Thank you for your reply. I do not have the retail shop so I am planning to start selling on website only.I am from XX.Is it possible to start selling only on website? Also, is it possible to start purchase order after receiving sales order? Than you for your co-operation.Regards
※INFINITIカタログよりサンプル依頼です。 MVIND_560 の 柄・色なしタイプのサンプルをお願い致します。 リサイクルウッド使用の場合は、ペイントをすべて落とした状態で使用をお願い致します。
This is the sample request from INFINITI Catalogue.We would like request the sample of MVIND_560 with no pattern, no colour.If it uses recycle woods, please use them after all the paint removed.
Now, we have checked the items and the cover (a blue case) was not including. We would like to send it without charging any delivery fee. We wish it is all right for you.The items we will send to you are expensive thing. That is why, these will be sent separately, with different dates, to avoid the problem of customs.We already sent item # A1 today. Item # A2 will be sent 2 days later. It takes 4 to 6 days to the items arrives. We appreciate your patience. Absence notification will be posted if you are not at home when it is delivered. In that case, please ask redelivery.Your tracking number is as follows.
Hello. I need help. Could you please give me a good advise?This weekend, I asked the camera shop of my acquaintance if we can deal without receipt. Now it become OK without it.What would like to do? Would you like to return it still?If you would like to go ahead, the refund will be made after the goods has been arrived and examined.
1) Is it you who create this environment this time?2) Your supporters will be calm down if both you live in separate and remove your paired-tattoo.3) You use SNS power to kidnap BOB and now you have got the deserts. It does happen because you rely too much on others, don't you think?4) Why KANARIKA camp does not support Bob?5) KANARIKA camp use a sense of young supporters morality to stop the complain from Jake. I am sick of it. First of all, it is the matter of course the act of being in love with two people gives someone unpleasant feeling.