Guten Tag Morgen kommt ein Interessent sich den Trolley anschauen sollte er diesen nicht kaufen werde ich mich bei Ihnen melden
I am so sorry to hear the FOBs were not working once again. I spoke with the property this morning and they were finally able to find the issue that is causing the problem. There was a programming error on their end that had the FOBs expiration date incorrect. This was why it would work the day it was re-programmed then stop working the next day. The team was able to adjust the expiration date remotely on their system so that you don’t have to come into the office. The FOBs and garage remote should all work. Will you be home at all this morning or afternoon to test it out?
Thank you for your order. I am sorry for my late reply to your email.Today, I shipped your order by the registered SAL. Please find following the tracking number for your order.(番号)As it will take some time to arrive, I shipped it in advance of your payment. I will send you an invoice via Paypal. Please make payment at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience waiting till arrival. Please look forward to it.
Yes. This item has been out of stock at the shop in Pairs, where I was supposed to purchase it and so I will purchase it at a Loius Vuitton shop in Japan. Although I am obliged to keep the original receipt from a legal point of view, I could send you a copy of it. (I will black out the price, credit card information and so on.)
Please make it completely in the color ''natural'' including the stick. What I meant is that it should be completely in ''natural'' including the handle part. I am afraid to say this after you arranged it, but I would not like a handle in pink.On the other hand, there seems no problem in the length. I checked the photo and would like to keep the length, 8 inches in total.Taking this into account, could you please re-make the stick?Thank you for your trouble.
わかりづらい説明ですみません。私が言いたかったことは追加でPRO500個、v300を350個、ball catch netを300個注文し、1月に注文したのと合わせて合計でPROを500個、V300を550個、ball catch netを380個 miniを60個、TOPSPINを48個を注文したいということです。
I'm sorry for my insufficient explanation. I would like to place an additional order of PRO 500pcs, v300 350pcs and ball catch net 300pcs.The total order amount including the order I placed in January will be PRO 500pcs, v300 550pcs, ball catch net 380pcs, mini 60pcs and TOPSPIN 48pcs.
Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for your inquiry.We apologize for the delayed delivery.We shipped the item by air freight, which usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to arrive. However, it is likely to delay due to the condition of air freight, traffic and the customs handling as it is shipped from Japan. Could you please contact us again if you will not receive it in 1 week?We will take an appropriate action. We are very sorry to make you worry and cause you trouble. Your understanding in this matter would be highly appreciated.
Starting from this year, we have been working hard to increase the sales of Pro and have sold more than we expected. Now, it is likely that the stock of Pro will be gone within March and we are thinking about ordering 700pcs of Pro and 350pcs of v300 in around April. Could you please let me know the estimated delivery time? When I asked Richard about it before, he said there would be no availability of delivery appointment until April.
お電話いただいたとのことで、出ることができなくてすみません。+81906039644が私の番号です。またこちらから電話をかけさせていただきます。(しかし、私はあまり英語は得意ではないです。ほとんど話せません)私達も、 long termのパートナーシップを希望しています。私はEを日本で販売しており、日本で成功を収めています。(その代わり、S社と御社の売上を奪ってしまっているのですが・・・)御社の製品Aは日本で成功させる自信があります。販売条件や価格など、お伺いできれば幸いです
I'm sorry that I did not answer your phone call.My number is +81906039644.I will call you later. (However, I am not good at English and can hardly speak it.)I would like to have a long-term partnership as well.I have been successful selling E in Japan.(I know our company is indeed taking share form S and your company.) I am confidence of succeeding selling your product A in Japan. I would appreciate it if you would tell me the condition of sales and the price.
Ich würde den Artikel gerne behalten allerdings wünsche ich mir ein Entgegenkommen ihrerseits da der Artikel beschädigt war. Wenn ich neu Lieferung verlange dauert das wieder ewig bis der Artikel kommt und ich muss erneut Zoll und Bearbeitungsgebühren zahlen. Was können sie mir anbieten ?
Die 1. war, ein Rückgabeetticket (?) auszudrucken oder die Rückgabe zu stornieren. Aber wie soll ich denn bitte das ausdrucken, wenn ich den Artikel nicht hier habe? Ich weiß ja, dass jede/r Verkäufer/in anders ist und es auch unterschiedlich Zeit braucht, um etwas zu(rück zu) schicken, aber 15 Tage? Alle meine anderen Bestellungen, bevor dieser Brille, sind schnell angekommen und alle waren auch aus Asien.
Can I change my order to 1pc? I will transfer 360 Euros today.
Bitten Sie den Verkäufer, Ihnen seine Bankdaten mitzuteilen, damit Sie die Zahlung per Bankeinzahlung abschließen können.
I asked you about 〇〇 on ebay. So you have 100pcs of brand new item in stock!I would like them all, but do no have money and a place to keep them.Therefore, I would like to purchase them by 20pcs at one time.In that case, would you be able to keep them for me?As I will purchase them all, it would be great if you could give me a large discount. Could you please tell me the total price including shipping cost?Could you also give me a list of other items if you have?I would like to purchase a lot of amount.I would appreciate it if you would consider it positively as I would like to build a good relationship with you.
Customs duties in Europe are especially high. Every country imposes almost the same amount. However, 30 Euros are a bit too much!If you want, I can ship them in 2 separate parcels for each 50 Euros. I will give you a new quote if you tell me how many of A you need.
Thank you very much for your detailed email. I will first see the catalogue to consider how many of which item I will order and let you know again. Please allow me some time.If I place an order with you, is there any format such as a purchase order that I have to use?Or should I just send you an email?According to your advice, I will use a bank transfer, not Paypal. By the way, If we directly purchase goods from you, would it be OK that we introduce ourselves as one of your official distributors in Japan?
Regarding order of stick-type incense.Hello, 〇〇. It's been a while!Today, I would like to ask you about a new order.Among the stick-type incenses you sent me as samples before, there was the one with less smoke, which I liked very much. So I'm thinking about purchasing it.※Please see the attached photo for your reference. The following is the details of the incense I would like.Length: 8 inchWeight: 50kgColor: Natural I would like to first sell it for trial. Would it be OK?If our customers find it attractive, I will continuously order it.Thank you for your review on it.
Danke für Ihre Mail und ihre Kulanz - ich habe je bereits bei Ihnen eine Totoro für mich bestellt und da hatte alles gut geklappt, daher bitte ich Sie mir den bestellten Totoro erneut zu senden - da ich ihn immer noch gerne verschenken will.Wenn ich ihnen noch etwas bei der Abwicklung einer Erstattungsanzeige beim Transportdienst helfen kann helfe ich ihnen gerne, da ich nicht möchte das sie alleine hierfür die Kostentragen müssen.
I'm afraid that I caused you trouble. The examination has just finished and it turned out to be a fever caused by roseola infantum, which is common to babies. I was very nervous at first as I didn't know what was causing the fever. There are still many things I don't know about babies. Now, I'm going to the office.
Rufen Sie bitte einen Krankenwagen. Am wahrscheinlichsten bekomme ich gerade einen Anaphylaxieschock.Er wird durch eine Allergie verursacht und ohne eine richtige Behandlung innerhalb 30 Minuten kann es tödlich sein.Ich wurde bereits am 3. Februar wegen eines Anaphylaxieschocks ins Krankenhaus gebracht und wurde durch eine Spritze im Krankenwagen gerettet.Ich brauche einen Adrenalin-Autoinjektor, eine intramuskläre Injektion.Ich spreche nur Japanisch und ein bisschen Englisch.Bitte teilen Sie den Rettungssanitätern meine Symptome mit. Ich habe am ganzen Körper einen Hautausschlag und am wahrscheinlichsten einen schlagartigen Blutunterdruck. Ich bin eine 28-jährige Frau mit der Blutgruppe O.