I contacted you the other day saying that fewer items had arrived than the amount I ordered. But when I double-checked, it turned out that both items I ordered had arrived. Accordingly, there's no longer a need for you to check how many were sent from your end. I'm very sorry for bothering you with my mistake.
Urgent OrderHello, my name is ○○. I'm writing from Japan.I need to buy one of product A urgently, would that be possible?If so, please tell me the amount due and how to pay. I should be able to send the money immediately.How many days would it take for the product to arrive?I look forward to your response.
I must inform you of my mistake.I rely on a product management and delivery forwarding company.I sent the product which you purchased in ○, but the delivery company made a mistake as to your delivery address and delivered the product elsewhere.I have no idea if the recipient of the product will wish to return the product to Japan.I can't possibly keep you waiting, so I will give you a full refund.I deeply apologize for my foolish mistake which has caused an inconvenience to you.I deeply apologize for my mistake which has caused an inconvenience to the buyer.
I ordered your company's product through Ms. XX.She is currently on holiday, so I am contacting you.Today, when I checked the product, I noticed that several centimeters of it were frayed. I enclose a photograph. This product is important, so could you send me a replacement as soon as possible?Is the product being sent in a new way?Is it no longer produced?The product was sent with UPS this time, but it was sent with a different company last time.Are you sending it more cheaply?
I thought I had replied, but perhaps it didn't arrive.I was really worried because I hadn't heard from you.Could you please send me photos other than those available on your webshop?I know it's a big ask, so please feel free to send them through gradually.
Hello,Thank you for your co-operation in preparation for the Dooney televising.Thanks to you, initial sales have been very pleasing.Also, in September, we will be commencing sale of Skechers.This may be asking a lot, but could you provide us with the same US/QVC broadcasting abilities?We looking forward to working with you again.
There is damage to the pickup plate and on frets 1-4 of the fingerboard.There is also some everyday wear and tear and dirt.There doesn't seem to be any damage below the bridge as far as I can see.There's nothing wrong with the joints, but the neck is slightly curved rather than straight.60% of the frets remain.I have adjusted the action with a saddle and rod but there is still a slight lift.It cannot be adjusted much more so will require a certain degree of management to keep it in good shape.
Those who purchase on the day cannot take part.For more details, please look at the posters inside the venue.Those who are going into the first and second priority viewing areas, will be determined by application beforehand.Any kind of audio recording, video recording, or photography devices are strictly forbidden.Depending on the traffic and weather on the day, the event's time, place, or contents is subject to change.
私はEMSであなたのカメラを送ります。以下の日本郵便のサイトでもあなたの商品の追跡番号を確認できます。日本郵便によると、ベルギーまでは約6-8日で到着するので、7月17日迄には到着する予定です。また、あなたの商品はすでに出荷されているので、税関申告書類を過小申告することはできません。350 USD相当の、中古カメラ「商品」として、私は申告しています。商品ページにも書いたように、ebay規約に則り、過少申告や贈り物として商品をお送りすることはお断りをしています。ご了承ください。
I will send your camera via EMS.You can check the order number on the Japan Post's website.According to the Japan Post, it will take 6-8 days to ship to Belgium, so please expect it by July 17th.We have already sent it so are unable to under-report the item to customs.I have filed it as a $350 second-hand camera.As was also written on the product page, in keeping with eBay's terms of use, we cannot mark the item as a gift or report it as a item that will incur less customs tax. We ask for your understanding in this matter.
I'm sorry! I totally didn't see your message.I've been working 8-7 for this month, and I've got three days left.Are you still looking for the book?If you are, let me know.It's a really old book, right?If it's necessary, I'll try some second-hand book shops.
Ana Suiの件、お返事が遅れて申し訳ございませんでした。スタッフと確認をしたところAna Suiについては、当店の手違いで出品したものでした。事実確認に時間が掛かってしまい、ご連絡が遅れたこと大変申し訳けございませんでした。今後このようなことがないようチェック体制を強化していきます。本当に申し訳ございませんでした。
My apologies for taking so long to reply.Upon consorting with the staff, it turns out that the Anna Sui was put out by mistake.I'm sorry it took so long to investigate the situation.We shall re-double our project checking efforts to ensure no similar mistakes occur in the future.My most humble apologies.
また、法人の登録ですが、私は個人事業主でショップを運営しております。その個人事業主申請書の控えはあるのですが、その申請書には、Company/ Charity Registration Numberが記入されていません。この場合、どうすれば良いのかご指示いただけれればと思います。参考までに、申請書を添付しておりますのでご確認ください。
About the company registration, I manage the shop as an entrepreneur. I do have a copy of the written application, but in said application, no Company/Charity Registration number is printed.I would humbly request your advice on what to do in this situation.For the time being, I attach the application form for verification purposes.
ライブはもちろん! 1デイ・スタジオ・パスのついたお得なこのイベントチケット特別先行販売(抽選)を「倖田組」(または「playroom」)で実施します。1日中遊べて、このチャンスは見逃せない。倖田來未と一緒にUNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN®を満喫しよう!※チケット代金の中に、1デイ・スタジオ・パス ¥7,200(税込)の代金も含まれています。
As well as the Live, this special pre-booked event ticket comes with a 1-day Studios pass for the "playroom" fanclub!You definitely don't want to miss this chance.Enjoy Universal Studios Japan to the full with Kumi Koda!*The ticket price includes a 1-day Studios pass worth ¥7,200.
6/17(水) 「水曜歌謡祭」生出演フジテレビ 「水曜歌謡祭」生出演日時:6/17(水) 19:00~ 2時間スペシャルhttp://www.fujitv.co.jp/kayosai/index.html
Wednesday June 17th - "Wednesday Song Festival" - Live PerformanceFuji TV - "Wednesday Song Festival" - Live PerformanceDate: 6/17 - from 7pm. 2 hour special.
Even if you don't buy anything, you can enjoy window shopping.
こんにちは発送から、3週間以上アイテムが届かない報告に私も追跡番号から確認しました。追跡番号 AAAAA地遺跡番号ウェブサイト HTTP@@@@@私は、日本郵便に調査請求と保険の請求を2日以内にします。調査回答と保険は大体3~4週間かかります。あなたに、損をさせるような事はしませんからもうしばらく待ってもらえないでしょうかまた、取引について問題があった時は連絡してください。よろしくお願いします
Hello,With the tracking number, I have confirmed that the package has not yet arrived, 3 weeks after sending.Tracking number: AAAAATracking number website: HTTP@@@@@I shall put in a claim with the Japanese postal office, as well as the insurance company within 2 days.The results of the investigation usually come within 4 weeks.I want to resolve this successfully for you, so could you please wait a little longer?Please let me know if you have any further inquiries.Many thanks.