This might be illustrated with a case in which one comes to understand how one's predisposition to experience an affect, let's say joy, as ephemeral and as untrustworthy extends from one's representational world in which this affect was discouraged.
JD - The Beyond [The] Blue Tour was really some of the best times in mylife. Everyday was something new and exciting and topped the day before.Finally at the last two Tokyo shows it just reached such an awesome pinnaclewhere everything and everyone came together for some of the best shows wehave ever played. E
JD:BEYOND[THE]BLUE TOURはほんとうにわが最良のときのひとつだった。一日一日が何かしら新しく、刺激的だし、前の日を凌駕していた。最後の東京での二公演のときには、まさにそれが頂点に達して、今までプレイしたことのないような最高の舞台のためにあらゆる人あらゆるものが集約された。
veryone was singing, everyone was on point and it reallyjust felt like a big family singing and having a good time together. Thankyou so much for everyone who came out and supported and we can't wait tocome back and do it all over again!
Dan - The first show in Osaka was my first show in the band. I had justjoined in December and we dove right into working on a new record andneglected to play any shows, saving up for that first Beyond The Blue showin Osaka. There is no way I could have expected how incredible that feelingwould be. Playing in front of people across the globe who looked like theywere having the time of their lives right along with us.
Dan:大阪での最初の公演がうちのバンドとしても最初の公演だった。ぼくは12月に入ってからの参加だけど、うちは新しいレコードに取り組むのに没頭していて公演なんかは眼中になかったんだ。大阪ではじめてBEYOND[THE]BLUE TOURの公演をやるんだからセーブしとかないとね。こういう感じがどれほどありえないかって、それはとても口では言い表せないよ。地球をまわって人々の前で演奏をする。その人たちがぼくたちと生きている時間をまるでともにするみたいな。その感じはとてもじゃないけどことばなんかじゃ。
Brendan - The Beyond The Blue Tour 2010 was absolutely amazing! We couldn't have asked for a better tour, better bands, better fans and a better label (Kick Rock Invasion - best record label in the world) to bring us over.Every show was unforgettable and made us all realize why we love to playmusic so much. There's no better feeling than a packed room of people across the world sharing the same sentiments and feelings and singing the same lyrics right along with you.
ブレンダン:BEYOND[THE]BLUE TOUR 2010はまあほんとに、すごかったよ! こんなにいいツアー、いいバンド、いい観客、いいレーベル(Kick Rock Invasionだよ、世界最高のレーベルだよね)がせいぞろいじゃ、うちとしても望外、来ないわけにいかないじゃない。どの公演も忘れられないものだった。ぼくらがなんでこんなに音楽をやるのが好きなのかよくわかったよ。世界中で、人間がすしづめになりながらぼくらといっしょになって同じ思い、気持ちを共有し、同じ歌を歌ってくれる、これ以上ぐっとくることはない。
Craig - Traveling to and playing in Japan has been an experience that I willnever forget. I am incredibly thankful to the people that made it possible,and cannot wait to return and do it all over again. I loved every second ofit, and thank you again to the people and the great Country of Japan formaking us feel so at home.
Ancient and complex, the rare blue coral reef of and complex, the rare blue coral reef of Shiraho, Ishigaki Island - part of the Ryukyu island chain, Japan's southernmost - is one of the world's biggest and perhaps oldest blue coral reefs. Though only 3 km long, it contains at least two-thieds the number of species of Australia's 2000-km Great Barrier Reef. Coral is found in Japan all along the Ryukyu chain.
日本の南端にある琉球諸島石垣島の白保に見られる稀少な青珊瑚礁はたいへん古くからある錯雑としたもので、青珊瑚礁としては世界最大にしておそらく世界最古のもののひとつだ。全長3kmにすぎないのに、ここにいる生き物の数は、オーストラリアの2,000kmにわたるグレート・バリア・リーフの少なくとも三分の二はある。日本では琉球諸島の全域で珊瑚が見られる。訳註) the rare blue coral reef of and complex, の部分は原文からのタイプミスによる重複でしょうか。ここは省きました。
Turns out we've known for yrs there's $1 trillion of precious minerals in Afghanistan. $1 trillion. Be a shame to leave now
(それからこいつ。)アフガンには一兆ドルの希少鉱物があるって何年も前からわかってたっていうじゃないか。一兆ドルだぜ。そりゃ撤兵するわけないわな……。* マイケル・ムーアのツイートですね。
All that time and she still has it.
あのころも、今も彼女はずっと最高。* itをsex appealという意味にとってみました。文脈により、かなりいろいろなぐあいに解釈できると思います。
I don’t know how to state this simply. ACell is not allowed to ship our devices out of the United States. Customs will not allow our devices out of the United States. Again, ACell can only ship to physicians within the United States. Do not allow anyone to tell you otherwise as they are not correct. Do not listen to anyone except ACell customer service as only ACell customer service can respond correctly.
Hello Tadehara-san,Can I meet you again about KSG?I'm sorry about Scott's bad notice.
So proud of idol, and haus of gaga, editing alejandro, music in sweden, ciggys and champagne keep out the worries + the rain.
「アイドル」に文句なんてないの。Haus of GaGaもね。「アレハンドロ」(のPV)の編集もよ。(今コンサート中の)スウェーデンの音楽もそう。タバコとシャンパンがあれば思い悩むことなんてないわ。ついでに雨も吹き飛んじゃう。訳註) 「アイドル」とは、アメリカのテレビ番組「アメリカン・アイドル」のこと。5/5にガガは出演しているが、収録をカットされて放映されたためもめている。Haus of GaGaは、ガガの個人的なデザイナーチーム。「アレハンドロ」は、二枚目のアルバム『ザ・モンスター』からシングルカットされた楽曲で、「アイドル」放映時にいくつかのシーンをカットされた経緯がある。
On the platform of reality,on the platform of oneness of life,all differences dissolve.
Start-Up Rents Out Tokyo's Tight Spaces.TOKYO—Japan is famous for its ability to make the most of limited space. The cocoon-like capsule hotels were first developed here and many single city dwellers live in tiny studio apartments known as rabbit hutches. Now, a new online real-estate marketplace is taking that trait to new levels. seeks pockets of "dead space" around cities and converts them into short-term rental property.
Those spaces can be reserved at Nokisaki for short periods of time—starting from three hours—and for as little as $15 total. The spots are granted on a first-come, first-served basis and the rental times and prices are set by landlords.It's unclear whether Nokisaki can work in other countries, but it seems well suited to Japan, where land is scarce and it is difficult to secure permission to sell goods on public space in crowded cities like Tokyo.
The decision marks the second time that Christine Varney, head of the DoJ’s antitrust division, has scuppered a deal following a lawsuit or, in this case, a threat to file suit. In two other cases, one involving Ticketmaster and another involving Rio Tinto, Ms Varney negotiated settlements with the companies after signalling that the DoJ was prepared to sue to block their deals.
Secondly, as most of my college career has been pretty lax in terms of workload, I hope the experience studying at a stricter school will help to improve my work ethic. I also enjoy the lifestyle and culture of Japan very much. From the food to the fashion and respect for others and senior citizens, I find many aspects of the country fascinating. Furthermore, I’ve found that the better I was able to communicate, the more enjoyable everyday life was.
Phone use has been evoked by differing cell services here. Half freeing/half damning. Hold it down for me, people
Yikes the msging here sucks!?!?
I walked around the house sucking my finger,finally arriving at the landing.The telephone!Quickly I ran for the footstool and took it to the landing.Climbing up,I took the receiver and held it to my ear."Information Please,”I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.A click or two,and a small,clear voice spoke into my ear."I nformation.”
私は(ずきずきする)指をくわえながら家中を歩き回り、ようやく踊り場のところまでたどりついた。そうだ、電話があった! 私は即座に踏み台を取りに走り、それを踊り場に置いた。台に乗って受話器をとると、耳にあてた。「インフォメーション、お願いします」。私は頭の上の方にある送話口に向かってそういった。カチコチという音がしたあと、小さいがはっきりした声が私の耳の中に話しかけてきた。「インフォメーションです」