NAOKO.N (tani1973) 翻訳実績

5.0 3 件のレビュー
11年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
機械 ビジネス 医療
tani1973 英語 → 日本語


By the beginning of the '60s, slim jeans are a leisurewear staple, as teens begin to have real fun, forgetting the almost desperate energy of the previous decade, cocooned in wealth and security. But the seeds of change have been sown, and by the mid '60s jeans have acquired yet another social connotation-as the uniform of the budding social and sexual revolution.jeans are the great equalizer, the perfect all-purpose garment for the classless society sought by the hippy generation. In the fight for civil rights, at anti-war demonstrations on the streets of Paris, at sit-ins and love-ins everywhere, the battle cry is heard above a sea of blue.




tani1973 英語 → 日本語

We are pleased to announce that, in September, we will be enhancing our valuation reporting procedures to provide you with more direct ability to enter the prices paid for merchandise shipped to your MyUSaddress.

In preparation for this enhancement, and beginning Friday, 16 August, we will research the value of merchandise that arrives with no merchant invoice or with a merchant invoice that does not indicate the price you paid. If the values we assign as a result of our research do not reflect the actual price you paid, you may choose to edit the values from your inbox prior to shipping. In some cases, we may need you to provide the actual merchant invoice or purchase receipt in order to make the adjustment.



tani1973 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

PP are back in 横浜 with a show in which girls play the boys, boys play the girls, and a dog (sort of) plays the dog. The stage will be filled with live music, physical comedy, and moral dilemmas.

Proteus and Valentine are best friends, but they have different opinions about love. While Proteus stays at home writing his girlfriend terrible poetry, Valentine heads to the city where he won't have to listen to it. Things get complicated, though, when they develop rather similar opinions about the lovely Silvia.

Meanwhile the girls decide it's not just men who can go on adventures, and set out from home to get their way. But things will get very complicated before they can all get married.

Get your tickets now!






tani1973 英語 → 日本語

Dear yamahaya88102012,

Ah I just remembered something extremely important so I'm glad to not see a shipped notice from you just yet.
I moved to a new home just before buying this figure and I forgot to change my shipping address in paypal and Ebay. Can you please make sure it gets shipped to this

Can you please update the order status? if you don't do, Im going to open case through ebay customer support on this tomorrow.

I was very happy about your communication in day one. But I'm disappointed now. As you mentioned in your previous email, you will dispatch it by yesterday. But I haven't get any update by today. If you don't have stock with you could you please refund my money? I can purchase from other seller.






tani1973 英語 → 日本語

If you can’t find anyone who has experienced similar problems before, it will be difficult to address issues like how to scale your back-end performances, understanding term sheets, or decoding investors’ message that is specific to your product.

All mentors offer office hours of at least once per month each batch, or even more. Each ranges from 30 to 45 minutes a session. Make the best use of each mentor’s time by studying their profiles (literally stalk them). Do your homework. Send them an email about your company and a few questions that you want to discuss before the mentorship session. That is how you will make the best use of your mentor’s and your time!




tani1973 英語 → 日本語

2. Focus on your traction, metrics, and users, instead of product

GreenGar came to 500 Startups with 500,000 monthly active users. What does that mean? I have half a million people to think about every night before I go to sleep, literally. However, we’re not coming to 500 Startups to show off our traction (who cares?), we’re here to make a difference for our company, to take GreenGar to the next level. 500 Startups has a great team that understands distribution and growth hacking. However, it won’t be helpful if you don’t know your metrics. In fact, I think having a great traction like GreenGar has a lot of disadvantages as most people think GreenGar will be doing okay.


2. 自社の製品ではなく牽引力、メトリクス、ユーザに焦点を絞る

GreenGarには50万人のアクティブユーザがいながらも、500 Startupsへやって来た。これはどういうことだろう?実際、このユーザ50万人のことを考えずに寝ない日はほとんどない。しかし、当社が500 Startupsへ参加したのは、自社の牽引力をひけらかすためではない、GreenGarに大きな変化をもたらし、次の段階へ導くためである。500 Startupsには、流通とグロースハックに優れたチームがいる。しかし、自社のメトリクスを知らなければ、これは役に立たない。事実、GreenGarのように、牽引力が大きいと、順調だと思われてしまうことが多いため、デメリットが多い。

tani1973 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

We clearly knew how to make apps that people love and we knew how to make money. However, we made a huge mistake. We focused on developing the new product. Our lead developer, myself and my co-founder spent literally 16 hours per day writing 170,000 lines of code per week. We successfully developed the new Whiteboard. However, our metrics did not improve a bit during the three months here. One thing we did right was to listen to Dave McClure’s advice and do intensive user research about our user database. Therefore, at least we knew that the new Whiteboard is the product that all of our users have been waiting for.


我々は、どうやったらみんなに求められるアプリを作るかはっきり分かっていたし、どうやって収益を上げたらいいかも分かっていた。しかし、非常に大きな間違いをした。新製品の開発を重視したことだ。自社の主力開発者、自分、そして共同設立者は、1日16時間も働き、1週間に17万行ものコードを書き込んだ。そして、Whiteboardの開発に成功した。しかし、自社のメトリクスは、ここ3ヶ月、少しも改善しなかった。Dave McClure氏のアドバイスを聞いたことと、ユーザデータベースについてユーザリサーチに力を注いだことは正しかった。そのため、Whiteboardが、自社のユーザが待ち望んでいた製品であることは、少なくとも、分かっていた。