Thank you for issuing Mark a certificate (recommendation) that has completed registration.My name is Yamada from A Incorporated who introduced a job to Mark.I'm contacting you on his behalf.We enclose a new envelope as you paid the envelope fee at the time of mailing.Best regards,
味噌田楽ですが、味噌というと連想しやすいものの一つに味噌汁がありますが、この料理では、味噌で濃厚なソースを作ります。それをごま油でこんがり焼いた串刺しの豆腐やナスなどの具材にぬって食べます。田楽の意味は平安時代に行われていた「田楽」という伝統芸能に由来します。 豆腐を串に刺した形が、踊る芸人の姿が似ていたことから名付けられました。もし希望される方には、スパークリング日本酒を一杯おつけしますので、日本酒とのペアリングも楽しんでみてください。緑茶も提供いたします。
In this class, we will make "Misodengaku" a sweet and spicy dish, with the traditional Japanese roll sushi "Shikaimaki".The pattern,called "Shikaimaki" describes the waves and is used in Kimono, a traditional Japanese dress.The patterns are widely used in various ceremonies because it's wishing for continued happiness with hope for a peaceful life.
どれだけの割引があって商品を購入して、いくらの利益があったか私にはわかりません。あなたを信頼していますので、あなたが決めた評価を受け入れます。できるだけいい評価をして頂けたら嬉しいです。この受注は、彼ではなく彼女の受注です。倉庫費用を請求しなければ、この受注は提案した価格で請求書を下さい。今回 発注したら必ず納品ができるとお客さんに伝えてもいいですか。今後 納品予定の商品の出荷予定を教えて頂けませんか。予定よりもの納期が遅れているから、お客さんに説明しなくてはいけません。
I do not have any idea how much discount and how much profit made by purchasing it.Because I trust you, I will accept the assessment you have made.I would appreciate it if you could give me a good evaluation.This is her order, not him.If you do not charge for the warehouse, please invoice this order at the suggested price.Can I tell my customers that it will be must delivered if place an order this time.Can you tell me about future shipments of the ordersthat are due for delivery?Because delivery is delayed than scheduled, we must explain to customer.
4Thank you for the information that you already exhibited to A.Because we can exhibit C, we would like to exhibit to C of B instead A.③In order to A, the right to sell your products exclusively in Japan is required.This is the company's rule of operating AIs it possible to give a sole selling right for the duration of A?The duraion might be about 3-4 months.After that, it would be ideal to talk again after the project is finished with sales in Japan.
We are sorry for hard to understand content.We contact you to sell your product "〇〇" in Japan.I do not work for A company.We are doing A as early stage of marketing in order to widely acknowledge the products that are not yet sell in Japan.
I know that we can't order a continuous item number due to budgetary issues. But I think that the manufacturer's side want to order the season number of product.Could you place an order to the manufacturer as we think it's a small amount and not a bad price. Since it's not a brand I'd like to buy, I didn't reach the minimum order, so I received the order without a deposit.I don't really want this brand actually, I received an order without a deposit because we haven't reached the minimum orders.Could you use the money you received from another customer to pay for the product?It doesn't matter if the delivery date is delayed, could you find the attached file products in the manufacturer's stock?
ご不便おかけして申し訳ございません。こちらでしっかしチェックした後、問題なく作動したので発送いたしましたが、このようなことになり残念です。おそらく何かの接触が悪くなり動かなくなったのかと思っています。あなたの近所にそのリールを見れる方はいませんか? 修理が必要なら、かかる費用の見積もりを教えて頂き、こちらで出せる価格ならお支払いいたします。お手数おかけいたしますがどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。しっかりご対応いたしますのでご安心ください。
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused.There was no problem when we checked it ourselves, we sent it because it worked without any problems, but I'm really sorry about this situations.Probably it's stopped moving because the contact has gone bad.Is there anyone around you who can see the reel?If you need repairs, please let me know the cost of the estimate. We'll pay as much as we can afford.I'm really sorry to trouble you.Please be assured that we will do our best to solve the problem.
We have been working on this formula for a little over a year now and it's finally here! A safe detergent to use on your denim, there are two methods of washing on the back. A hand wash method and a machine wash method. We hope this make it a little bit easier for you to wash your denim! Use our Denim Detergent when you feel it is time to wash your denim or it is very useful for spot cleaning if you don't want to soak the whole jean yet to get those high contrast fades.
私たちはこのフォーミュラを1年以上研究し、ついにここにたどり着いた! デニムに使うことができる安全な洗剤、裏には二つの洗濯方法があります。手洗いと機械洗浄法 。これがデニム洗濯をもっと洗いやすくするのに役に立つことを願います。デニムを吸わなければならない時期が来たり、デニム全体を水に浸さずにしみを消して色があがらないことをほしければ、私たちの洗剤を利用してください。
Thank you for sending me the invoice.I received the email regarding your new product lease after receiving the invoice.I would like to purchase new items, please add the following items.I apologize for the inconvenience but please resend the invoice including the additional items.A lot of new products are released and I am looking forward to arriving it in Japan.Thank you for your help.
How was your today?Cheers to a job well done!Do you want some rice or a bath?Or you want to lovey-dovey"Some people really do" it's not normal.I just wanted to try it.Oh, no! Don't imitate me.Do not talk with a bump and grind.I'm not saying like that.Then take a bath first.In the meantime, I'll prepare some rice.Wasn't the bath hot?Well, I'm glad to hear that.Are you feeling a little tired?Then I'll massage you later.I'm not tired, so it's okay.Let me massage you.Then let's have to eat early.
今日の晩御飯は肉じゃがだよどう?おいしい?よかったごめんね今日あまり時間がなかったから、おかず、肉じゃがしかなくて「少食だからちょうどいい」って…ダメだよ。もっと食べないと。次からもっと作るね嫌な顔しないのあ、ごはん粒、ほっぺに付いてる。動かないで私が取ってあげる。……はい。取れたあむ。どういたしまして ごちそうさま。食器は流し台に置いておいて後で私が洗うから
Today's dinner is meat and potatoes.Is it delicious?Sounds great!Sorry.I don't have much time today, so I have no choice but meat potatoes.You said "It's pretty good since I'm a ight eating"That's not good. you should have to eat more. I'll make more next time.Do not make a wry face.Oh, Rice grains, it's on your cheek. Don't move.I'll get it for you.…Yes. I got it.Oh. You're welcome.Thank you. Put the bowl in the sink.I'll wash it later.
あなたが洗うの?じゃあ、私はベッドでマッサージの準備しておこうっと 洗い終わった?こっち来てここに座って。じゃあ、始めるね?かなり凝ってるなぁ……痛くない?そうじゃあこの調子でしていくねねぇ。あなたお願いがあるのもうすぐ結婚記念日でしょ?あなたと温泉に行きたいんだけど友達から結婚記念日のお祝いで、二泊三日の温泉チケットを貰ったのあなたが良ければ行きたいんだけどいいの?お仕事あるんじゃ…上司は怒らないかな?そう。ならよかったあ、あと、もう一つだけお願いがあるんだけど
Are you going to do the dishes?Then I will ready to massage in bed.Are you finished washing dishes?Come here.Sit here and I'll get started.It's pretty hard... Doesn't it hurt?Okay.Then I'll to do this.You know what? I have a favor to ask you.It's our wedding anniversary, isn't it?I want to go to a hot spring with you.I got a ticket for a two-night & three-day from my friends to celebrate my wedding anniversary.I'd like to go if you don't mind.Is it okay? If you have a work...Won't the boss be angry?Yeah, I'm glad then.Oh, and I have another favor to ask of you.
Hey,Don't you want to have baby?No, I mean, I want a baby. Are you listening?Oh, no more! You're so honest!It certainly hasn't happened recently.I can't say it doesn't mean that.Really? Then, during the hot spring trip,What? Now?The earrier, the better?Oh, come on! What are you holding on to?Wait, wait, wait, wait!I'm not ready yet.It's too fast to take it off!Oh, okay.I'm taking it off. Just wait a minute.What? You want to take it off.Oh, don't grab clothes!Look at this!Obviously, as I suggested,Oh, wait a minuteOh...
Glow of Yandere sisterBrother, How was your day?Cheers to a job well done!.It's a hard day, isn't it?Why are you late today?Is it Meeting?It's a lie.Actually, it was not a meeting, was it?Is not it better that you do not lie to yourself?It's easy to know where you are because you has a transmitter in you bag.If I remember correctly, did you say yesterday was a company drinking party and the day before yesterday was a business trip?But it's a lie too.The location information has been suspended in a particular place for the past three days including today."Is here the house of your senior colleage-age, correct?
When I was happy, when I was sad, you laughed with.Where did my sweet go?!Give it back! Give it back to my love.What's wrong with you? You look so scared?Why do you keep back??Don't run away...Oh, I see.You're going to go to her again when you're out there, right?Okay, from now on, you can stay in my room.It's okay, I'll do everything around you.Don't worry about anything.
He he he... I'm a genius. !Come on, my love,We've been together for a long time, right?Let's be together forever.I will not let you go ... I will not forgive it.We will be happy together, my love.
お世話になっております。書籍の納品先の住所を変更したいです。下記の通りお願いいたします。DCが下記の様になっていますPrimary: NV - La Vergne, TN Secondary: None Secondaryがないので設定してもらいたいです。書籍の納品アドレスはカリフォルニア州です。以上となります。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your help.I'd like to change the address of the book delivery address.Please change it as below,DC information,Primary: NV - La Vergne, TN Secondary: None As there is no secondary, I would like to set it by you.The delivery address of the book is in California.Thank you for your help.
I'm sorry to contact you late, but the drawings of this device has been revised several times and the latest edition is Rev8.Since the device we shipped in 2010 is also Rev8, is it OK with Rev8 this time?Rev8 is used double O-ring type to improve sealing performance.It's company A's item (on the agenda), but it's confusing because there are a lot of items.Can you sort out which line you're using and reviewing?I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what line you have.
店舗の評価をありがとう必要なものを早くお届け出来た事大変嬉しいです今回○○さんだけに特別にプレゼントとしをお送りさせていただきます使い心地が異なりますのでお試しになって下さい もし お気に召さなかったり サイズが合わなかったりその他問題がありましたら、ご返品を承りますいつでも当店にご連絡下さいネット販売という顔が見えないお取引ですのでお客様とのコミュニケーションを大切にしたいと思います最後にもし差し支えなかったら 商品に関してのレビューをいただけましたとても嬉しいです。
Thank you for evaluating the store.I am very happy to send you what you need quickly.I will send it to ○○ only as a special gift. It's a different usage, so try it out. If you didn't like it,or size is not fix to you.and any other problems you find, please return back to us.Please feel free to contact our store at any time.Internet sales are a blind trade.I would like to value communication with customers.Lastly, if there is no problem with the product, it would be highly appreciate if you could review it.
丁寧なご回答、ありがとうございました。私はこれまでも同じ型番の交換針を使ってきましたので、カートリッジとの互換性には問題ないと思います。添付写真の左がこれまで使っていたもの、右があなたから購入したものです。私は商品を返品しますので、できたら交換をしてください。返送先は packing slip にある住所で良いですか? 宛名が必要なので、ご担当の方のフルネームをお知らせください。
Thank you for your polite reply.I have used the same model number replacement needle so I think there is no problem with compatibility with the cartridge.The left side of the attached picture is what I used to use and the right side is what I purchased from you.I will return the product, I hope it will be possible to exchange. Can I return it to an address on packing slip? Please provide the full name of the person.