Tourmaline (tourmaline) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
技術 法務 サイエンス
tourmaline 英語 → 日本語

When VentureBeat first wrote about Nervana a year ago, the startup wasn’t planning to focus on software — specially built deep learning hardware was the top priority. But things have changed; now the startup wants to offer a cloud service drawing on Nervana’s custom hardware that companies will be able to tap for complex computations, Rao said.

The Nervana cloud isn’t available yet, but Neon is. It’s written in Python, a language familiar to data scientists and developers alike. And there’s also a Machine Learning Operations (MOP) Layer, which allows existing deep learning systems like Theano and Caffe to integrate with Nervana’s technology.

“We’ve packaged it up in a way that makes it very easy to use,” Rao said





tourmaline 日本語 → 英語



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