通常はハードケースは付属しません。しかし今、幸運なことに丁度、Duesenberg オリジナルのハードケースの在庫があります。中古ですがとてもきれいで良いコンディションです。現物の写真をご確認ください。ギター本体$A+ハードケース$B=$C 送料$D 合計$Eでのご提案となります。このシルバースパークルは日本限定カラーでとても珍しいカラーです。これが売れると新品の入荷はもうないかもしれません。アメリカからの問い合わせが多くあります。売り切れる前の購入をお勧めします。
In usual, a hard case is not pertained. However, at present, original hard cases of the Duesenberg are fortunately in stock. They are very fine and in good condition though they are secondhand. Please see pictures of the actual goods. I propose that a gitter for $A + a hard case for $B = $C, carirage $D, and then total $E.A color of this silver sparkle is a Japan limited color and very rare color. When they are sold, new goods may not be arrived. There are many queries from U.S.A.I recommend you to buy before sold out of the goods.
A"家族か突然いなくなっちゃうのってどんな気持ちなんだろうね。死んだとことかさ確認できなかったらあきらめらんないかな やっぱ。""確認しても そんなに簡単に割り切れないんじゃない?""多分 子供だと特にね。"Bうっかり忘れていかれたようでの。C今回 実はこのフリートークのスペースがとても多いです。うーむ こまった...というわけで 1/3スペースに 4コマを2つと あらすじスペースには相変わらずの だらだらとした 趣味の話を書いてます。
A"If my falimily are disappiared suddnly, I wonder how I feel. I wonder I could accept their dead or disappearance.""Is it not so easy to accept even if you confirm ?""Especially, in case of childs, I appears not to accept."BIt seems to be left behind carelessly.CIn this time, a lot of spaces for free conversation are taken up. Hmm, this is bad.For this reason, 1/3 of the spaces is filled with two 4-panel comics, and abstract spaces is filled with loose descritptions about hobbies as usual.
あなたが返品した商品が日本に届きました私はあなたに$200と返送費用の$10.20を返金しますPaypalに問い合わせたら、eBayのResolution Centerで問題が解決されないと、返金の手続きがで行えないということなので、まずはあなたがeBayのクレームを取り消してください-私はあなたからの注文を受け付けました早速、商品を工房から取り寄せますまずあなたはNo.12の商品を落札して$12をお支払ください商品が私に届いたら、重さを計り、改めて合計額をお知らせいたします
The goods that you returned have been received in Japan.I will pay back $200 and $10.20 as refund fees to you.When I ask Paypal, a procedure of refund cannnot be carried out unless a problem is solved at Resolution Center. Therefore, please cannel your claims in eBay at first.-I have received an order from you.I will soon obtain goods from a workshop.At first, you are requested to make a successful bid of the goods of No.12 and to pay $12.When the goods is reached to me, I measures a weight to tell you total fees again.
I an in trouble over a situation in which a loading of EA cannot be excuted since few days ago and FERv1.8 cannot run. Do you know the way to solve this situation?When the Robot2.0 is set by default, T/P and SL cannot be orderd in time of holding a new position. I am willing to automatically order with 10 T/P and 100 S/L. I would like to operate with the same data as you disclose in Myfxbook. Do you give me all of your settings?
You will not submit your invoice though we have been requested from last manth. Neither your adress nor telephone number are clear. Therefore, only the way left for us is to return the goods!When we called for the company A, we are told about that there is no relationship between your company and the company A.Since we buy it from not company A but your company, we have needed your information.Although the haulier had made a contact with the company A, they could not obtain any information because there is no purchase with my name.We cannot wait any longer, and then we will take a procedure for repayment via PayPal.Please contact the haulier if there are any solutions.
#abit1jetspeedの返金をお待ちしています。お手数をおかけします。いつも魅力的なオファーをいただき心から感謝しています。あなたのオファーにはいつも強い関心を持っていますので、出来るだけ購入したいのですが、良い返事ができず、いつも申し訳なく思っています。SLDRに関しては、Silver/White 460/430 10.5度であれば、人気がありますが、私の販路では、通常の8度は最近3ヵ月で殆ど売れていないようです。
#abit1I am waiting for a refund of jetspeed. Sorry for the trouble.I greatly appreciate receiving your attractive offer every time.I am always concerned with your offer very much, and I would like to buy it as much as possible. However, I am sorry for not make favorable reply.Regarding SLDR, althought a type of Silver/White 460/430 10.5 degrees is popupar, a type of regular 8 degrees has not almost been sold in the last three months in my market.