nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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What’s also worth noting about the new features? That “Like” button icon… why does it… look… so… familiar…?

Okay, so it kind of looks like Facebook’s own Like button. But are we going to argue over a shade of blue, for a feature that’s officially in beta-testing? Or should we tip our hat to Facebook (or Roger Ebert? Or the Homo Habilis? Or Sina Weibo, which also has a like button?) for popularizing the thumbs-up-as-social-media-engagement-tool and leave it at that? Your answer will likely depend on how tired you are of reading about so-called “copycat” Chinese firms. File under: let it slide.



確かに、少しFacebookの「いいね」ボタンのように見える。でもテスト中の正式なベータ版に入っているだけで青みがかった部分に関して本当にここで議論する意味があるだろうか?それともFacebook (もしくはRoger Ebert氏、もしくはホモ・ハビリス、もしくは「いいね」ボタンを使っているSina Weibo)に対してソシャルメディアに関わるツールとしてサムズアップを広めたことに敬意を表し、そのまま放っておけばいいのだろうか?その答えは、中国企業のいわゆる「模倣」に関する記事に、どれだけ嫌気がさしているかに関係してくると思う。放っておくほうがよさそうだ。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

But the company would continue to launch high-spec, higher-priced flagship models. It launches its fourth flagship Android phone today. It’s not much of a surprise that the model has better specs and the two models (16 G and 64 G) are priced the same as its brothers (RMB1999 for the 16 GB version and RMB1999 for 64GB). TDD/FDD – LTE models won’t be out before September.

It has a 5″ screen and the design looks familiar to some other smartphones (iPhone 5 with a bigger screen?), although the company put much emphasis on the design of the phone frame, as Lei Jun, CEO of the company, said at the launch event today.



5インチの画面を搭載しデザインは他のスマートフォン(大きめの画面を搭載したiPhone 5?)に似ているが、本日の製品の発表会で同社のCEOを務めるLei Jun氏は電話のフレームデザインに注力したと話していた。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

3. AliPass

Alipay has released functions similar to Apple’s Passbook in previous versions, allowing consumers to view and manage all the e-tickets, vouchers and coupons that they have purchased either through partnering merchants’ websites or via mobile apps that use Alipay as a payment function. This time the app integrated all these functions in the “exploration” page and gives it a new brand name AliPass.

The 8.2 version also made improvements on features of QR code scanning, app launch speed, Internet connection speed, etc. The app is now available for download at iOS and Android platforms. Not surprisingly, the WP version is left out again for the latest update.


3. AliPass


8.3版では、QRコードのスキャニング、アプリのローンチスピード、ネット接続スピード等機能の改善が図られた。現在アプリはiOSとAndroidプラットフォームからダウンロードできる。当然のことながら、Windows Phone向けは最新のアップデートからまた漏れてしまった。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

The smart home space is gradually evolving all over the world, while Google looks likely to take the throne for the so-called “internet of things”. But in China, it’s still open season. Moreover, given how easily Chinese tech giants form partnerships and launch products these days, it’s hard to look at existing initiatives and gauge who will win down the road. Baidu has levereged its cloud platform to help launch home security cameras and health-related devices, while Alibaba recently launched an early-stage internet of things platform called Alink. JD, which Tencent owns a 15 percent stake in, launched a program last week designed to facilitate the manufacture and sales of smart home devices.

