i need to know so i can complete the other by this weekend and ship by monday.i mean ship asap.. thought today was friday but just wednesday. if we can conclude today, i can ship asap
“These are post-PC devices, that need to be even easier to use than a PC.”That was Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ closing remark as he left the stage having just announced the iPad 2 at an event today in San Francisco. And that comment really summed up the vibe of the entire event. When Jobs was on stage, he made it very clear over and over again that the iPad competition out there just doesn’t seem to get it.And the iPad 2 is really a bet directly related to that. Apple kicked things off by noting that the iPad 2 was about much more than “marginal improvements”, but the reality is that this is what many people writing about the event will see when they look at the iPad 2.
yaM Labs, a Russian startup not to be confused with Yammer, has secured $500k from Foresight Ventures. The company has developed Cloud-based software to make meetings – both face-to-face and virtual – more efficient by enabling participants to collaborate on the planning, running, and execution of a meeting.The premise being that traditional offline tools make for a lot of wasted time because meetings lack focus and ‘memory’ – you have to be there to know what went down and even if you were, often the answer is not a lot or there at least exists no actual record. Shifting these tools to the Cloud – the yaM app runs completely in a web browser – and improving them along the way is supposed to help with this.
In this clinical trial involving children 6 to 23 months of age with acute otitis media, children who were treated with amoxicillin-clavulanate, as compared with those who received placebo, had consistently more favorable short-term outcomes, including a sustained symptomatic response, an absence of otoscopic evidence of persistent middle-ear infection, and a reduced rate of residual middle-ear effusion. There were no suggestive or significant between-group differences in the use of analgesic drugs or health care resources.
The interaction that we found between age and treatment is probably attributable to chance, since it involves small numbers of children and runs counter to other findings.14 In both study groups, the rates of clinical failure were greatest among children who were most severely affected initially. Nonetheless, the relative reduction in the risk of clinical failure at day 10 to 12 with amoxicillin-clavulanate treatment, as compared with placebo, was as large among the children who were least severely affected -- those whose illnesses would have been considered nonsevere as previously defined -- as it was among children whose illnesses would have been considered severe.
I am on the road but I will get you that info as soon as I get home tomorrow thank you Todd
今出張中なのだけど、明日、家に戻り次第その情報を君に渡すよ。 よろしくね。 トッド
Do they want to pin badges in mat gold instead of pin badges in shiny gold ? Or do they need both mat gold one and shiny gold one ? Please let know the required order quantity each badges immediately.Regarding the prototype of Pants please note that the prototype will be ready around on 8/March. Apparently DHL in China has a new policy that they need an authorization letter from the account holder in order to proceed with any international shipments. Can you please draft a letter on letterhead that gives us authorization to use the DHL account to ship packages from China to Japan?Also I would love to see an "orders to date" report from you by Friday . That way we can see how the sales are going .
Variable life insurance is a form of life insurance that has cash value linked to the performance of one or more investment accounts within the policy. Because of its investment features, insurance carriers in the United States typically register offerings of variable life insurance with federal and state securities regulators. To register the offering, carriers typically need to provide some level of detail of the investment selections within the policy. Without knowing the specifics of each potential client's investment profile, carriers often settle for registering a uniform offering that includes a selection of mutual funds or hedge funds as investment options within the policy.
・Cambodia’s few urban areas are hubs of pharmaceutical consumption.・Underdeveloped local manufacturing capacities leave the market reliant on imports.・Consumer perception that foreign-made pharmaceuticals are superior to domestic medicines benefiting foreign drugmakers.・The country boasts a large number of importers of foreign-made products.・TheCambodian pharmaceutical market is one of the smallest in the region, as measured on per capita basis.・Very little foreign manufacturing presence in the country, which has stifled the exposure of the wider market to foreign-made products.・Poor state of the country’s infrastructure hampers deliveryof healthcare and medicalsupplies, especially to more remote regions
・Counterfeiting is an issue that has detracted some foreign companies from getting involved in the market.・The lack of a national health insurance system means that the bulk ofpharmaceutical expenditure is sourced from private pockets.・Low manufacturing costs, potentially attracting some foreign direct investment.・Some longer term market potential, given the currently underdeveloped nature of themarket and rising population numbers.・Continued involvement of NGOs in providing essential medicines will representpoints of entry for new players.・Growing prevalence of chronic lifestyle diseases should see rising pharmaceuticalconsumption to treat these conditions.
・Levels of intellectual property protection will remain negatively impacted by the country’s limited funding for medicines, both in the public and private spheres, which will prioritise cheaper, and often counterfeit, products.・Unless the government shows more concrete measures of its commitment to attracting foreign players, Cambodia will lose out to other locations currently vying to attract multinational investment.・The absence of a health insurance system to continue hampering wider access to medicines and thus pharmaceutical value development.・Corruption will remain a major threat to making medicines as well as funding for medicines available through legal channels and to the neediest sectors of society
We received your order however we just sold out of the Guru 1.5. When I talked with Lamson they indicated that it was on backorder for them as well until the first week in April. We can proceed in a few ways. We can send the 3.0 and send the 1.5 when it arrives or we could cancel the 1.5 and just send the 3.0. You could subsitute something else for the 1.5. Let us know how you would like to proceed.
注文を承りましたGuru 1.5につきまして、只今在庫を切らしております。ラムソン社に問い合わせましたところ、4月の最初の週までは取り寄せできないとのことでした。そこで注文方法をいくつかご提案させていただきます。まずGuru 3.oをお送りし、Guru 1.5は到着しだいお送りする方法、またはGuru 1.5はキャンセルしていただき、Guru 3.oのみをお送りするとう方法もとれます。もしくはGuru 1.5を代わりの品物に交換することもできます。お客様のご希望をお知らせください。
The L52 Cabinet was produced to house a number of McIntosh components. As you would expect from McIntosh the cabinet is of the utmost quality, with the finest craftsmanship and walnut veneer. The L52 will fit any McIntosh component with the faceplate dimensions of 5 ½” high by 16” wide. It has PanLocks to accommodate depth of approx. 12 1/16” Chassis Vintage L52 Cabinet.. NO panlocks currently on this one, but I have them & will list them in separate auction IF interested...
I didn't realize that was one of your beliefs.
Information Architecture is the means by which we get from a pile of stuff to a structured experience.
Most Japanese high school students have to work much harder than their American counterparts.
Thank you so much! I wanted to make 10 points :( Next time I'll get 10 points for sure!
I definitely want to go see that new Paranormal Activity movie!!
「Paranormal Activity」は絶対に観に行きたい!
Put all crappy YouTube videos in this thread please