Possible use of the application platform of type corresponding to the multi-device based on HTML5
I'd like to ask you a little about K20-5001.Is it possible to order the product No.8?It will be helpful to receive your response as soon as possible.
私はあなたにお願いがあります。myus に送るのをやめてもらいたいです。請求書(領収書)を入れるのをやめてもらえますか?もしくは請求書を入れないで、発送してもらえますか?
I have a favor to ask you.I would be glad if you suspend sending the document to "myus".Is it possible for you to send the document without a bill?
I considered purchasing the product you've recommended, but this time, I'd like to order the products I ordered first.I'll be waiting for the shipping quote.