The majority of our staff are females which is unheard of for a financial services company. Finally, we have made a real effort to recruit outside of our industry to bring in new ideas. You need diversity to shake up very traditional industries that look within themselves for ideas. This is precisely why they don’t innovate and you have a real chance.• Transparency rulesI think it is critically important that when building a team you are transparent about the risks and not just the rewards. Don’t take for granted that every employee may not be as well versed as you when it comes to market and financing risks you will surely face.
It works to your advantage to be transparent because anyone that does not have a certain level of risk tolerance does not belong in the startup world. Try to mitigate the perceived risks with facts and always be honest. You are after all dealing with someone’s livelihood and everyone should enter the relationship with eyes wide open. I also am a big advocate of being transparent with business progress, both good and bad. We display our key real-time metrics across four ceiling-mounted plasma screens in our office. Withholding information breeds uncertainty and I would rather everyone feel unified and secure that we are all in this together.
• Equity, equity, equityOne of the biggest disparities between Silicon Valley and Asia is the lack of equity culture in Asia. Beyond the founders you will find people are much more concerned about their salary, heath benefits and security than with long-term equity. Just because employees may not ask for equity it does not mean you should not grant it. My suggestion is to tie it to a concrete goal that everyone on the team can get behind. For us, the goal is the first full quarter of profitability.
Once that is achieved we will issue stock to all of the employees and have stipulated that in our shareholders agreement with investors. I don’t think its especially helpful to grant equity up front as it has unclear value (so employees will not value it all) and it should be used as a tool to reward real achievement and loyalty.I leave you with this thought. Building and motivating a team will be the hardest work you do. Again, build a foundation for what you want your company to look like in the future and not what it is today. Your product will take you only so far and it is your people that will be the ultimate factor in success or failure of your startup. As always, good luck! I am pulling for you.
The applied trademark by Facebook includes not only those in English but also the ones in Chinese, like “脸书”. Although, the most widely spread localized name of Facebook is the phrase of “非死不可”, which means Dooms to Die. Few foreign companies would put attention on the localized trademark of its existing sign before entering the Chinese market, which may hinder the propaganda of its localized brand due to others squatting. But, Facebook’s application shows that foreign investors have realized the importance of the brand localization.
フェースブックによって申請された商標は英語だけではなく、 “脸书”のように中国語も含まれる。しかし、最も広汎に知られている中国によるフェースブックという言葉は “非死不可”という死に至る運命を表すものだ。中国市場に参入する前に、中国語表記での商標がどういう意味を持つか注意を払っている外国企業はほとんど無い。これは現地でのブランド宣伝の障害となる。しかし、フェースブックの申請は外資もブランドの現地化の重要性を理解してきた事を示している。
It’s also found out that the trademark of Facebook has been first applied in Class 9 by other companies, which by our opinion, Facebook could take back the trademark through judicial methods. For any squatted trademark, the relief procedure of the trademark regulated by China laws is available to foreign investors other than the purchase of the trademark as the case of Apple.[Editor: Nobody knows that how long it will take for Facebook to officially enter China, maybe it's a Never, but good to know that Facebook is still seeking the way and preparing for it, at least the way of its protecting its trademark in China sounds smarter than Apple.]
Suning Book Business Backed up by Dangdang?Jack Ma, founder, chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group once said that “buying stuff from elsewhere then reselling them online is a stupid business model”, well, how about buying from your competitor rather than channels and then reselling online?Unbelievable yet might be the sure thing at least to Gong Wenxian, VP of etailer, who broke the news to local media that purchased books from, another Chinese online general store to build up its own book inventory.
Suningのブック販売はDangdangに支えられている?アリババ・グループの創業者、会長、CEOであるJack Maはかつて「他で買った物をオンラインで再販売するなんて馬鹿げたビジネスモデルだ」と語ったが、自社のチャネルではなく競合者から仕入れ再販売するというのはどうだろうか?信じられない事だが、360hqb.comの副社長、Gong Wenxianは地域のメディアにSuning.comは本の在庫を構築する為に、他の中国オンラインストアであるDangdang.comから本を仕入れたと発表した。
Suning went online its book business in last November with a grand and generous campaign of “Free books in 72 hours” – basically all the book-related payments would be refunded as virtual balance in every shopper’s Suning account that could be used to buy other items from the B2C service, and they can keep the books. The eyes-grabbing campaign was a hit then and made to the headlines of a vast majority of local publications.According to Gong, who is also a long-time Chinese ecommerce observer and tipster, Suning’s book promotion was backed up by Dangdang, “Actually (Suning’s) books were provided by Dangdang. The strategic cooperation between the two was aiming to compete with”, he said.
7. Pursue Breakout OpportunitiesEvery once in a while, a great opportunity comes along that might help you leapfrog up the career ladder. For example, George Clooney was a struggling TV actor when he heard about ER in 1994. Clooney “caught wind of an opportunity, hustled to seize it, and catapulted his career to new heights.” Clooney didn’t necessarily know that ER would become as huge as it eventually did. “How did Clooney recognize ER for the breakout opportunity it was?” Hoffman writes. “Well, he was not certain it would be a breakout. You can never be certain.” But ER had “high quality” people on board and the opportunity was a lead role in a major network drama.
Such breakout opportunities may seem like blind luck, but Hoffman writes that you can develop thinking and behaviors that help you recognize when such “luck” appears. One habit is to remain curious about events that happen in your everyday life. For instance, Reed Hastings (the CEO of Netflix) was a software entrepreneur living in Silicon Valley in 1997 when he ran into a problem: Huge fees for returning Apollo 13 late to his video rental store. Hastings then began researching the industry and found DVDs were light and cheap to ship.
You should also be on the lookout for serendipitous meetings. For instance, John D’Agostino, then in his twenties, attended an event in the Waldorf Astoria in New York featuring Vincent Viola, the chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). D’Agosino made some remarks that caught Viola’s attention and the two set up a meeting. D’Agostino soon got hired as a manager for special projects on NYMEX and was eventually promoted to vice president of strategy.
予期せぬ出会いにも注意を払う必要がある。例えば、John D’Agostinoは20代の頃、ニューヨークのウォルドーフ・アストリアにニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)のVincent Viola議長が参加するイベントに参加した。D’Agosinoの発現がViolaのの注目を惹き、2回の打ち合わせが持たれた。D’Agostino はすぐにNYMEXの特別なプロジェクトのマネージャーとして雇われ、やがては戦略担当の副社長に昇進した。
8. Be ResilientNot everyone will appreciate your great idea, but if you really believe in it, you can put up with a lot of adversity. Hoffman offers a great illustration of this idea in Tim Westregen, the founder of Pandora Media. Westregen began working on the idea behind Pandora in 1999. By late 2002, the company was doing so badly that he arrived at his office to find an eviction notice at the door. In late 2003, four former employees sued him over deferred salaries. Over the next year or so, he pitched his idea to investors more than 300 times.
8.弾力性を持つ誰もが貴方のアイデアを評価するわけではない、が、もしそのアイデアを信じているのなら、多くの逆境に耐える必要がある。ホフマンはパノラマ・メディアの創業者Tim Westregenを偉大な例として挙げている。1999年のパンドラ創業以後、Westregenは自分のアイデアを実行し始めた。2002年後半迄、会社の業績はとても悪く、会社に着くとドアに立ち退き命令の紙を見つけるほどだった。2003年後半には前の従業員が給与支払いの遅延により彼を訴えた。およそ次の年いっぱい、彼は投資家に300回以上も彼のアイデアをぶつけた。
“For almost 10 years, Pandora was beaten and battered by lawsuits, unfavorable legislation and the constant threat of bankruptcy,” Hoffman writes. “Remarkably, Tim and his team hung in there.”
To answer this question, Hoffman uses the example of Zappos, which focuses on mainstream shoes and clothes. While it might be tempting to adapt the company’s “over-the-top customer service” to other categories as well, that would make Zappos’s unique selling proposition less apparent. “If you try to be the best at everything and better than everyone (that is, if you believe success means ascending one global, mega leaderboard), you’ll be the best at nothing and better than no one,” Hoffman writes. “In other words, don’t try to be the greatest marketing executive in the world; try to be the greatest marketing executive of small-to-midsize companies that compete in the health care industry.”
2. You Don’t Need to “Find Yourself”Hoffman makes a sharp distinction between his advice and that of Parachute, which, like many self-help books, believes that uncovering your deepest desires is the key to finding your passion. “Contrary to what many bestselling authors and motivational gurus would have you believe, there is not a ‘true self’ deep within that you can uncover via introspection and that will point you in the right direction,” Hoffman writes. “Yes, your aspirations shape what you do. But your aspirations are themselves shaped by your actions and experiences. You remake yourself as you grow and the world changes. Your identity doesn’t get found. It emerges.”
Hoffman illustrates what he means by Plan Z with a personal anecdote: “When I started my first company, my father offered up an extra room in his house in the event it didn’t work out — living there and finding a job somewhere else to earn money was my Plan Z. This allowed me to be aggressive in my entrepreneurial pursuits, as I knew I could draw my assets down to zero if necessary and still have a roof over my head.” Hoffman writes that if you’re in your twenties and single, working at Starbucks and living with your parents might be a viable Plan Z, but if you’re in your thirties or forties with children, your Plan Z might be cashing in your 401(k).
ホフマンはZプランを個人的な逸話を紹介して例示している:「最初の会社を始めた時、父親が家の中の臨時に部屋を提供してくれたがうまくいかなかった - そこに住み、他で仕事を見つけ稼ぐというのが私のZ計画だった。私は資産をゼロにしても頭を使えるという事を知っていたので、これは企業家目的を積極的に追い求める手助けとなった」 ホフマンは書いている、もし貴方が20代独身でスターバックスで働き、両親と暮らすというのはありがちなZ計画かもしれない、しかし30代か40代で子供がいる世代ならZ計画は破産へとつながるかもしれない。
“When you’re deciding whether or not to build a professional relationship with someone, there are many considerations: whether you like him or her; the capacity for the person to help you build your assets, reach your aspirations and position you well competitively and for you to help back in all the same ways,” Hoffman writes. “And, like with dating, you should always have a long-term perspective.”
「誰かと職業的な関係を構築するかどうか考えている時には、考慮すべきたくさんの事がある:彼か彼女を好きであろうがなかろうが、貴方の強みを構築するのを手伝い、貴方の希望を理解し、貴方を競争的に望ましい位置に導く能力があり、貴方が同じように手伝へる事が出来るかだ。」とホフマンは言う。 「そしてデートと同じように長期間の観点を常に持つべきだ」
5. Have Fun Building RelationshipsHoffman writes that networking gets a bad rap because most people don’t enjoy it. “It’s the presumption that building relationships in a professional context is like flossing,” he writes. “You’re told it’s important, but it’s no fun.” To motivate yourself for network building, think of the fact that your happiest memories were probably with someone else. “We’re not suggesting that you have to be an extrovert or life of the party,” he writes. “We just think it’s possible to appreciate the mystery of another person’s life experience. Building relationships is the thrilling if delicate quest to at once understand another person and allow that person to understand you.”
5.関係構築を楽しむホフマンは多くの人々は楽しめないのでネットワークはひどいラップのようなものだと書く。 「職業的な関係構築は(歯の)フロッシングのようなものだという推定だ」 「ネットワーク構築は重要だと言われるが、楽しみではない」 ネットワーク構築を推し進める為に、楽しい記憶は他の誰かと居た時だという事実を思い起こそう。「貴方に外交型の人になれと言っているのではないし、パーティ人生を持てと言っている訳でもない。」 「他人の人生を評価する事が可能だと思っているだけだ。関係構築は、もし他人の事を理解し、他人が貴方を理解するという洗練された探求があればスリルに満ちたものだ」
6. Build Your Weak TiesDespite the limitations of Dunbar’s Number (that your brain can only really handle about 150 people in your network), Hoffman illustrates that the bigger your professional network, the better. For instance, if you have 170 connections on LinkedIn, then you will have, on average 26,200 second-degree connections and more than 2 million that are three degrees away. Having access to all those people can help you in a pinch. Hoffman illustrates this by pointing out that Frank Hannigan, a software entrepreneur in Ireland, raised more than $200,000 in funding in eight days in 2010 by reaching out to his 700 first-degree connections. But 30% of investors actually were second-degree connections.
The ‘OpenFeint’ Name Will Be Gone After GREE Launches Its Global Platform for GamingGREE’s Global Platform (GPP) looks to be the next big thing for the Japanese mobile gaming company. It has came a long way since first expanding out from Japan, with the most significant move undoubtedly its $100 million acquisition of U.S-based OpenFeint.