tems with lasers often need to be reviewed for export status. In this case we determined it is ok to ship and I have released the hold on the package. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is any way I can be of further service.
Has a lot of use but aaa is quite a valuable item...usually they sell in person
◆Bonjour,this is the message I send you on February 19'quote " items shipped today february 19'. thanks in advance to advise when you get them. Best regards, "I never had any problem with my shippings to japan since 2005 , I do not understand you did not receive it. I send another parcel the same day to Tokyo and I know they get it.Concerning shipping it is a priority parcel without tracking.Please wait for more days and confirm if you get it or notWaiting your commentsRegards,◆Hi,I come back to know if you received your items.thanks to keep me informed.best regards,
If you continue to do what you've always done, you will continue to be what you've always been.
How Dabur turned around BalsaraMeenakshi Radhakrishnan-Swami | September 06, 2005 14:36 ISTThree hundred people leaving an organisation can never be good news. Not even when the departures happen in the wake of a buy-out. So it's understandable when P D Narang rates those exits as the most painful part of Dabur India's acquisition of the Balsara group's hygiene and home products business earlier this year."You worry about the skills and experience they're taking away, but you aren't sure you can retain them in a new, integrated structure," says the Dabur India group director.
Dabur はどのようにBalsaraへの舵取りを行ったかMeenakshi Radhakrishnan-Swami | September 06, 2005 14:36 IST300人もの人々が組織を離れると聞けば、それが良いニュースでないことは確かです。この人の流出は企業買収の結果起こったのではありません。今年はじめ、Dabur IndiaがBalsaraグループの衛生、家庭用品部門のビジネスを獲得入手した際に、P D Narang が人材の退去がもっとも痛みを感じる部分であると評価したことは十分理解のできることです。技術や経験が持ち去られてしまうことを心配しますが、新しく統合した枠組みのなかで彼らを保持できるかは定かではないです」とDabur India グループのディレクターは語っています。
However difficult the exodus was, there's no denying that it gave Dabur the edge it needed. Barely six months after it announced the takeover of the three loss-making companies in January, Dabur made another announcement: the new subsidiaries were now making profits, ahead even of the schedule Dabur had chalked out for their recovery.
この人材の大量流出がつらいことであっても、それがDabur にとって必要であったことは否定できません。1月に採算のとれない3社を買い上げると発表し、その後6ヶ月経つか経たないかの間に、新子会社は今となっては利益をあげており、再生へのめどをつけたスケジュールの先をいく勢いで成長しているという新たな発表をしています。
And so the Bieber soap opera continues... The Biebs - who was accused yesterday of a 'verbal altercation' ie. gobbing off - at a male neighbour outside his home in California, has found himself in more grimy water.TMZ have said that the man who squared up to 19-year-old newly-muscled Justin told police Justin was driving "unbelievably recklessly" through the neighbourhood in his Ferrari.Maybe Bieber's three-sizes-too-big sneakers had got jammed in his pedals as the man reckons he was going at 100 mph. The victim was 'really upset' because it was only 9am at the time of the wheel-spinning action - and his wife was walking the dog. Or maybe it's that a teenage kid with a dodgy quiff has a Ferrari and he hasn't.
そしてジャスティン ビーバー流のメロドラマはまだまだ続きます。昨日「口論」を理由に、要するにカリフォルニアの自宅の外で隣人を口汚く罵ったということ、で訴えられているビーバーくん、苦い思いをすることになりそうです。TMZによれば、19歳、筋肉をつけて逞しい体になったばかりのジャスティンに立ち向かったこの隣人が警察に語ったところによれば、ジャスティンが愛車、フェラーリを駆って自宅周辺を「信じられないほどの無謀運転」していたとのことです。この隣人がジャスティンの時速100マイルでの暴走を見ていたときには、自分の足より3倍おおきいスニーカーがペダルにはさまっていただけなのかも。しかし、朝の9時からタイヤを鳴らしながらの暴走を見せられた隣人は「ひどく怒っている」そうです。しかもこの時、彼の妻は犬の散歩中だったとのこと。でも、もしかしたら、その男の子はただのフェラーリに乗ったやんちゃなティーンエイジャーで、ジャスティンではなかったかもしれませんね。
Clearly, the man should win a badge for his neighbourhood watch skills, as he also noticed there were children on the street because of Spring break, which means reckless Justin put the whole neighborhood - and dogs; imagine if there had been PUPPIES - at risk, with other people vouching for Justin's vehicle abuse.Apparently, the man wasn't bothered by Justin's loud partying - maybe he's a secret Boyfriend fan - but he admitted he was fuelled with Bieber rage when he confronted him at his house and told him he was basically a berk, which is when the 'battery' allegation rears its ugly head.Seriously, Bieber raising his puny fist to a 5'7", 135lbs bloke? What next? Toddler boxing?
Ok, I will be in touch once I have some available.Sounds good, I think all of these do have the spec sticker. One might not, if it doesnt I will write the specs with it. Just sent the invoice too. Thanks for the business.
Casey Stoner, Jorge Lorenzo, Carlos Checa, Marco Melandri and other riders sponsored by Nolangroup, tested and experimented many of the innovative technical solutions found on this helmet which is now available for the most serious and demanding riders.
Casey Stoner, Jorge Lorenzo, Carlos Checa, Marco Melandriや、 Nolangroupがスポンサーになっているそのほかのライダーたちがテストし、実際に使用した革新技術が随所にみられるこのヘルメットは、最も真剣で要求の強いライダーたちのために、現在入手可能です。
X-802R is the racing composite fibre helmet of Nolangroup. This design represents the culmination of years of experience in the top levels of motorcycle racing competitions. Each component (shell, visor, liner, and ventilation system) is the product of innovative development, aimed at providing a product with constant quality and perfect performance. Each part was carefully designed considering top performance and developed along an experimental and test scheme in the MotoGP and SBK. Already at the beginning of the 2008 motorcycle racing season,
X-802R は Nolangroupのレース用合成ファイバーヘルメットです。このデザインはトップレベルでのレース競技における幾年にもわたる経験が頂点に達したことを物語っています。それぞれの部位(シェル、バイザー、ライナー、通風システム)は革新技術の賜物で、優れた品質と、完璧なパフォーマンスをお届けすることを狙いとしています。各パーツも最高のパフォーマンスを念頭に注意深く設計され、 MotoGP や SBKでの経験、テストを経て開発されたものです。2008年のレースシーズン当初にてすでに、
I have other international customers that I deal with regularly with whom I have built the trust to exchange large funds transfers with Western Union and I hope to build that with you as well so that I can offer a lower price. They would probably give me a good reference if I asked them to if it would build your trust. There is one customer in Isreal and one in Estonia that I sell large orders to through Western Union. If they would allow it, I could give you their contact information but not until I ask them for permission.
I understand that paying by that method puts you at risk, but I feel that you wouldn't have contacted me without seeing the thousands of positive customer reviews that I have with eBay and were reasonably sure that you could trust me. I would not be a very smart business owner to anger or steal from a customer who will be a regular source of large orders for me. If you want the lowest price per unit with payment by Western Union, it would be $250.00 per unit. You will also have to pay the shipping but we will palletize the order for you so that you are not charged individually for shipping each unit and we will take it to the courier unless you arrange to have it picked up.
その支払い方法が御社にとってリスク高であることは承知しています、しかしながら eBay で得た何千にものぼる 顧客からの良いレビューを知っていただいているからこそ弊社へご連絡いただいていると理解していますし、そのレビューはまさに弊社を信頼していただくよい証です。常時大型の注文をいただくお客様に対して、怒りをぶつけたり、何か利権を得ようとすることはありません。ウエスタンユニオンでの支払いに際しての1ユニットの最低価格は、1ユニットあたり250ドルになります。送料もお願いすることになりますが、パレットで送るようにしますので、個々のユニットに対して送料がかかることはありません。弊社から荷物を引き取りにくるような段取りがなければ、弊社の方で運送会社へ荷物を運ぶことになります。
This is my absolutely lowest price that I can offer and only because we are dealing with a large number of vacuums. $250.00 per unit is lower than the price that a U.S. Garmin direct dealer pays if they don't have and maintain a warranty repair shop for Garmin. My price that I pay for them is not very much lower than that even though I do have a repair shop and there is not a great deal of profit for me with those prices, but since you will order in quantity and I don't have to pay Paypal fees, it will be worth it for me.
This is the exact amount you would pay if you were a Garmin factory direct dealer in the U.S. and did not maintain a warranty service center. Payment via Paypal also causes a problem for me because it puts the income on a record that is sent to the US government and I have to pay 7% use tax on the entire amount received because I will not be charging you Ohio sales tax. This greatly reduces my profit margin so I do not want to do more than one order with payment through Paypal.
YES we have still ONLY 3 models free.With normal leather base and also with Carbon base with original Signature of Mr. Reali. - Normal base inclusive Premium airmail shipping to Japan – 570,- Euro - Carbon base with Signature – inclusive Premium airmail shipping to Japan – 699,- Euro You can choose of the following number 02/25, 05/25, 10/25, 18/25, 19/25, 21/25, 22/25, 23/25, 24/25.Should you still have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
はい、3モデルのみ無料です。通常の皮革製のベースと Mr. Realiのオリジナルサインのついたカーボン製のベースかのどちらかになります。ー 通常のベースの方ですと、日本への特別空輸込みで570ユーロー サイン付きのカーボンベースの方ですと、日本への特別空輸込みで699ユーロ02/25, 05/25, 10/25, 18/25, 19/25, 21/25, 22/25, 23/25, 24/25のうち、お好きなナンバーをお選びいただけます。ご質問等ございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。
She reckons the secret to her success is “authenticity”. She said:“I feel like people really appreciate it when you are authentic.”They also appreciate it when you Tweet bikini pictures of yourself Miranda which is, we thought, the reason why you have so many followers – but we supposed authenticity must play a small part in it. Sort of.Anyway, expect to see plenty more pictures like this some time soon as Kerr was allowed to take off her neck brace on Friday. Hooray!
Miranda Kerr poses in her bra in new Vogue shootRight now Miranda Kerr is recovering from a car accident, so it’s nice to see that while she recuperates the model has left us with a stockpile of as-yet-unreleased modelling shots to tide us over. Cheers for that Mazza.Vogue Australia have just unveiled this stunning photoshoot with the model, which sees her in just her bra in one picture. In another she channels old school Hollywood glam in a retro dress with wavy hair.In her accompanying interview with the April addition of the publication, Miranda has also opened up about how she maintains such a high following on her social networking outlets.
ミランダ カー、ヴォーグの撮影にブラ姿で登場ミランダ カーは現在、交通事故からの回復中で、そんな中、彼女の姿が見られたのは何よりです。彼女はリリースされないままのたくさんの写真を残していたため、わたしたちは何とか無事に今までやってきました。Mazzaのおかげです。ヴォーグオーストラリアは彼女を起用したすばらしい撮影の様子を公けにしたばかりです。その中には彼女がブラだけを身につけている写真や、レトロ感あふれるドレスにウェービーヘアで昔のハリウッドグラムを気取った写真が見られます。4月出版分に掲載される彼女のインタビューの中では、あれだけ多くのフォロワーたちとどのようにして良い関係を保っているのかについても語られています。
A source tells them: "David thinks that Victoria could be pushing herself too hard. He understands her passion for her career but has told her that she should eat properly, as he's worried she's running on empty."According to the mag, VB was spotted limiting her calories whilst out for dinner with friends at Cucina Asellina restaurant in London.Instead of treating herself after New York and London Fashion Week, the former Spice Girl had a salmon tartare starter (just 180 calories) as a main course.Our stomachs are rumbling just at the thought.
ある情報筋はこう語ります。「デイビッドはヴィクトリアががんばりすぎだ、と思っているようです。彼女のキャリアに対するその情熱はわかるけれど、きちんと食事するよう言っているようで、彼女が食べずに走っているのを見て、彼は心配しているようです。」magによると、ヴィクトリアが友人と一緒に出かけたロンドンのCucina Asellina レストランで食事の際のカロリーを制限しているのを目撃されています。ニューヨークとロンドンでのファッションウイークの後、自分にご褒美をあげるかわりに、元スパイスガールズはサーモンのタルタルの前菜(たった180カロリー)をメインのコースとして選びました。考えただけで、こちらの方のお腹が鳴ってしまうような話ですね。
And with Fashion Week over, it doesn't look like VB is calming down her schedule anytime soon.The designer today arrived back in London, after rushing to French capital Paris to support DB in his first match for new club Paris St Germain.The 38-year-old was spotted cheering her man on in the crowds - but clearly didn't want to be photographed as she was papped covering her mouth with her polo neck jumper, and her hand.Luckily Goldenball's team won 2-0, so all will be happy in the Beckham household.But there wasn't time for Victoria to hang around, as she hit the Eurostar back to London to be with her three boys Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo - and her gorgeous daughter Harper.
ファッションウイークが終わっても、ヴィクトリアは休む暇なしです。デザイナーでもあるヴィクトリアは今日、ロンドンに戻っても、新チームParis St Germainに加入したデイビッドの応援のためにフランスの首都、パリへと急いで出かけていきました。現在38歳のヴィクトリア、観衆にまぎれて愛する旦那さまを応援するする姿が目撃されています。ポロネックジャンパーで口元を覆い隠しながら、手でもシャッターをさえぎっているところから、あからさまに写真に撮られたくない様子でしたが。この日の試合は2-0で旦那様チームの勝利、ベッカム一家も大喜びだったことでしょう。それでもヴィクトリアにのんびりしている時間はまるでなく、ユーロスターに飛び乗りブルックリン、クルズ、ロメオ、そしてゴージャスな愛娘、はーパーの待つロンドンへと急ぐのでした。