Greetings from Amazon Seller Support,We have received the feedback removal request on the Order ID: 407-1205407-9626739, that you submitted for review. However, upon reviewing the feedback we found out that the buyer's comment is regarding the delivery issues.The buyer expressed dissatisfaction for not receiving the item. We understand that the item may have got delayed due to the carrier but still the buyer faced inconvenience due to the delivery. We also appreciate that the seller has informed proactively and the buyer get agreed to remove the feedback, however as per the seller and buyer communication system buyer will remove the feedback when he get the refund.
アマゾンマーケットプレイスサポートセンターからのご連絡です。注文ID:407-1205407-9626739に対する出品者の評価削除の依頼を承りました。 評価を検討いたしました結果、購入者のコメントは発送方法に関する問題であることがわかりました。購入者は、商品を受け取れなかったことに不満を表明されています。 商品の到着が運送業者の不都合により遅れている可能性があることは承知いたしますが、購入者の方がご不便を感じていることも事実です。出品者であるお客様が積極的に連絡をとって下さったおかげで、購入者の方も評価削除に同意されました。然しながら、出品者と購入者の間で同意されたように、評価は購入者の方が返金を受け取った際に削除されることになります。
In this case, buyer does not get the refund yet, as per the Amazon policy once the buyer receive the refund we will be more than happy to remove the feedback. I apologize for the impact which may have caused to you, and as much as I want to take the feedback for you, but we only base our decisions on our guidelines to eliminate feedback.I hope it helps. Have a great day!
In the video above, the company shows off examples of some fun action shots such as having the drone follow you off a cliff jump or follow you from behind on a bike ride. What’s more, the drone looks like it’s really good at self-balancing and not crashing into things.2. Hydrao Smart ShowerheadHere’s a gadget you probably never though you needed, but if you’re a conservationist, it could be pretty useful. The Hydrao Smart Showerhead measures how much water you’re using in your shower, and lets you know when you’ve gone over your suggested water limit.The interesting (and slightly weird) thing about the showerhead is the way it notifies you: by changing colors.
When you’ve gone over, the lights change colors, which I’d imagine would be a really great way to freak out your houseguests.1. Smart HairbrushWe’ve seen all sorts of silly products that “smart” capabilities have been dumped onto—but none quite like this. The smart hairbrush comes a team-up between wearable developers Withings and beauty company L’Oreal.The idea is that as you use this WiFi-enabled hairbrush, it is monitoring both the health of your hair and the way you are brushing it. The market for such a product is pretty niche, though (like things like smart toothbrushes) if you’re serious about your hair, maybe this is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.
側によると光の色が変わります。お客をびっくりさせるのに最適です。(この文章は#4の最終文でしょうか?)1. スマートヘアブラシ近頃「スマート」と名をつけネット接続可能にしただけのふざけた商品があふれていますが、これは今までになかった商品です。このスマートヘアブラシは、装着可能な商品の開発を専門とするWithingsと美容化粧品会社のロレアルにより共同開発された商品です。WiFi接続可能なこの櫛は髪のコンディションに加えどのように髪をとかしているかをモニターします。これは誰もが欲しがるという分野の商品ではない、いわゆるスキマ商品と言えるかもしれません(スマート歯ブラシもこの分野に入るでしょう)。しかし、本当に髪の健康にこだわる方にとってはこれこそ待ち望んでいた商品となるでしょう。