石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

The statement was reported to the other, they held a conference, and some thought they had become reconciled. For they understood each other's feeling accurately, and, thinking it inopportune at that time to put them to the test, they tried to come to terms by making a few mutual concessions.And for some days they kept quiet; then they began to suspect each other afresh, as a result either of some actual treachery or some false calumny, as regularly happens under such conditions, and fell out again. For when men become reconciled after some great enmity they are suspicious of acts that have no significance and of many chance occurrences; in brief, they regard everything, as done on purpose and for an evil end.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Those who are neutral aggravate the trouble between them by bearing reports back and forth under the pretence of good-will and thus exasperating them still further. For there is a element which is anxious to see all those who have power at variance with one another, an element which takes delight in their enmity and joins in plots against them. And the one who has suffered from calumny is easy to deceive with words adapted to the purpose by friends whose attachment is free from suspicion. Thus it was that these men, who even before this had not trusted each other, became more estranged than ever.So Antony attempted to attract the populace to see if he could detach them from his rival and win them to himself.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

After this came the festival appointed in honor of the completion of the temple, which some had promised to celebrate, but were now holding in slight regard, even as they did the games in the Circus in honor of the Parilia; so, to win the favor of the populace, he provided for it at his private expense, on the ground that it concerned him because of his family. At this time out of fear of Antony he did not bring into the theatre either Caesar's gilded chair or his crown set with precious stones, as had been permitted by decree. When, however, a certain star during all those days appeared in the north toward evening, which some called a comet, claiming that it foretold the usual occurrences,



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

while the majority, instead of believing it, ascribed it to Caesar, interpreting it to mean that he had become immortal and had been received into the number of the stars, Octavius then took courage and set up in the temple a bronze statue of him with a star above his head. And when this act also was allowed, no one trying to prevent it through fear of the populace, then at last some of the other decrees already passed in honor of Caesar were put into effect. Thus they called one of the months July after him, and in the course of certain festivals of thanksgiving for victory they sacrificed during one special day in memory of his name. For these reasons the soldiers also readily took the side of Caesar.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

A rumour got abroad and it seemed likely that something unusual would take place. This belief was due particularly to the circumstance that once, when Octavius wished to speak with Antony in court about something, from an elevated and conspicuous place, as he had been wont to do in his father's lifetime, Antony would not permit it, but caused his lictors to drag him down and drive him out. All were vexed, especially as Caesar, with a view to casting odium upon his rival an attracting the multitude, would no longer even frequent the Forum. So Antony became alarmed, and in conversation with the bystanders one days remarked that he harboured no anger against Caesar, but on the contrary owed him good-will.



tatsuoishimura 日本語 → 英語






The restoration made much progress and the convention facilities has opened again; on schedule are the academic conferences of various sizes and the resort type large-scale conventions.

We were authorized as an International Conference and Tourism City in 1994, and able to produce attractive conventions in Akita-city's beautiful scenery with its beautiful women's hospitality.

We support organizers by proposing various types of convention plans from middle scale or up, and offering many other menus such as venue selection consultation, suppliers listing, chartered bus support system and so on.

Our experience are abundant, including such as Labor Minister meetings and Minister in charge of food security meetings, so you can be sure to rely on us in holding any MICE.

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

But the scene is changing with internationally acclaimed institutions like Hyper Island and events like CreativeMornings/Singapore (disclaimer: I am an organizer of this event) bringing together foreign talents and local creatives.The Singapore government is also lending more financial support and creating the necessary infrastructure for a creative culture to thrive.Presently though, we’re also faced with a less design savvy market as compared to our East Asian neighbors like Japan and South Korea.This means that many design-oriented startups will have to educate the market and wait for a growing middle class with higher disposable incomes who may come to appreciate the value of design.


しかし、Hyper Islandのような国際的に評価された機関やCreativeMornings/シンガポール(断り書き: 私はこのイベントの主催者側の一人である)のようなイベントが外国の才能や現地の創造性の引き合わをするなかで、状況は変わってきている。シンガポール政府も、いっそうの金融支援を行い、創造的な文化が成育するために必要なインフラをつくりつつある。現在のところはしかし、我々は日本や韓国といった東アジアの隣人と比較してデザインに精通していない市場に直面させられてもいる。この意味は、多くのデザイン指向のスタートアップが、市場を教育し、デザインの価値がわかるようになる可能性があるより高い可処分所得を持つ成長中の中流階級に待たなければならないということである。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

It’s baffling why consumers wouldn’t mind spending several months of their pay checks on branded goods but insist on bargaining for handicrafts at flea markets.Or as a local doctor would have put it, consumers here are willing to spend their fortunes on cosmetic surgery but will complain about high clinical consultation fees for flu and fever.Solutions for a creative economy Make no mistake, the emergence of platformed creativity in sheer numbers is not representative of a viable market ready to consume creative goods and services at scale.It’s simply an indication that willing and passionate entrepreneurs are out there and ready to make a change in the creative and technology scene.

