renay 翻訳実績

10年以上前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
renay 日本語 → 英語



when I was in the third grade in elementary school, I met the world of programming which can create and fix everything. Since then, I have been into software developments going through various programming languages such as BASIC, assembly languages, and C. At the Fukui National College of Technology (FNCT), I created some softwares as a part-time job and realizes how pleasurable it is to have my own software used by others. After the graduation of the FNCT, I start planning about my own business while I work as a programmer. Through the foundation of two companies, I established a corporation. "" For mobile phones that could only display the web sites for mobile phones at the time, I invented the first downloadable full browser that can allow mobile phones to display web sites for PC in the world.

renay 英語 → 日本語

We currently limit the number of requests which can be in a batch to 50, but each call within the batch is counted separately for the purposes of calculating API call limits and resource limits. For example, a batch of 10 API calls will count as 10 calls and each call within the batch contributes to CPU resource limits in the same manner.

As the below diagram shows, there are 3 types of throttling for graph api calls. Each api call will go through these different levels of throttling during its life time. When an api call passes the top level throttling, it is subject to be throttled at the second level and so on.


