「Vote」ボタンでの投票は、日本だけではなく、海外からも受け付けます。また、ノミネートされたミュージックビデオを再生するとその回数も投票にカウントされます。 <投票期間>2014年3月28日(金)正午 から 2014年5月28日(水) 23時59分(日本時間)
Voting through "Vote" button can be made not only in Japan but also in oversea as well.Playing nominated music video will also be counted as a vote.[Voting period]From March 28, 2014 Friday at noon to May 28, 2014 Wednesday at 23:59 (Japan time)
Sorry we can not produce a very thick glass like this and we use fire to cut glass, the thickness is limit up to 5mm only. About the bubble, our glass does have bubbles but it is randoms ( some times it is a lot and sometimes it is here and there) and different sizes ( big or small)Yes we can produce this canister and lid as well. Please give me the dimension.Please confirm that you agree with our standard quality and thịcknessPlease confirm that you agree with our standard quality and thịckness . For the small size, the mould cost is usd180.00We can only produce plate in this shape and only have size in W20xH4cm, W18XH4CM, W13.5XH4CM, Pleasae confirm if it is ok.
We have size of L 10cm x 16cm, and 10 x11cm, please advise if it is ok to use so you don’t have to pay for the mould.Beside the mould cost that I inform you on each item if occurred , each item we charge from Usd100-200 base on the size and the times to produce. Please advise that you accept these cost then I will send you an invoice for the samples
I truly apologize for your inconvenience the item may cause.It was caused by our insufficient confirmation and not meant to make it happen.Would you please send us back the item and we refund the full price of the item and custom duties.Can you agree to the refund the half price of the item, otherwise?Can you forgive us if we refund the half price of the item?Would you accept it if we refund 50%?
Hello, Thank you for your email. I am very sorry to hear that your shipment may have been damaged during the transit and the brackets lost. Our shipping department did not remove heavy brackets from your shipment and were included in your shipment if inside the package from the seller. Unfortunately we cannot file a claim on your behalf with DHL as you choose not to purchase insurance which is required for all claims and refunds. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope to hear that DHL has located your missing items. We are always looking for ways to improve our services and look forward to serving your future shipping and shopping needs. Please let me know if there is any way I can be of assistance.
Whenever I tap the bass or the pickups, it is very audible through the amp, and using overdrive may cause feedback. At first I thought the noise I heard was only because of the springs under the pickups. I had a local tech take a look, and he told me this is because the pickups are microphonic (they both are), and it should not occur with new pickups. He has never seen this before with new Bartolinis. He replaced the springs under the pickups with foam, wich made it better, but the problem is still there.What can we do about this? Did Moon use defective pickups (by accident of course), or is this inherent to this particular Bartolini-type? Is there anything you can do to help?
Is it possible for you to send an email with an attached document which can be a proof that the items have been shipped to the warehouse.Also, how many days from the arrival of the items are needed before our pick up.Will it take about 2 weeks like this time for the next items to arrive in a wearhouse after the payment?all of the ordered shoes from agency in Osaka arrives in this time of the season.When will you finish the production of out of stock. Is it possible for you to produce them by mid May the latest?
It is true that he often play on the side in Japan national football team.It can't be helped since there is a a man called "Honda" who can not play on the side.I wish there are some men who can pass the ball in the middle (somebody like Pirlo)We have a great passer called "Endo", one of the members of Japan national football team.Mr. Klopp from Dortmund said, "Using Kagawa like this makes me cry." It is a little sad to see him working hard on shooting from the middle like the other day.There are a lot of voices for hime to move to a different team.
当日は天候に恵まれ、「さくらマラソン」という名のとおりの満開の桜の下を走ることができました。 途中、「生涯現役82歳」というたすきをかけて走っている男性を発見。まだまだ、頑張らねば・・・と、思いました。
It is a fine day today and I was able to run under the full-bloomed cherry blossoms as the name of the marathon "Cherry blossom marathon" suggests.I found the mad with a sash saying "82 years old never retire" when I was running.That gave me the energy to force my self once again.
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Dear Kenji Wakasugi (KenjiWakasugi),Thank you for your submission to the 2014 Aperture Summer Open Call for Entry! This is your CaFE submission confirmation. Please print this email and keep a copy for your records.Confirmation Code: NC243514Don't forget to check back to www.CallForEntry.org for more opportunities! Thank You,CaFE Teamcafe@westaf.org
わかすぎけんじ様2014 Aperture Summer Openにエントリーを提出いただきありがとうございます!これはあなたのCaFE提出の確認メールです。このメールをプリントアウトしてあなたの記録として保管しておいてください。確認コード:NC243514さらなるチャンスを得るためにwww.CallForEntry.orgをチェックするのを忘れずに!ありがとうございました。CaFEチームcafe@westaf.org
How a musician-turned-entrepreneur built a company that generates over $400 million per yearIn Japan, people in the IT industry will have heard of Koki Sato (pictured above), CEO & President at Septeni Holdings. A law graduate of Rikkyo University Japan, Sato chose a path different from most of his fellow law students. Forgoing a career as a lawyer, he chose to pursue music. Of course, he still had bills to pay, so after graduation he worked at a traditional HR company called Septeni while doing music in his free time. Like most salarymen, he was just an average Joe in the company, and he immersed himself in the world of music while off the clock.
どのように元ミュージシャンの企業家が年間4億米ドルを生む会社を作るか日本で、IT工業の人々はSepteni HoldingsのCEO兼社長のKoki Sato氏(上記写真)を聞いた事があるでしょう。Rikkyo University Japanの法学部を卒業し、Sato氏は同じ法科の学生たちとは違う道を選んだ。弁護士になることをやめ、彼は音楽を追い求めることを選択した。もちろん生活費を稼がなければならないので、卒業後彼はSepteniという伝統的なHR companyで働き、空き時間に音楽をしていた。多くのサラリーマンのように彼は会社ではただの平均的な社員の一人だったが、彼は時間外に世界の音楽に没頭した。
A new path After thinking long and hard, Sato decided to throw in the towel and put an end to his musical ambitions. Instead, he decided to be an entrepreneur. He wrote a list of ideas he thought could work. On it were about 50 possible businesses in industries like finance, food, and internet. He eventually chose online advertising. It was 1999, a period when companies were exploring internet advertising but didn’t quite know how to do it. There were no experts, resources, or guidelines available, and there were very few companies enthusiastic about internet marketing.
“The internet can disrupt the advertising industry. Back then, I realized that there were no experts. So I thought it was a good opportunity,” said Sato. With the idea in mind, the then CEO of Septeni gave resources to Sato to venture into the world of online advertising. At age 24, Sato couldn’t imagine himself leading Septeni’s online advertising arm. His goal was to innovate on the company’s business model.
In 1999, online advertising wasn’t flashy like today. Search engine marketing didn’t exist yet, and online ad banners weren’t popular due to slow internet speeds. What worked back then was email. Sato says only two or three other companies were doing email advertising at that time, but Septeni was growing the fastest.In the first year of operation (2000), Sato’s new online ad marketing department roped in $2 million in revenue. In 2001, Septeni’s sales increase by more than five times, hitting $12 million. In the same year, the corporation went public on JASDAQ stock exchange. Sato was only 26 years old at the time.
Sales continued to grow like wildfire. By 2004, Septeni’s hit $63 million in sales revenue and his online advertising department had already outgrown the old HR business by a wide margin.Bigger, wider, farther Septeni obviously had to adapt to new trends, which saw growing ad revenue from hot online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Line. Last year, Septeni’s sales broke $459 million. Backed by its success in Japan, Septeni expanded to Singapore, Vietnam, and the U.S. In the first quarter of FY2014 alone, overseas sales was bigger than its total overseas sales in all of 2013.
売り上げは飛ぶように伸び、2004年にはSepteniの成功は収益6300万米ドルになり彼のオンライン広告部門はHRビジネスを大幅に上回るほどになった。より大きく、より広く、より遠くへSepteniはFecebook, Twitter, Lineなどのオンラインプラットフォームによる広告収益の成長を見ると、新しいトレンドに適合すべきは明らかで、昨年のSepteniの売り上げは4億5900万米ドルを超えた。日本でのその成功を基に、Septeniはシンガポール、ベトナム、アメリカに進出した。2014年の第一四半期だけで海外での売上げは2013年トータルの海外売上げを上回っている。
Septeni also ventured into other new areas of business. Other projects include Axel Mark, a subsidiary that makes mobile games, Comicsmart, a subsidiary in the mobile manga business, and Vivivit, an online recruitment platform. Sato, now 39, remains as passionate as ever to continue building Septeni. He thinks the most important thing for the company to continue growing is to keep evolving with new trends. As Septeni grows to over 800 employees, Sato says the biggest challenge during business expansion is to reform the organization in accordance to the scale of its operations.
Septeniはまた、新しいジャンルのビジネスをするベンチャーを立ち上げた。それは、モバイルゲームを作る子会社Axel Mark、コミックマート、モバイル漫画ビジネスの子会社、そしてオンラインリクルートプラットフォームVivivitである。Sato氏は現在39歳、未だSepteniを作り続ける情熱はさらに増すばかりである。彼は、会社が成長し続けるのに一番大事な事は新しいトレンドと進化し続けることだと考える。Septeniが800人の従業員を持つ会社に成長したことをうけ、Sato氏は事業拡大の際の一番大きな課題はその処理のスケールに応じて組織を改編することだと言っている。
“It is hard organizing people at a fast-growing big company,” Sato says. When asked what advice he would give to today’s entrepreneurs, Sato urges them to think for the longer term. “You can’t build your business like it is a sprint contest. Think as if it is a marathon,” he says.
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Thank you for your explanation on your rafting of illustration.I am glad you requested the picture on mu favorite cloth.I will send the rafting with my profile when it is done.Is it okay that it might be done next week or a week later?Heisuke is my friend from old time, and I have heard the details told by Sara from him as he is fluent in English.I took a look at the fist illustration. I can't wait to see it finished.I will do my best Best regards,
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