:http://www.shibuya109.jp/営業時間:AM 10:00~PM 9:00
除此之外,店內還有可以舉行數字標牌和活動等等的大型舞臺,為炒熱合作氣氛的設備也很充實,是壹個能讓客人享受店內全部的合作,夢壹般的店鋪。店鋪名:“collabo mignon”地點:澀谷109 7樓 (地址:東京都澀谷區道玄阪2-29-1)網址:http://www.shibuya109.jp/營業時間:早上10:00——晚上9:00
コンセプト:“A place for everyone to be happy (みんなが喜ぶ場所)”展開内容:コラボレーションプリントシール機7台設置 (プレイ料金:400円(税込)~) 『collabo mignon(コラボミニョン)』特設サイト: http://www.puri.furyu.jp/mignon-shop/collabo-migno
理念:“A place for everyone to be happy (大家都喜歡的地方)”展現內容:設置合作打印貼紙機7臺(費用:400日元(含稅)起)“collabo mignon”特設網頁:http://www.puri.furyu.jp/mignon-shop/collabo-migno
9月1日星期四——10月4日星期二 在涩谷109内的“collabo mignon”决定开展和AAA的合作!《“collabo mignon” x “AAA” 合作概要》在“collabo mignon”,从2016年9月1日开始实施和“AAA”的合作!贴纸打印机上反映了第51张单曲“NEW”的世界观,还搭载了能和成员们合照的相框功能!
●由“AAA”的世界观装饰的抓娃娃机里共配置了14种(各7种)“A熊猫”吉祥物玩偶。《“collabo mignon”概要》“collabo mignon”是一间合作打印贴纸机的专卖店,在店里可以拍和各种艺人,角色电影等合作的大头贴。店内市场放置了7台大头贴机。期间限定中可以根据合作内容而特别定做拍摄相框,拍摄中的背景音乐。