I checked both of the parcels but there was no "Brackets" in any of them. Is the person in charge certain to put two rusted "Brackets" in the parcel ? Didn't he forget to put it ?
商品説明と画像が異なりますが、出品物は「Zebco 11PTI/PTIC502UL Platinum TI Fishing Rod and Reel Combo」でお間違いないでしょうか?Amazonにも同じ商品が出品されていますが、セラー様が出品されていますか?こちらも画像間違いという認識でよいでしょうか?もし、商品画像があれば送っていただけると嬉しいです。宜しくお願い致します。
The picture and the product description doesn't match, i'd like to know if the product you offer is the following :「Zebco 11PTI/PTIC502UL Platinum TI Fishing Rod and Reel Combo」There is the same product on Amazon, are you also the seller for this offer ? I would be pleased if you could send me a picture of the actual product. Thank you in advance.Cordially.