nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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Two mobile games have been added to WeChat 5.0 that was launched ten days ago. One immediately became one of the two hottest games this summer in China; the other, WE-LINK which was launched on Mobile QQ at the same time, has had 40 million installs with 25 million are daily active, according to Martin Lau, president of Tencent, during the earnings call. More mobile games, with some developed in -house and the rest from third-party developers, will be released on Mobile QQ and WeChat later.

The company plans to spend $100-200 million on WeChat marketing in international markets this year. Last month a TV campaign was aired in 15 markets.


10日前にローンチされたWeChat 5.0に2つのモバイルゲームが追加された。Tencentの社長Martin Lau氏の業績発表によると、内一点はすぐに人気となり、中国でこの夏最も人気のあったゲーム2点の内の1つになり、一方のWE-LINKは、同時期にMobile QQ向けにローンチされダウンロード回数は4000万回に達し、毎日2500万回利用されているそうだ。この先、Mobile QQ 向けとWeChat向けに何点かの自社開発のゲームと、サードパーティ-が開発したゲームがさらにリリースされる予定だ。


nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

For apps with much smaller footprint or user base, offering sticker packs may be the easiest way to monetize early before other business opportunities reveal themselves but it’s also perhaps the laziest path to revenue because it’s too easy. Line’s financial report shows that its sticker business deliver “only” a quarter of its entire revenue, about half that of its in-game purchases.

If sticker packs are becoming a staple of messaging apps, then so be it, but as the examples above have shown, there are other ways for messaging apps to monetize. In the long run, if stickers prove to be a fad, apps that rely heavily on them could collapse.


