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Xiaomi’s Mi Hi-Fi Headphones come in at RMB 499 (US$80), sporting 50mm Beryllium speakers that are 25 percent bigger than the average headset, according to Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun. The 32-ohm impedance headphones boast silver plated wires to reduce interference and maintain high fidelity sound. The headphones come in black leather with shiny gold metal. Notable Chinese musicians including James Li helped fine-tune the sound. The headphones are designed to work especially well with the new Xiaomi Note’s HiFi playback hardware.

The earpieces are interchangeable, allowing the listener to choose between on-the-ear and over-the-ear styles.


XiaomiのCEO(最高経営責任者)のLei Jun氏によると、同社のハイファイヘッドフォンMiは、通常より25%大きい50mmの大胆なベリリウムスピーカを搭載し、価格は499人民元(80米ドル)だそうだ。ヘッドフォンのインピーダンスは32オームで、ワイヤーはハイファイサウンドを損なわず、またノイズや干渉を低減するよう、銀メッキ処理されている。ヘッドフォンには、黒いレザーと光沢のあるゴールドのメタルが使用されている。James Li氏を含む中国の有名なミュージシャンが音の微調整に手を貸している。このヘッドフォンは、Xiaomiの新しいNoteのHiFi再生ハードとの相性が特に良くなるよう設計されている。


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In terms of revenue, the six main drivers are Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. At a compound annual growth rate of 28.8 percent, Newzoo expects gaming revenues from the entire region to jump to US$2.2 billion by 2017, effectively doubling last year’s figures.

A few key facts illustrate the region’s growth potential. Newzoo estimates the population of Southeast Asia at 626 million. Only a small share of these people have access to internet; about 29 percent, which represents 179 million consumers. In this group, gaming is extremely popular, the firm says. Over 70 percent of them play games.




nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

9. Mito

Mito’s plant in Tangerang whirred into life in August 2014. The factory is set to assemble 100,000 smartphones and tablets each month. Mito currently assembles phones both in Indonesia and China.

Just like Advan, Mito hopes to produce its own smartphone components in the years ahead.

10. Himax

Himax is an exciting new player in the gadget industry in Indonesia as it seeks to disrupt other brands – in a manner similar to Xiaomi – with strongly-specced yet affordable phones. The company is reportedly in the midst of building a factory. In 2016, the six-hectare factory, located in Tangerang, will have a production target of 100,000 smartphones each month.


9. Mito



10. Himax


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11. SPC

Although SPC may be the least well-known local brand in this list, the company claims that it’s already assembling about 200,000 feature phones each month in its factory in Tangerang. Injecting an additional US$1 million to its plant, SPC plans to start assembling smartphones and tablets in 2015. It is unknown how many phones the company aims to assemble every month.

Besides the 12 companies above, there are other smartphone makers that have expressed some level of interest in setting up a factory in Indonesia, such as Huawei, Asus, Lenovo, Xiaomi, and LG, at least according to Indonesia’s industry ministry representative. But those companies have not yet confirmed any plans.


11. SPC



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“For the LINQ suite the devices are controlled through WeChat exclusively, but Ayla-powered devices can basically be controlled by any app via any home hub that runs on Zigbee, Z-wave or Wi-Fi,” says Sharon Chan, a public relations representative speaking on behalf of the project.

In 2013, 300,000 visitors from Hong Kong and China travelled to Las Vegas, nearly doubling in the last two years. Ceasars said in a statement:

Collaborating with leading companies like Ayla and WeChat helps make our customers feel even more at home when they can interact in our resorts using technology and apps like WeChat that they use daily.


「LINQのスイートルームは、WeChat経由でしかデバイスをコントロールすることができませんが、Aylaを搭載したデバイスはZigbee、Z-waveやWi-Fi経由で一般的なハブを利用すれば、基本的にはどんなアプリを使ってもコントロールすることができます。」とプロジェクトを代表して広報部門の代表、Sharon Chan氏は語った。



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Ceasars operates 50 casinos across the US and four other countries.

The collaboration with Ceasars is one of many projects WeChat is using to study foreign markets outside of China for new opportunities. “We aim to build up an ecosystem for merchants to leverage on WeChat to implement O2O strategies and projects. The Casears hotel project is one of partners we are working with,” Tencent spokesperson Limin Chen said. “Other projects that connect WeChat to the offline world include Easy Taxi official account implementation in Asia, Zalora project in Asia, and YOOX shopping accounts in the US, Italy, and China.”



Ceasarsとの連携は、中国以外の市場を研究し新たなビジネスチャンスを掴むためにWeChatが進める数あるプロジェクトの一つだ。「我々は、O2O型の戦略やプロジェクトを進める事ができるよう、販売業者がWeChatで活用できるエコシステムの構築を目指しています。Casearsホテルは、一緒にプロジェクトを進めているパートナーの一社です。またWeChatをオフライン世界と繋ぐ別のプロジェクトには、アジアで利用されているEasy Taxiの公式アカウント、アジアのZaloraプロジェクトや米国、イタリアや中国で利用されているでショッピングアカウントYOOX等があります。」とTencentの広報担当者Limin Chen氏は語った。

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3. OLX’s and Ayosdito’s marriage

In November, Southeast Asia’s ecommerce scene was rocked when classifieds giants Naspers, Schibsted Media Group, Telenor Group, and Singapore Press Holdings put an end to their rivalry, and decided to join forces. Four countries were affected by this change: Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Bangladesh. In the Philippines, the deal translated into the merging of brands OLX (formerly and Ayosdito. The two brands were the biggest competing classifieds in the country, employing various channels like billboard, vehicle, and TV ads to lure customers. As a result of the merger, Ayosdito will close and its users will be redirected to OLX starting January 2015.


3. OLXとAyosditoの合併

11月、案内広告大手のNaspers、Schibsted Media Group、Telenor GroupそしてSingapore Press Holdingsがライバル関係に終止符を打ち、協力していく決断を下したことで、東南アジアのeコマース業界に激震が走った。今回の再編により、インドネシア、フィリピン、タイそしてバングラデッシュの4か国が影響を受けた。フィリピンでは、2つのブランドOLX(旧とAyosditoのが合併する取り決めになっている。両社は、案内広告では国内最大手で競合もしており、ユーザ獲得のため広告掲示板、車やテレビ広告等様々なチャネルを活用している。今回の合併に伴いAyosditoのサイトは閉鎖され、ユーザは2015年1月からOLXのサイトに自動的に転送される予定だ。

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What internet giant’s portfolio would be complete without a property portal? This online-to-offline real estate services provider lists and sells both properties across 250 cities in China. Leju, a subsidiary of E-House, secured US$180 million from Tencent in March in exchange for a 15 percent stake, IPO’ed in April, then partnered with its American counterpart, Zillow, in September.

This enterprise digital mapping service was founded way back in 1997. Tencent bought an 11.3 percent stake in Navinfo, one of China’s largest mapping companies, for US$187 million in May. Like Linktech Navi, the investment was made in response to Alibaba’s acquisition of Autonavi.


不動産関連ポータルを運営しない大手インターネット企業の資産構成は果たして完璧だろうか? O2O型の不動産サービスを提供する同社は、中国250都市の不動産の掲載や販売を行っている。E-House傘下のLejuは、3月にTencentから調達した1.8億米ドルと引き換えに、新規公開株の15%を4月に提供し、その後同社は、米国の同業Zillowと9月に提携している。

Navinfoは、その昔1997年設立のデジタルマッピングサービスを提供する企業だ。Tencentは、中国のマッピング大手Navinfo の株式の11.3%を1.87億米ドルで5月に取得している。AlibabaのAutonavi買収を受け、Tencentは、Linktech Naviを買収した時と同じように資金提供を行った。