This came to a head back in 2007. I was speaking at the Business Innovation Factory conference in Providence, RI. So was Richard Saul Wurman. After my talk Richard came up to introduce himself and compliment my talk. That was very generous of him. He certainly didn’t have to do that.And what did I do? I pushed back at him about the talk he gave. While he was making his points on stage, I was taking an inventory of the things I didn’t agree with. And when presented with an opportunity to speak with him, I quickly pushed back at some of his ideas. I must have seemed like such an asshole.
このことが2007年に起こった。私はロードアイランドのプロヴィデンスで開催されたBusiness Innovation Factory 会議でスピーチをしていた。Richard Saul Wurmanもまたその一人だった。私の話の後、Richard は壇上に上がり自己紹介をすると、私のスピーチを賞賛した。彼はとても寛大だった。そんなことする必要は決してなかったのだが。そして、私は何をしただろう?私は彼のスピーチに異論をつきつけた。彼がステージで主張を通している一方で、私は彼に賛同しないポイントの一覧を作っていた。そして、彼と話をする機会が与えられると、すぐに彼の意見に反論してみせたのだ。最低なやつに見えていたに違いない。
Dismissing an idea is so easy because it doesn’t involve any work. You can scoff at it. You can ignore it. You can puff some smoke at it. That’s easy. The hard thing to do is protect it, think about it, let it marinate, explore it, riff on it, and try it. The right idea could start out life as the wrong idea.So next time you hear something, or someone, talk about an idea, pitch an idea, or suggest an idea, give it five minutes. Think about it a little bit before pushing back, before saying it’s too hard or it’s too much work. Those things may be true, but there may be another truth in there too: It may be worth it.
3.Have the bronzing machine connected with DC,turn on the power switch and the red power indicator light is on, then rotate the temperature adjustment knob,and set the required temperature according to different materials and prints.The following table can be used as reference:The temperature control light becomes red, and after more 10 minutes,it becaomes green,which indicates that the heat transfer plate reaches the required temperature.(Due to automatically constant temperature control,in the brozing process, the indicator lights will often change the color,but this does not affect the bronzing effect.)
5.Pressure and bronzing time:The too dark bronzing lines indicate that surface pressure is too large, while the too light even incomplete bronzing lines suggest that the surface pressure is too small; and if the bronzing time is too long, the bronzing coloring will be beyond the mark, even become indistinct, while if the bronzing time is too short,the coloring will not be uniform.The smooth surface of prints requires a smaller pressure and a shorter bronzing time, while the rough surface of prints requires a larger pressure and a longer bronzing time☆1.To stack the foil paper on the paper stand with the colorful surface 1 acing up.Move the foil paper along the clock direction.
Baidu Launches New Version of Baidu Browser [REVIEW]Last year, Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) launched its own browser application, the creatively-titled Baidu Browser. Today, the Chinese search giant has launched version 2.0, and is touting significant improvements. My colleague Steven gave the browser a thorough review back when it originally launched, but I thought I’d take a gander at the new version. Which, by the way, is Windows-only, so move along, Mac users.
Baidu(百度)が、新版Baiduブラウザサービスを開始。Baidu (NASDAQ銘柄BIDU)は去年、独創性あふれるBaidu Browserという名の、自身のブラウザアプリケーションを立ち上げた。今日、中国最大手サーチエンジンBaiduはそのバージョン2.0を発表し、大幅な改良点をアピールした。同僚のスティーブンは初版ブラウザが開始された際、詳細に調査報告をしたが、今回のニューバージョンは、私が少し見てみよう。断っておくが、これはウィンドウズ限定なので、マックユーザーはご了承を。
The browser and I got off to an inauspicious start. During the installation process, I was asked if I wanted it to automatically create a desktop shortcut for me. I did not, and told it so, but somehow after installation a Hao123 shortcut appeared on my desktop. Not cool. I actually did this twice — I uninstalled the browser and then had to reinstall it when I realized I hadn’t taken screenshots yet — and there’s definitely no way to opt out. Still, it’s better than having superfluous software (or spyware) installed, which plenty of Chinese programs do. An annoying desktop shortcut is easily taken care of; viruses not so much.After deleting the Hao123 shortcut, I fired up the actual browser.
Many of Steven’s complaints from last time around remain valid. As before, many of the “apps” are just links to websites rather than actual HTML5 apps. There are a few real apps, and they’re well done, but more would be better. Of course that’s just the default apps; there are plenty more to choose from online in Baidu’s intuitively-organized marketplace. But a lot of those are just links, too.
One excellent addition to this version of the Baidu browser is tool buttons in the top right of the browser window that give quick access to a few commonly-used functions. “Internet banking,” for example, opens a window with logos and links for the online banking pages of all of China’s big banks. Baidu has also added translation, though as yet it only seems to include Chinese, English, and Japanese.
There’s also a screenshot button that allows you to take a shot of the whole page, or select a section. Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually save the image for you, just copies it to your clipboard, so you still need to open up another application to edit anything or save the screenshot. This is pretty disappointing; as a frequent user of Chrome’s “Awesome Screenshot” extension, I would have loved to see a native implementation with that sort of functionality (or even more; say, the ability to save as different filetypes), but as it is, Baidu Browser’s screenshot feature offers only a very narrow advantage over the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard.
Of course, one of the most touted updates is the new browser’s security, which I am not even remotely qualified to test. That said, if it’s really safer, it would be worth the upgrade for that reason alone.Of course, this isn’t the end of the road for Baidu’s browser. On the Baidu Beat, official spokesman Kaiser Kuo writes: " Down the road, look for versions of the Baidu Browser that will offer even more improvements in user experience. We’ll follow user feedback closely, and continue to do our utmost to fulfill our mission of providing the best and most equitable way for people to find what they’re looking for online."
もちろん、自身が最も謳っている改良点の1つには、新ブラウザのセキュリティがある。私には全くもってその安全性を確かめる資格はないのだが、それはそうとして、もし本当に、より安全性が高いならば、その理由だけで、新ブラウザにアップデートする価値があるだろう。もちろん、これで百度ブラウザにとっての道のりが終わった訳ではない。百度Beatで、広報担当Kaiser Kuoはこう記している:「今後、更なる改良点をユーザーに提供できるような、百度ブラウザの新バージョンを予定している。ユーザーの反応をつぶさに追い、人々がオンラインに何を求めているかを探し出す、最善で最も公平な方法を提供する、という使命を果たすべく、私たちは全力を尽くし続ける。」
So we’ll be keeping an eye out for the next version. That said, I’ve already deleted it from my PC at home (although annoyingly, it didn’t uninstall cleanly and now there are empty “Baidu” folders all over my C drive) and gone back to Chrome. The Baidu Browser will be a huge step up for Chinese users coming from Internet Explorer — especially those coming from older versions like IE 6 — and it’s well-tailored to their needs. It still doesn’t quite compare with Chrome (or probably Firefox, though I haven’t used that in a while), but for its target audience, that probably won’t matter at all. If you want to take it for a whirl, you can grab the new version here (assuming you’re running Windows).
というわけで、次回のバージョンに注目しよう。とは言いつつ、私はもう自宅のPCの百度ブラウザは削除し、Chromeに戻っている。(なんとも煩わしいことに、きれいにアンインストールされず、今は空の「百度」フォルダがCドライブの至る所に残っているが。)百度ブラウザはInternet Explorer(特に、IE 6といった旧バージョン)を使っていた中国のユーザーにとっては大きな躍進であろうし、ニーズにもよく応えられている。それでもなお、百度のターゲットとするユーザーにとっては全く関係ないだろうが、それ以外のユーザーにとっては、Chromeや、おそらくFirefox(長いこと私は使っていないが)の方が比べ物にならないほどいいだろう。もし、ちょっと試してみたいということなら、ここから新バージョンが入手できる。(Windows利用を前提としているが。)
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: ‘Real Name’ Weibo Isn’t A Viable SolutionThe real name requirements for Weibo in China is about to get realer. On March 16, 2012, all Twitter-like service providers in China need personal ID data from all users (old and new). Even though you may still post under your alias, they’d know who, say, “TomCat1234″ would be, as they have your ID data on file.In a recent Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Annual Report on China’s Rule of Law, as reported by, the real ID requirement has been singled out as something that could “bring new uncertainty in building the rule of law on the Internet.”
The report points out that the real ID requirement is actually a way to limit freedom of expression, because anonymous expression would no longer be permitted. Although it’s true that the ID requirement might stop some rumors in the making, the requirement would also make the Weibo lose its function as an open forum for constructive dialog. The report advocates that the rules think twice before implementing the real ID requirements.
CASS also points out the extra paperwork and a lack of information privacy laws in China as being unconstructive to the new ID requirement. It points out that the new requirement might invade upon the rights of the individual to speak his or her mind, which is going to be a big minus for the future of the Weibo.We’ve just under a month until the new Weibo real ID rules kick in — and this year is going to be a pretty ‘sensitive’ one for China with the transition to a new leadership. While we might not be surprised if the ID requirement kicks in for real, the controversy surrounding the policy might still be too much. And if it implodes in the end… would we be surprised as well?
Kill Your To-Do ListMost people reading this will have a to-do program, or a paper list or text file, listing not only projects and tasks but separate lists for home and work and possibly half a dozen different contexts.Those who don’t have a to-do list probably feel they should, because they’re swamped and feeling overwhelmed.I’m here to suggest: kill your to-do list.
To doリストを忘れるほとんどの読者は、プロジェクトや業務についてのみならず、自宅及び職場での作業、さらに5〜6程の異なる状況を想定し、それぞれに応じたTo doリストを準備しているであろう。To doリストを持たない読者は、仕方がないという気持ちから、リスト作りを始めなくてはならないと感じているはずである。しかし、そのようなリストは忘れるべきである。
It sucks up your time, and drains your motivation. Those who have to-do lists usually manage them constantly, or if they don’t they fall into disuse and get dusty and become worthless, while the person who’s fallen behind in maintaining the list feels constantly guilty. For those who keep up with the lists, they spend a lot of time on the lists they could be spending … doing something important.
And what of these lists? They’re long, you never get to the end of them, and half the time the tasks on the list never get done. While it feels good to check items off the list, it feels horrible having items that never get checked off. This is all useless spending of mental energy, because none of it gets you anywhere.The only thing that matters is the actual doing.So what’s a better system?The One Thing System
いったいこのTo Doリストとは何のために存在するのか。決して最後まで片付けることはできないし、10回中5回は、書かれている作業が終わることはない。リストにある作業を片付けるのは爽快であるが、片付けることのできない作業を見た時、ひどく気持ちを害することになる。こうしたリスト管理からは何も得られるものはなく、精神エネルギーを費用するだけで、無駄に他ならない。唯一重要なことは、実際に行動することである。どのようなやり方がより有効と言えるか。それが「One Thing System」である。
Here’s what I do, and highly recommend to anyone willing to break free of the to-do list: I wake up in the morning, and decide what One Thing I’m excited about. Then I focus on doing that, pushing everything else aside, clearing distractions, and allowing myself to get caught up in the moment.I don’t worry what else is on my list, because there’s only One Thing on my list. I don’t have to check anything off, because I don’t actually have a list. I don’t have to worry about things not getting done, because I do the only thing I want to do — if I didn’t want to do it, it wouldn’t be my One Thing.
自分がいつも行うやり方を紹介する。To-Do リストから逃れたいと考えている方々には特に強くお勧めする。まず、朝起きると、ひとつ自分が楽しみにしていることを決める。そして、それを実施することに集中し、他のいかなる物事も二の次に考えるようにする。障害となるものはすべて片付け、自身の集中を高める。他に何をリストに載せるべきかなどは気にする必要はない。なぜなら、載るべき物はひとつだけだからである。リスト自体が存在しないのだから、作業リストをチェックして片付けていく必要もない。やりたいことはひとつであり、物事が片付かないことを心配する必要もない。やりたくないのであれば、それはその日やりたいただひとつのものではないということに過ぎない。
If I happen to finish my One Thing early, I can slack off for the rest of the day (my favorite strategy), or I can pick my next One Thing.But … but …What about the other things you need to do? What if you forget them?Make a list of possible things to do, if you like, or routine tasks that need to get done for one reason or another. I would consider eliminating as many things as possible on the routine list, as they tend to just be friction that stops you from doing what you really want to do. If you do make a list, don’t consider it a to-do list, of things you need to check off. Just keep it as a reminder, and don’t spend any time other than adding things to it and possibly checking it once a day.
もしその「ひとつのこと」を早く終えてしまったのであれば、その日は残りの時間をくつろいで過ごすことができる(自分の常套戦略である)し、次の「ひとつのこと」を選ぶこともできる。一方で、他のやるべきことは良いのだろうか、忘れてしまったらどうするのかと思う人もいるかもしれない。そのような人は、他に行い得る作業や、何らかの理由により日々行わなくてはならない作業に関するリストを作成すると良い。日々の作業リストは、本当に自分がやりたい「ひとつのこと」を妨げてしまうことが多いため、可能な限り最小限にとどめるべきである。また、もしこのようなリストを作る場合には、これがTo doリストだと考えるべきではない。単にリマインダーとして作成し、作業の追加と一日一回のチェックを除いては、このリストに時間を割くべきではない。
Even this list isn’t necessary, but I only suggest it here for those who don’t feel safe without it. If you really don’t want to forget something, you can put a reminder on your calendar. I suggest avoiding this when possible, but if I need to send out payments once a month, I’ll put a reminder on my calendar. It’s not that complicated.