小口幸子 (sachin) 翻訳実績

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in the "Metalcore" section, alongside former bandmate James Hart, with whom Morris lived when he first moved to Orange County in the early 2000s. "Everybody was all over the place because Ken [Floyd] and Keith [Barney] were both in Throwdown. I was in Bleeding Through for a summer," he recounted of those days. "Brandan [Schieppati] and I sat down and said, 'Dude, we've got to figure this out.' I said, 'I moved out here to be in 18V. I love Bleeding Through, but my priority is 18V.'"

Morris and Schieppati performed together in the Misfits tribute band Die Die My Darling, together with Floyd and this writer, Ryan Downey. More reactions from the people who knew and loved Morris as we get them.


「メタルコア」セクションにおいて、以前のバンド仲間James Hartとともに、Morrisは2000年代の前半に最初にオレンジ郡に戻ってきたときに暮らしていた。「Ken[Floyd]とKeith[Barney]がThrowdownにいたので、誰もがそこらじゅうにいた。私はBleeding Throughに夏の間いた。」彼は当時を振り返る。「Brandan[Schippati]と私は座って言った、『Dude、私たちはわかってしまったんだ。』私は言った、『私は18Vになるためにここを離れる。私はBleeding Throughが大好きだ、だが私は18Vの方が大切なんだ。』

MorrisとSchieppatiはMisfitsのトリビュートバンドのDie Die My Darlingと、FloydとこのライターのRyan Downeyと演奏した。私たちはMorrisを知って愛してくれていた人々から沢山の反響を頂いた。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

so the alternative was us playing in a basement and the pipes break. the room floods and we continue playing. we shot the video in the backlot of universal studios on a very cold and long day. i just remember shivering and the water always being shockingly cold every time we had to get in it. bracing. so cold. the first edit came back and no one was really feeling it, so we scrapped it and started over."

Other questions Mark addressed included topics such as musical gear, coffee, video games, and what music has recently been on his radar. Check out the full AMA here, and watch the official video for "Josie," below.




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AP #300 cover star and co-designer Gerard Way was approved to write a limited Batman series under DC's Vertigo imprint roughly five years ago, he has revealed via tweets.

"They wanna put it out I just never have time to write it!" he told Mindless Self Indulgence frontman Jimmy Urine earlier this evening.

The former My Chemical Romance frontman revealed several of his concept sketches from the series, which include twisted spins on Batman, Mr. Freeze and the Joker, which you can view below.

The Batman series, which Way pitched to DC Comics in 2008, prior to the recording of both Conventional Weapons and Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, was set to feature six issues.


AP #300 cover starと共同デザインのGerard Wayはざっと5年前にDC's Vertigo imprintによって出された限定版Batmanシリーズを書くことを承認された。Gerardがツイッターで明らかにした。

「彼らは私が決して書く時間がなかったものを世に送り出したいのだ!」彼はMindless Self Indulgenceのボーカル、Jimmy Urineにこの夕方に話した。

My Chemical Romanceの前ボーカルはこのシリーズのいくつかのコンセプト描写を公表し、それにはBatmanのパロディも含まれており、Mr.FreezeはJokerのことであり、それは以下で見ることができる。

Batmanシリーズは、2008年にWayがDC Comicsに話を持ちかけ、Conventional WeaponsとDanger Daysがレコーディングするのに先立っていた。The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoysが6つの作品をフィーチャーされている。

sachin 英語 → 日本語

or in pursuance of other needs or reasons — you a younger man addressing an older one."The bulk of the nobiles, both ex-Pompeians and adherents of Caesar, banished from Italy, were with Pompeius. With Pompeius they found a refuge, with Brutus and Cassius a party and a cause, armies of legions and the hope of vengeance. When a civil war seemed only a contest of factions in the nobility, many young men of spirit and distinction chose Caesar in preference to Pompeius; but they would not tolerate Caesar's ostensible political heirs and the declared enemies of their own class. The older men were dead, dishonored or torpid: the young nobiles went in a body to the camp, eagerly or with the energy of despair.



sachin 英語 → 日本語

1. In one sense the job of the work group(all 401 teachers) at Western was enriched by the Dean's decision. What evidence is there in the case that this increased a teacher's satisfaction with his work? What basic motivation was satisfied that increase satisfaction?

2.What evidence is there that the 'autonomous work group' decreased a teacher's satisfaction with his work? What basic motivation was removed that had this effect?

3.The text referred to the problem of individual differences-what has this get to do with the Dean's problem?

4.If you were the Dean, would you want the group to continue meeting each year to up-date the syllabus? What factors do you consider in making this decision?


1.ある意味、西洋でのこのワークグループ(all 401 teacher)の仕事は,Deanの判断によって充実したものになった。


