Very sorry for keeping you waiting so long for this package.If you do mind waiting, we could give you a refund in advance.While if you receive the package later, could you repay us the money??Waiting for your reply.Still very sorry for the inconvenience brought to you.Wish you a pleasant day.Best regards.
Ok perfect, to U.S.A. is also us 28 correct? because I have an US address and I think it is better for me to send it there (and from there they send it later to my country) please dont forget to add the receipt for only 150 (shipping included or 122 + 28 shipping total 150).- ok?
Thanks for using's online Returns Center.The following link will take you to a page on where you'll be able to print your mailing label: page contains instructions for printing your return authorization, printing your label, and preparing your package for return shipment.You can track the status of your refunds and returns here: clicking on the link doesn't work, you can also copy and paste it into your browser's address window, or you can retype it there.
Paypal wrote me back that the address in Kentucky is a customs clearance station. So it has something to do with the Global Shipping program. I will also post when my item has arrived.It seems to be extremely hard to A: get an actual person to talk to instead of a voice computer, B. get any help at all when your problem falls a little outside the range of the usual humdrum things :0( So thank you Paypal for being the only persons bothering to give valid information. Seller has still not responded as far as I know, postal services who should know about this don't know anything either...I lost a lot of time finding this out, but at least it looks like my item is still on the way . Is the Pyle package from?
PayPalからは、ケンタッキー州のアドレスが通関局であることという連絡が届いた。 だから、世界海運プログラムに関して何か問題があると考える。品が到着したらこちらは発送する。自動音声ではなく、オペレーターと話し合うことと、問題点がすこしだけ対応範囲を超える際に助けを求めることは、大変難しいです。(そのためPayPalさんに礼を言いたい。親切に有効な情報を提供してくれてありがとうございます。私の知るかぎり、売主は問題を回答していない。そして郵送サービス側も何もわからないのようだ。多くの時間を費やしたが、せめて私の品が郵送の途中であることが判明した。荷物はパイルからなのか?