Shino Case (sweetshino) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
sweetshino 英語 → 日本語

I dont have a contract or terms for the exclusive distribution for you, but If you have some contract similar with others of your partners we could be revise it.
I know that you will work in develop our brand in Japan and you will need support for us and not sell to any more in Japan. We are accord in that.
I would like to know how do you sell our holds rigth now? For set, for hold, for weigth....

What do you work better for you rigth now?

About the shipping we have a contract with a mexican company called Estafeta and they work with UPS for all the international shipments, I dont know if you can get betters prices with another company, tomorrow I will send you our prices for each kgs to Japan.





sweetshino 日本語 → 英語



and people who have been living on restitution for one and half year will not be able to get along when people who evacuated and living on restitution return the Minami Souma city after the restitution is terminated. It is hard to understand that people who originally evacuated from fear of radiation are coming back to the town just because restitution is terminated. On the other hand, population of Minami Soma city will decrease and aging society accelerates, which eventually bring impact on tax revenue if these people are not coming back. In worst case scenario, Minami Soma city could be collapsed. Many things will be involved. Said xx. Even if in the future the city may completely recover, the warm human relationship that had been built over the years may not be recovered fully.
Story of Mr. Yuzuhara, continuing from last night.

sweetshino 日本語 → 英語

旧緊急時避難準備区域30km圏内から避難をしている方に東電からの補償が1人あたり月額10万円(今年8月までの予定)我々の地区は県内でも所得が低い地域であり家族で避難していれば補償の方が普通に仕事をするよりも多くの収入を得ることが出来るという現象が起きています。雇用保険も何回も延長されパチンコ屋の駐車場は昼間から一杯です。働かずに収入があればその補償が切れた時に「さあ仕事をしよう」と切り替える事は私は難しいと思います。 避難をせず、補償もなく地元で仕事を続けていた人間と、、 


Restitution of JPY100,000 per person from TOPCE is paid to the people who evacuated from within 30km of former emergency preparation evacuation zone. The restitution is planned to be provided until Aug. 2012. Our area is one of the lowest income areas in our prefecture. Therefore, if you evacuate with all your family, you may get more money than working as usual. Unemployment insurance can be renewed many times as well. Parking lots of Japanese pinball stores (gambling pinball) are full even during the daytime. If you used to the situation that you can get enough money for not working, it would be hard for them to switch their mind to start working when the restitution is terminated. People who have been working locally without evacuating and receiving restitution