Sakura (setsuko-atarashi) 翻訳実績

4.7 8 件のレビュー
9年以上前 女性 40代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
20 時間 / 週
setsuko-atarashi 英語 → 日本語

8. If you are feeling unwell, Prohibited in the ears, nose, eye throat and do not use
this device in advance and tell your doctor.
9. Children under 12 years old are not allowed.

III. Treatment Safety
1. Treatment Time is less than 30mins/Body Part/Each Treatment.
2. The energy setting is from low to high gradually which should be subject to skin
comfortableness for different people.
3. The patient had better wear the protective eye glasses.
4. If you cannot tolerant heat or uncomfortable, please stop the treatment in advance
and turn to your doctor for help.

Chapter 2: Installment and Use
I .Working Condition
Using at normal temperatures and pressure. Please do not stay in too cold, too hot, too
dry and too wet.


8. 体調不良を感じているときは、耳、鼻、目、喉のこの装置の使用は禁止して、医師に相談して下さい。
9. 12歳未満のお子様は許可されていません。

Ⅲ. 治療の安全性
1. 体の部分のそれぞれの処置時間は30分弱です。
2. 熱の設定は人によって皮膚の快適性の対象が異なるので低いところから徐々に高いところに移行して下さい。
3. 患者さんは保護眼鏡を着用した方がいいです。
4. 熱や不快感が我慢出来ないときは、事前に、治療を中止し、医師にご相談して下さい。

1. 労働条件

setsuko-atarashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

aa-def rats revealed
shortened, irregularly distributed trabeculae beneath
the growth plate cartilage of tibiae (Fig. 1B), compared
with those of aa+ rats (Fig. 1A). These trabeculae
were fragmented and surrounded by thick
fibrous tissue. This fibrous tissue stained intensely
for ALPase, a hallmark of osteoblastic cells, and contained
many TRAPase-positive osteoclasts (Fig. 1E).
In contrast, the ascorbic acid-sufficient (aa+) bones
revealed ALPase-positive osteoblasts and TRAPasereactive
osteoclasts on the surfaces of metaphyseal
trabeculae (Fig. 1C).
Higher numbers of cells immunopositive
for PCNA were seen in the fibrous tissue
layer in aa-def bones when compared to similar areas
in aa+ metaphyses (Compare Figs. 1D and F).


Aa-def ラットを不規則にaa+ ラット(図1A)のものと比較して、頸骨の成長板軟骨(図、1B)の下小柱を分布し、短縮明らかにしました。これらの骨梁が断片化し、厚い繊維組織に囲まれていました。この繊維組織は強くALPase、破骨細胞の特徴を強く染色し、多くのTRAPase陽性破骨細胞(図1E)を含んでいました。
PCNAの免疫細胞のより高い数字が、aa+骨幹端の置ける同様の領域(図1D及びFを比較)と比較した場合、aa-def 骨の繊維組織層に見られた。

setsuko-atarashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Highly magnified microscopy showed that osteoblasts
in aa-def bones were not attached to the bone
surfaces (Figs. 2A, B). Only few osteoblasts were
lying on the surfaces of the metaphyseal trabeculae
at the chondro-osseous junction; instead, fibroblastlike
cells surrounded the fragmented trabeculae in
this area (Fig. 2A). Trabecular surfaces stained intensely
for toluidine-blue (Fig. 2A), osteopontin, and
osteocalcin (Figs. 2C, D). Under TEM, an electrondense
linear structure could be found in a similar
location (Fig. 2B). The fibroblast-like cells included
round and enlarged rER which contained evenly
electron-dense material (Fig. 2E).
Amorphous organic
material including fine fibrillar structures were
associated with A.



setsuko-atarashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Thus, in the metaphysis of aa-def tibia, osteoblasts
tended to detach from the bone matrix, and many
osteoblasts and fibroblast-like cells in the fibrous tissue
layer showed enlarged rER, indicating the accumulation
of organic materials inside the rER.

[Matrix mineralization in the ascorbic acid-deficient bone]

Bone mineralization in the primary trabeculae close
to the chondro-osseous junction was examined by
calcein labeling, and aa-def bones showed a small
amount of bone deposition onto mineralized cartilage
(Compare insets of Figs. 3A, B).
Bone matrix
could be seen surrounding the cartilage cores of primary
trabeculae in aa+ rats (Fig. 3A),whereas aadef
cartilage was often seen without a surrounding
bone matrix (Fig. 3B).





setsuko-atarashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

transduce signals related to focal adhesion kinase
Also, osteocalcin promoter activity appears to
be, at least in part, regulated by ascorbic acid (38).
In our study, many fibroblast-like cells in the metaphyses
stained intensely for ALPase and PCNA,
and therefore one can assume that such cells are
part of the osteoblastic lineage and are proliferating.
Although intense immunoreactivity for osteocalcin
and osteopontin was seen on the bone surfaces, osteoblastic
cells were shown to detach from them
(Fig. 2). Therefore, osteocalcin- and osteopontinmediated
cell adhesion might be secondary, while anchoring via the collagen secreted by osteoblasts
may be vital for osteoblastic adhesion to bone surfaces,

