I am C that engage to B. As You are engagement for K, I called you.About title work, it was hold meeting and session by A last Thrsday.Then D account of U.S.A made aooly papper, but it had lack of senntensms, so we need check and copleat it,and D hasn't apply E yet.The applypaper are theree. We have compleated it. Please check paper (Section 2 is more). and faince paper, send us, please. If we submit you not compleated paper, we would correct them, please hear us. If they are complet worksm, we will submit E.Adding to we holding meeting G. The meeting day has known and agreed each other.
日本の女性はファッションに敏感で新しいものをどんどん取り入れようとします。そんな日本日本に「verge girl」さんが上陸したら大ヒットすること間違いないでしょう。私はもっともっと沢山の人に「verge girl」さんの存在を知って欲しいのです。日本に上陸する際は、是非私も仕事に携わらせていただきたいです。私はまだ大学生でビジネス力も経済力もありませんが、熱意とやる気は誰にも負けません。一緒に働かせていただきたいのです!出来ることならお会いしてこの思いを伝えたいです!!!
Japanese women pay a lot of attention about fashion, and use newer fashion style. Such as Japanese women would love "verge girl" that is coming to Japan. I want much people to know there is "verge girl". In it coming to Japan, I want to help your work sincerely. I am a college student, and haven't have money and ability of working yet, but I have more passion and hart than any other persons. Please work with you! If I meet you, I want to tell you my passion.
2/8(日)開催 BOMBER-E 『M-ナイト』に出演決定!観覧募集有2/8(日)『M-ナイト』に三浦大知の出演が決定! 番組ホームページでスタジオライブ観覧者の募集がスタート。 沢山のご応募、お待ちしております! タイトル:【BOMBER-E M-ナイト】ライブ収録 観覧募集 開催日時: 2月8日(日) 17:30~開演予定 場所:メ~テレBスタジオ(愛知県名古屋市)出演:植田真梨恵 、三浦大知 、吉澤嘉代子、(1組未定)
Win the offer of BMBER-E "M-Night" held on Feb.8th on Sunday! Coming to the special guests.Daisuke Miura won the offer of "M-Night" on Feb.8th on Sunday.We started to offer the audiences at studio on our website.Waiting for a lot of your replies.Title: "BOMBERS-E M-Night" we want the special guests of coming to the studio in our live show.The date; Feb.8th on Sunday. 17:30~ open.The place; Me- TV B Studio (Nagoya-shi, Aichi)THe guests; Ueda Marie, Miura Daichi, Yoshizawa Kayoko (Unknown anyone).
hello - hopefully you received our reply by email. as we mentioned, the items are good, they are made like that!All jeans are like these (also the pairs that we have here).If they're not Made in Italy we'll pay the return, but, if they're Made in Italy we won't pay for that.We're sorry but the item is original, as we've wrote you before.Anyway you can return them.we sell only genuine Articles, are not made in Italy?If not we have committed a mistake on describing jeans.Let me know
Merci pour message.Est comme suit, Je rembourserai par addition.C'est l'erreur du prix ici ce temps le problème a été fait au visiteur.
Thank you so much too as the guitar was so very well packed, and thank you too for the bonus gifts of the guitar polish and polish cloth and guitar strap, pleasant surprise!As mentioned, if you ever holiday in Sth-east Queensland -- be it you fly to Brisbane or Sunshine Coast or Hervey Bay airports, let me know in advance and I will endeavour to arrange my work so I can offer to your family assistance with meeting you at the airport and taking you to your accommodation and helping you and family to see the best places to go and see.Thanks again MrA, for the wonderful friendly service and for the fabulous guitar I'm a very happy customer.All the best with the sales, you deserve to sell many instruments friend.
生年月日:1993年11月4日身長: 180cm血液型:A出身地:広島県 SOLIDEMOのシンデレラボーイ。【avex audition MAX 2013】のアーティスト部門でグランプリを受賞し、SOLIDEMOのメンバーに選ばれた。初めて挑戦したCMオーディションに合格し、香港大塚製薬有限公司ポカリスエットのCMに現在出演中。 好きな言葉は""夢は必ず叶う!""
The date of birth: November 11, 1993Height: 180cmA blood type: AHometown: HiroshimaA Cinderella boy of SOLIDEMO.He won the grand prix at artist section in [avex audition MAX 2013] and was chosen as a member of SOLIDEMO.He passed the CM audition at first his challenging, and is appearing in CM of Pocari Sweat presented by Hong Kong Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. His favorite word"" Dreame come true at all means!""
生年月日:1993年7月8日身長: 187cm血液型:O出身地:埼玉県 SOLIDEMOの天真爛漫な20才。数多くのオーディションに挑戦し、高校2年の夏に応募した集英社「MEN’S NON-NO」のオーディションに合格し、2010年3月から専属モデルとなる。 好きな言葉は""スーツ""
The date of birth: July 8, 1993Height: 187cmA blood type: OHometown: SaitamaInnocent 20 years old as SOLIDEMO.I challenged many auditions and pass an audition of Shueisha "MEN'S NON-NO" where I applied for in summer of the second grade at a high school and become a contracted model from March, 2010.The favorite words "" suit ""
Before World War Ⅱ,In Japan, The source of energy depended on the resources such like forest or hydroelectric power. So The self-surpporting rate of energy at home was very high. After World WarⅡ, The revolution of energy gave us some benefit in our life. But It made self-surppoting rate lower and device of energy unstable. Also wide spread use of chemical fertilizer caused that the needs of the resource of woods became lower. The result was that forest for fuel in city area was diverted residential land. The consuption at home in the city became effectively, but the degree was limited.
私は以前、あなたから何度も商品を買っています。私はあなたの商品を落札したいのですが、日本への配送が不可となっています。もし可能でしたら、日本からの入札を許可してください。私はあなたの商品を落札したいと思いますが、その前に取引について確認しておきたいことがあります。配送中のリスクは理解しておりますので、日本までの配送は、最も安い航空便でお願いします。あなたの出品している商品のサイズだと、FLAT RATE BOXで$13.45になると思いますが、可能かどうか確認してください。
I bought some goods from you before.I want to make a successful bit for your goods. But it is said that to deliver to japan is impossible.If it is possible to bit in japan, please allow me to do.I hope to make a tender of your goods.But before this trade, I want to confarm some points.I understand the risk while goods delivering. So please use the cheepest air mail to deliver them.In case of the size of goods that you exhibit, I should pay $13.45for FLAT BOX.Please confarm whether it is posdible to use it.
2. ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷13:05の回 上映後舞台挨拶3. シネ・リーブル池袋15:30の回 上映後舞台挨拶【会場での握手会に関して】「ヒューマントラストシネマ渋谷」と「シネ・リーブル池袋」においては、当日各会場にて以下の対象商品をご購入いただきましたお客様を対象に、舞台挨拶後に握手会を行います。 ■対象商品・『十字架~映画「学校の階段-呪いの言霊-」Ver.~』・『怖い曲集 +「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」オリジナルサウンドトラック』
2. At HUMAN TRST CINEMA SHIBUYA 13:05 Thanks for you. Special performance holding after movie!3.CINE・RIBURU IKEBUKURO15:30Thanks for you. Special performance hoiding after movie! For handshake event; Where to go? What to see ? At HUMAN TRUSTO CINEMA SHIBUYA and CINE ・RIBURU IKEBUKUROIf you see the following movie, you can join fantastic event!・The Fear Tale of School The Domed Cross and Word in Spirit ・The Fear piece presented by The Fear Tale of School The Domed Cross Word in Spirit.
『聞いてみたかった質問コーナー!』事前に募集した質問にユンホが お答えします!募集に関する詳細は後日「野王」公式ホームページにて。『超プレミアム!直筆サイン入りグッズ プレゼント抽選会』ユンホの直筆サイン入りグッズをプレゼント!他では手に入らない、このイベント限定の一品をプレゼントします!※いずれのコーナーも変更になる可能性がございます。その他、来場者とキャストが一つになれるコーナーを絶賛企画中!詳細は当日までのお楽しみ!
The questions for Yunho who is wanted to know and loved.Yunho will ask your questions that were collected before hold this ivent. The explanation for collecting will show at Yao official web site.The latter that you will be give the something written by himself. Present for you goods signetured by Yunho! You can not get precious goods exept this. party! It is possible to change each event.The others will hold event that cast is together you. Be fond of them on special day !