
pondy (pondy) 翻訳実績

10年以上前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
pondy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

“8. Ordering plaintiffs spouses Bañez to reimburse defendants spouses the sum of P 100,000.00 representing the amount they received when said defendants Duques offered a proposal to buy the premises in question (Exh. N, p. 487, dated July 24, 1987), with interest at the legal rate, which amount however shall be deducted from the accumulated past rentals due the plaintiffs;
“9. Ordering defendant Pineda to pay plaintiffs the sum of P200,000.00 by way of moral damages, plus the sum of P 100,000.00 by way of exemplary damages;
“10. Ordering defendants spouses Duques to pay plaintiffs Bañezes the sum of P 100,000.00 by way of moral damages, plus the sum of P50,000.00 by way of exemplary damages;


「8. 原告Bañez夫妻に、被告人Duquesが当該物件の購入を提案すると言われたとき(1987年7月24日の添付書類、N、487ページ)に受け取った額である100,000.00 ペソを被告夫妻に弁済するよう決定。法定利息込み。ただし、その額は原告に支払うべき過去の賃貸料総額から差し引かれる。」
「9. 被告人Piendaに、人格的損害による200,000.00ペソ、および懲罰的損害賠償による100,000.00ペソを原告に支払うよう決定。」
「10. 被告人Duques夫妻に、人格的損害による100,000.00ペソ、および懲罰的損害賠償による50,000.00ペソを原告Bañezesに支払うよう決定。」

pondy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

“During that meeting, an agreement was reached by the appellants and the appellees for the sale of the property at $89,000.00. Appellees alleged that the purchase price was reduced to $60,000.00 which appellants failed to pay (pp. 40- 41, November 10, 1989, TSN). They admitted however to have received the sum of P 100,000.00 from Atty. Duque (pp. 51-52, November 10, 1989, TSN). On the other hand, the appellants alleged that the purchase price of $89,000.00 was conditioned that all payments made to Pineda as well as expenses incurred will be considered as forming part of the purchase price (pp. 3-4, October 22, 1990, TSN). The records are silent as to what happened to this agreement.



pondy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

“Appellees claim that upon their return to the Philippines on July 1987, they discovered from the Register of Deeds that the title over their White Plains property was cancelled and a new one was issued in the name of Alejandria Pineda. They also discovered a fictitious deed of sale dated September 5, 1979 in favor of Pineda. Appellees alleged that the deed of absolute sale is fictitious and their signatures a forgery (pp. 37-39, November 9, 1989, TSN). Appellants maintained that on December 22, 1986, they discovered the property was registered in the name of Pineda by virtue of a deed of sale and they informed the appellees of the existence of the deed of sale in a meeting in the United States on March 1987


被上訴人は、1987年の7月にフィリピンに戻ると、不動産譲渡証書の記録から、ホワイト・プレインズの不動産の所有権が無効となり、Alejandria Pinedaの名によって新しいものが発行されていることを知った。また、 Pinedaの利益となる1979年9月5日の偽の売買不動産譲渡証書を見つけた。被上訴人は完全な売買の不動産譲渡証書が偽造であり、彼らの署名が偽造であると主張した(TSN、1989年11月9日、37ページから39ページ)。上訴人は1986年11月22日に、不動産がPinedaの名で、売買行為の効力によって記録されたと知り、被上訴人に1987年3月のアメリカでの会合による売買行為の存在を知らせたと主張した。