Ayumi H (tshirt) 翻訳実績

Murfreesboro, TN
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
tshirt 英語 → 日本語

We have a copy of a certificate we received from the individual we bought them from to prove their authenticity on ebay a long time ago. We also have some from the ones we bought from disney but those arent the ones we are selling. Typically we sell our regular merchandise on mousedreams and the specialty items we sell using this screenname. I think you bought the pink bear from us as well from mousedreams.

We may be selling the pink prototype in the next couple weeks as well just because we need to pay some medical bills. Hope this helps. If you still want this item, we will accept your offer, if not, let us know. I just wanted to make sure you had all of the information so you could make an informed decision.




tshirt 英語 → 日本語

I am 73 years old and I have been collecting Japanese, American, and German military artifacts (mostly aviation related) since I was 12 years old. I have a very large collection of Japanese aviation items that I have decided to start selling.It has taken me over 30 years to almost complete the Zero panel in the attached picture with all original instruments and gunsight.One of the items I still need for this panel is a fuel primer body like the one in the attached photo. I already have an original plunger and knob which I have mounted in a replica body. I have an extra large primer with an original body and plunger and a replica knob that I believe was mounted above the horizon indicator in the Zero.



tshirt 英語 → 日本語

So this is a total of 3 cars, correct? The white Camaro, a white 280SL and a black 280SL. That's what I sent the invoice for last night. Are you sure you want the 280SL's in the Cheetah packs? They never came in a Cheetah pack, only the very first releases from the first year, 1968.

Currently, I don't have any paint other than the spectraflame paint Mattel used from 1968-1972. But the 280SL was released in 1969 so it very well could have been painted using spectraflame hot pink, which looks TONS better than the '73 enamel pink.

I can definitely send you pictures of the finished items before I ship them to you. We will be shipping to the same Florida address we sent the first cars to, correct?


では、これは合計3台の車でよろしいですね?白のカマロ、白の280SL と黒の280SLの3台ですね。それが私が昨夜送った請求書のないようです。280SL 2台は本当にチータパックのものでよろしいのですか?19リリースされた最初の年である1968年の最初のリリース以外では、チータ パックでは出回りませんでした。



tshirt 英語 → 日本語

If this should become too high, it might need adjustment or repair.
The bellying of the top is normal and should be expected. The top is actually made with an arch. This will increase over a period of time due to string stress and/or high humidity. Heavy-gauge strings should not be used. If the bellying becomes excessive, the saddle and bridge may need to be lowered to improve the playability.
Guitar Care while Traveling
The guitar probably travels more than any other musical instrument in the world, and it’ll only be a matter of time before you take yours on its first trip. If you’re going to take your guitar on the road with you, remember, it’s not just another piece of baggage.



tshirt 英語 → 日本語

The instruction booklet should have been folded up inside the helmet under the straps. I just searched my computer room for it in case I pulled it out while taking the photos but I don't see it here. I know it was here because it is in the photos. I have a buddy who works in supply and I will call him and get another copy of the booklet to send you.
I will send you a message as soon as I can get these in the mail to you. It should be tomorrow or Saturday at the lastest. Sorry for forgetting to include these items. I just got in too big a hurry to get it out in the mail and get to the airport. It never pays to rush.



tshirt 英語 → 日本語

No one of achievement has avoided failure, sometimes catastrophic failures.But they keep at it.They learn from mistakes.They don't quit.Those quiet heroes all across this country, some of your parents and grandparents who are sitting here,......no fanfare, no articles written about them, they just persevere.They just do their jobs.They meet their responsibilities.They don't quit.I'm only here because of them.They may not have set out to change the world but in small, important ways, they did.They certainly changed mine.

