Tearz (tearz) 翻訳実績

4.9 232 件のレビュー
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サイエンス 医療 法務 文化 IT 技術
84 時間 / 週
tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

i want to thank u for your quick response,i hope the new one that u will be shipping is the one in the picture neck-thru, soild body, two sets p-bass pick-ups,because there is a gloss black one also that i have in my cart on ebay but i wanted to make sure the first one was right. i will be shipping this one back on friday. i will send u a copy of the invoice also my cod charge on this bass was 59.87 are u going to add that in with the shipping refund to paypal? if these basses are the same that r in the picture, i a going to be ordering the black one but there is only like 5 days left on it on ebay.if the white one does not get to me in time will u hold it for me?



tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

MuvizuPlay is an animation software package based on the Unreal Engine 3 developed by the UK-based company Digimania (Formerly knowns as the DA Group), whose prior work includes the virtual newsreader Ananova.

Muvizu was known as Muvizu 3D during the beta release cycles and was rebranded as Muvizu Play upon the 1.0 release in April 2013.

MuvizuPlay comes pre-packed with a variety of two-legged characters, objects, effects and pre-made animations which users can use to fit their own stories. The software also supports custom objects, character textures, object textures, dialogue (including the ability to lip-sync automatically) and sound effects allowing a wide variety of customisation.


MuvizuPlayはイギリスに拠点をおくDigimania(前DAグループ)がUnreal Engine 3を元に開発したアニメーションソフトパッケージです。Digimaniaは過去にAnanovaという仮想ニュースリーダーなどを手がけました。

Muvizuはベータ版リリースサイクル中Muvizu 3Dとして知られていましたが、2013年4月のバージョン1.0リリース時にMuvizu Playとして再ブランド化されました。


tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

I received this Les Paul today and I'll get right to it - I want to return it or get a partial refund.
As you know, the headstock is the part that's most likely to break on a Les Paul. It's the first thing an experienced dealer or buyer looks for.

When I took this guitar out of the case I immediately saw repair work on the back on the headstock. The visible crack is about 2 inches long going from the base of the headstock on the lower side, across the headstock to just below the low E string tuner.
When buying a used guitar I accept belt buckle marks, fret wear or other normal signs of use. A headstock that has been broken is not acceptable unless the seller mentions it before the sale.


こちらのLes Paulを本日受け取りました。単刀直入にいいますと、返品もしくは一部返金を希望します。
ご存知の通り、主軸台はLes Paulの部品の中でも最も壊れやすい箇所です。腕利きのディーラーやバイヤーであればまずこの部分に目を向けるでしょう。


tearz 日本語 → 英語 ★★★★★ 5.0



The item is shipped.