Shimauma (shimauma) 翻訳実績

約9年前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語
shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Suicide in Children — What Every Parent Must Know
New research finds that suicide in children is triggered by more than sadness.
The death of a child is always heart breaking and horribly, horribly wrong. But when a child dies by suicide, it brings a whole different level of grief, pain, and anguished bewilderment to those who cared about the child.
Fortunately, suicide in children is very rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 2 out of every one million children ages 5 to 11 will die by suicide. The rate among adolescents (ages 12-17) is about 52 per million. On average, about 33 children under 12 kill themselves each year in the US (Bridge et al., 2015).



shimauma 英語 → 日本語

■Children’s understanding of suicide and death
Do kids even know what suicide is? Yes, they do—at a surprisingly young age. Brian Mishara interviewed 65 elementary school children (grades 1-5, ages 6-12), to see what they understand about death and suicide. Only one first grader (older than average for his grade) was familiar with the word “suicide,” but almost all knew what “killing oneself” meant.
By third grade, all but one child understood the word “suicide”—they’d talked about it with peers or seen it on TV or overheard adults talking about it. All of the kids who knew about killing oneself or suicide were also able to describe one or more ways of doing it.


子供は、そもそも自殺が何かを理解しているのでしょうか?はい、理解しています-驚くほど幼い年齢で。Brian Mishara氏は、65人の小学生(1年生から5年生、6才から12才)にインタビューを行い、死と自殺について、彼等が何を理解しているのか調査しました。「自殺」という言葉を理解していたのは一年生の(学年の平均年齢より年長の)一人のみでしたが、「自死」が何を意味するかはほとんど全ての子供が知っていました。

shimauma 英語 → 日本語

Ridge Anderson suggests that there may be two subtypes of suicidal children: One subtype feels depressed, hopeless, worthless, and unable to enjoy themselves; the other is more aggressive, irritable, disruptive, sensation-seeking, and impulsive. This latter subtype seems to be more common among young children than early adolescents.
The murky understanding of death, the relationship problems, the prevalence of ADHD, and the wish for control…together these paint a picture suggesting that, at least in some cases, children experience a stressful interaction, feel extremely distressed but don’t know how to cope, and then impulsively act to hurt themselves, perhaps not really expecting to die.


Ridge Anderson氏は、自殺する子供は2つの亜型に分けられるかもしれないと言います:一つは、落ち込み、希望をなくし、役立たずに感じ、楽しむことができない子供;もう一つは、より攻撃的で、怒りっぽく、破壊的で刺激を追い求める直情的な子供です。後者の亜型は、青少年よりも年少の子供たちによくみられるようです。

shimauma 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

For black children, the suicide rate increased from 1.36 to 2.54 per million, while for white children it dropped from 1.14 to 0.77 per million. We don’t know why.
About one-third of both children and adolescents who died by suicide had mental health problems, but the two age groups differed in the type of disorder that was most prevalent. For the young children who died from suicide and had mental health issues, Attention Deficit Disorder was almost twice as common as Depression/Dysthymia (59% ADD/ADHD vs. 33% depression), but among the older kids, depression was about twice as common as ADHD (29% ADHD vs. 66% depression).


自殺で死亡した子供および青少年の約三分の一が、精神衛生上の問題を抱えていました。しかし、最も顕著であった疾患のタイプについては、2つの年齢グループで異なりました。自殺で死亡し、精神衛生上の問題を抱えていた子供達の間では、注意力欠如障害が鬱/気分変調のほぼ2倍見られました(注意力欠如障害/注意欠陥過活動性障害 59%に対し、鬱 33%)。しかし、より年長の子供達の間では、鬱が注意欠陥過活動性障害の約2倍多く見られました(注意欠陥過活動性障害 29%に対し、鬱 66%)。