This buyer has made a deposit and requested a partial refund.I cannot choose to issue a partial refund in this case.What should I do?Also, I sincerely apologize for not replying.However, in the case that I send it for repairs to the maker, I can let them know about the partial refund.This is so we can judge if it was delivered faulty.However, the buyer has purchased a different product.We do not recognize a partial refund of the purchase cost.Repair usually takes 1 -2 weeks.We do not believe that lens repair in Russia will take longer than 1 month.
Do you wish to return the product?Ebay is asking for a full refund.In the event that I issue a full refund, would you send the product back to Japan?Once you tell me that you will return it to Japan through eBay, I will issue a full refund.If there is a deposit on the item, I will issue a partial refund. In this case, would you close this case?
info@abc.comに卸販売について問合せましたところ、Ms. Trishにこちらのページをご紹介いただき、ご連絡致しました。弊社ではゲームやフィットネスグッズ、ゴルフ用品等をアメリカより輸入し、日本で販売している日本の輸入販売業者です。今回御社のA-WATCHを44個、B-WATCHを4つ、日本市場での販売用にKickstarterで購入いたしました。こちらの2商品は日本でも人気で、今後も是非とも御社の商品を継続的に日本で販売したいと思っております。
Upon your inquiry to info@abc.com about sales, Ms. Trish contacted me and introduced me to this page. Our company imports products from America such as games, fitness goods or golf supplies and sells within Japan, as a Japanese import vendor. This time I bought 44 of the A-WATCH and 4 of the B-WATCH as a Kickstarter for selling in the Japanese market. These 2 products are also popular in Japan, so I would like to continue selling your company's products in Japan from now on.
日本市場はご存知のように、約1億3千万人の人口を抱え、大きな市場です。現状でも御社のWATCHシリーズは人気ですが、まだまだ認知度は低く、今後広報活動を行うことで、更に販売数は拡大していくと思われます。アメリカの商品を輸入・販売に慣れている弊社に、是非とも、WATCHを販売させて頂きたく、ご連絡しました。 また、ご指定の最低注文ロット100個の注文も可能でございます。もしよろしければ、是非一度Skypeで直接お話しして、ご判断いただければと思います。宜しくお願い致します。
As you know, the Japanese is a large market with a population of 130 million people. Currently your company's WATCH series is popular but the level of familiarity is is still low. I think that through publicity activities from now on, the amount of sales will increase even more. Our company is accustomed to marketing, so I have contacted you to ask if you would allow us to sell WATCH.Also, it is possible to have our lot's lowest order to be the designated 100 items. If it is possible, let's have a talk directly through Skype. I hope I can hear your decision. Best Regards,
Regarding leather selectionHow many different leathers do you know about?There is no end to the kinds of real leather that uses animal skin, such as cowhide types from meaty and strong grown cows, 6 month to 2 year old middle age cows (kips), and about 6 month old small cows (calfs). Other than cowhide, there is also goat leather, sheep leather, lamb leather, swine leather (pig skin), alligator skin, snake skin, and ostrich skin. There are also various ways that it is manufactured, so this time in the case of silver (continued)
Thank you for the e-mail support. Besides the e-mail support, thank you also for telephone support as well.However, since I do not speak English, I cannot correspond by phone.Still, I am extremely satisfied with your courtesy and kindness.Best regards,
イギリスAmazon(アメリアA)さまへこんにちは。私、大石 みかねと申します。いつもメールサポートありがとうございます。アメリアAさまが言われておりますアカウント(us.ca.amazon.m7@gmail.com)なのですが、ログインする事が出来ない状態です。どうしたら良いでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。
To England Amazon (Amelia A),Hello,My name is Mikane Ooishi. Thank you for your mail support.Concerning the account (us.ca.amazon.m7@gmail.com) by Ms. Amelia A, I cannot seem to log in. What should I do?Best regards.