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The alternative but not incongruous accusations of vice and duplicity perhaps do less than justice to the loyal and open character of Antonius,his position as the colleague of Octavianus and the slowness of communication by sea in the dead of winter.Of the earlier stages of the dissensions in Italy,Antonius was well apprised. He could not intervene-the confiscations and the allotment of lands to the veterans of Philippi were Octavianus' share in a policy for which they were jointly responsible. The victor of Philippi could not forswear his promises and his soldiers. His own share was the gathering of funds in the East--in which perhaps he had not been very successful. He felt that he was well out of the tangle.
堕落と不誠実という、矛盾しないが二者択一の罪状はおそらく、愛国者であり、Octavianusの同僚であったAntoniusの開放的な性格と、真冬の海上での通信ののろさを少しも十分に論じていない。イタリアでの紛争の初期段階では、Antoniusはよく連絡を受けた。没収に口を出すことはできず、 Philippi の老練兵らに土地を分配することもできなかった。Philippiでは、ある方針でOctavianusの分け前があり、共同で責任を負っていたのだ。 Philippiの征服者は自身の約束と兵士たちに背誓することができなかった。彼自身の分け前は、東部で集めた資金だった。おそらく、そこで彼はあまり好成績を出せていなかったのだろう。混乱から首尾よく逃れられたと感じていた。
City CensusTransport timetablesAnnual BudgetExpenditure (detailed)Election resultsAir qualityPublic transport stopsSchool locationsCrime statisticsHealth statisticsWater QualityProcurement contractsRestaurant hygieneRoad traffic accidentsBuilding permitsGovernment services feesDataAll the data for the Census is available openly and in bulk:Underlying data for the country census is available in bulk as CSV: data for Data Catalogs: listing of datasets (including proposals for datasets to be added):Country DatasetsCity Datasets
The original price of this item is only not about USD100, I wonder why it is so expensive? If it is really so expensive without discount, I think I have no choice but to wait it re-release like D-Arts Wargreymon since my budget problem.
この商品の元の金額は100USドルほどもしなかったのに、なぜこんなにお高いのでしょうか。もし、この商品が本当に割引なしでそんなにお高いのでしたら、当方の予算の関係上、購入を見合わせて、D-Arts ウォーグレイモンのような商品の再リリースを待ちたいと思います。
In his emergency Octavianus sought aid where he could, an accommodation with the master of the sea. He sent Maecenas on a diplomatic mission to Sicily and gave pledge of his sentiments by taking to wife Scribonia, who was the sister of that Libo whose daughter Sex. Pompeius had married. But Pompeius, as was soon evident, was already in negotiation with Antonius. Once again the young Caesar was saved by the fortune that clung to his name. In Gaul Calenus opportunely died. His son, lacking experience or confidence, was induced to surrender all Gaul and eleven legions. Octavianus left Italy to take over this welcome accession: he placed Salvidienus in charge of Gaul, confident in the loyalty of his friend.
Octavianusは、その緊急事態において、得られる援助を求め、海の支配者と和解しようとした。 Maecenasに外交上の使命を与えSicilyへ送り、妻Scriboniaに頼り、気持ちを誓った。Scriboniaは、あのLiboの妹で、Liboの娘はSexである。Pompeiusは結婚した。しかしPompeiusは、すぐにわかったのだが、すでにAntoniusと交渉状態にあった。再び、若いCaesarは幸運に救われ、その名にすがりついた。Gaulでは、Calenusが折よく死んだ。彼の息子には経験も自信もなかったので、Gaulと11のレギオンを明け渡すよう説得された。 Octavianusはこの喜ばしい即位を引き継ぐため、Italyを去った。友の忠誠を確信して、Gaulの統治にSalvidienusを置いた。
Agrippa and Salvidienus out-manoeuvred him. Along with the defeated generals Furnius, Tisienus and a number of Antonian or Republican partisans, the consul threw himself into the strong city of Perusia and prepared to stand a brief siege, expecting prompt relief from Pollio and Ventidius. He was quickly undeceived. Octavianus at once invested Perusia with an elaborate ring of fortifications. Then, marching north-eastwards with Agrippa, he confronted Pollio and Ventidius, who, undecided and at variance, refused battle and retired through the Apennines. Nor did help come from the south in time or in adequate strength. Plancus, another of Antonius' men, occupied with establishing veterans near Beneventum.
AgrippaとSalvidienusは彼を出し抜いた。敗れたFurnius、Tisienus将軍、大勢のAntonius派や共和制支持者とともに、執政官は堅固な街Perusiaに身を投じ、短時間の包囲攻撃にもちこたえるよう備えた。 PollioとVentidiusがすぐにも援軍に来てくれるだろうと見越してのことだ。その夢はすぐに覚めた。OctavianusはたちまちPerusiaに入念な環状の要塞を作っていた。そして、Agrippaとともに北東に進軍しながら、PollioとVentidiusに対峙した。彼らは優準不断で矛盾しており、Apennines山脈を通って、戦闘を回避し、逃げてきたのだ。南からも、適時に充分な力を備えた援軍は来なかった。アントニウス派のもう1人の兵士Plancusは、Beneventumの近くで落ち着き始めた老練兵らを押さえた。
Social forces and village committeesIn addition to Party branches and townships, lineage groups, religious organizations, andcriminal elements play a role in some villages. These social forces may gain access topublic power through elections, or have other means to become involved with decisionmaking and policy implementation. Although informal institutions may enhanceaccountability and promote public goods provision, they also operate according totheir own customs, norms, and rules, many of which have little to do with democracy.Clans, in particular, have experienced a resurgence in the reform era,and in some locations ‘are once again sources of power and authority’. While kinship ties need not always have
a baleful effect on democratic rule, strong lineage attachments can become a mechanism through which individual rights and minority protections are infringed. Majority rule sometimes produces dominance of one clan, or disruptive, ongoing struggle between several clans, which leads to fierce conflict and makes governance nearly impossible.For example, the Li lineage in one Huna community used elections to usurp the power of a villagen committee and transformed grassroots government into an armed tool of clanpower. In another ‘extreme case’ focusing on disputed land adjustments inShan, open elections heightened clan tensions, turned a Party secretary against acommittee director, and brought governance almost
・・・民主主義的規則に対して有害であるというわけではないが、強力な血のつながりが、個人の権利や少数派の保護を侵害するメカニズムとなることがある。多数決原理はときおり一族独裁や数種の血族の間で破壊的で継続的な闘争を生み出すことがあり、激しい紛争へとつながり、統治などほぼできなくなることもある。例えば、あるHuna地域のLi lineage一族は村の委員会の権力を強奪せんがため選挙を行い、民衆政府を氏族権力の武装手段へと変えた。別の極端な例では、Shan州での土地区画整理問題が挙げられるが、公開投票により氏族の緊張状態が強まり、政党秘書が委員会会長に早変わりし、統治はほぼ・・・
to a standstill. Much more research is needed to learn how and when lineage ties affect village committees and the quality of democracy. Religious organizations can also be obstacles to grassroots democratization whenthey compete with village committees for resources or leadership in communityaffairs. In one Shan village, shortly after a committee and a Catholic church joinedforces to build a primary school, wrangling over control of the school broke out.Instead of seeking a compromise, the church leaders publicized the conflict andmobilized their followers to challenge the elected cadres, resulting in a deep divisionin the village. Local strongmen and gangsters pose a far more direct threat to democracy.
Stories of ‘evil forces’ undermining rural governance are increasingly common.Though some observers argue that imperfect election procedures make villagesvulnerable to takeover by bullies and thugs, others note that in some placesrepresentatives of ‘black society’ have obtained power by soliciting support fromfellow lineage members, intimidating villagers, and promising decisive action.Even when they fail to subvert a village committee, underworld forces can exert aninfluence by challenging, marginalizing or sidelining elected leaders. Some gangshave gone so far as to set up ‘private police stations’ and ‘underground courts’ to handle disputes over land, debt, and other conflicts.
The Type 99 monopods are not an item that I normally carry. I can order them for you, if you want. It would have to be a special order. I have to order 10 or more and cost will be $49 each to you (including your discount). I have had numerous problems with this item, not with the product, but with the buyers. Most buyers don't understand that you need the barrel band with the mounting lug to install this item. They don't read the description, which explains this, before making the purchase. When they realize they don't have the mounting lug on their rifle, they want to return the item. Additionally, some will have difficulty aligning the pin and screw in the lug.
The soldiery took a hand--Caesarian veterans from Ancona, old soldiers of Antonius, sent a deputation and arranged a meeting of the adversaries at Gabii, half-way between Rome and Praeneste. It was arrested by mutual distrust and an interchange of missiles. Manius produced or invented a letter from M. Antonius sanctioning war, if in defence of his dignitas. The consul marched on Rome, easily routing Lepidus. He was welcomed by the populace and by the Senate with a sincere fervor such as can have attended none of his more recent predecessors when they had liberated Rome from the domination of a faction. But L. Antonius did not hold the city for long. He advanced northward in the hope of effecting a junction.
軍隊は関係していた。Ancona出身のCaesar派老練兵ら、つまり Antoniusの旧来の兵士たちは、代理を送り、RomeとPraenesteの中間点であるGabiiでの敵との会合を取り付けた。会合は双方の疑惑と槍や矢の相打ちに阻まれた。ManiusはM. Antoniusが戦争を公認したという偽の手紙を用意した。万が一、自分の座を守るためだ。執政官はLepidusを完全に打ち負かし、Romeを行進した。ここ最近の前任者が誰ひとりとしてRomeを一党独裁から解放した際にも得られなかったほどに、民衆と元老院に心底熱烈に歓迎された。しかし、L. Antoniusは、ローマを長くは掌握できなかった。北へつながろうとの望みを持って、進軍した。
I was buying whole bunch of razors and I don't know why it have chosen your to reject - I payed a number of razor after that, some even more expensive.However - even if I put some funds today - I was not able to pay for another rasor - it takes couple of days to verify - I called paypal and will call again tomorrow - it will take 2-day.Once more - my apology for what happened - and be sure, that I will pay out for your razor soon.I myself restore and sell razors.----On the second, can you send me a bill with a lower price declared, so i can show this for the taxes, and third, can i make two payments, one with the price on the bill and the second over the rest?
When the chief men surviving of the Republican cause were led before the victorious generals, Antonius, it is alleged, they saluted as imperator, but reviled Octavianus. A number of them were put to death. A body of nobles had fled to the island of Thasos, among them Bibulus and Messalla. After negotiation they made an honourable capitulation to Antonius, some entering his service. One of the friends of Brutus, the faithful Lucilius, remained with Antonius until the end. The rest of them, irreconcilable or hopeless, made their escape and joined the admirals of the Republic, Murcus and Ahenobarbus on the Ionian Sea and Pompeius in Sicily. The glory of it went to Antonius and abode with him for ten years.
The sovran assembly retained only a formal and decorative existence, for the transactions of high policy were conducted by the rulers in secret. Contemporaries were pained and afflicted by moral and by social degradation. True merit was not the path to successand success itself was unsafe as well as dishonourable.New men emerging established claims to the consulate by brutality or by craft. The marshals might disappear, some as suddenly as they had arisen, but the practice of diplomacy engendered in its adepts the talent of survival, with arts and devices of subservience loathed by the Roman aristocracy: no honest man would care to surrender honour and independence by becoming a minister to despotism.
New and alien names were prominent in their place, Etruscan or Umbrian, Picene or Lucanian. Rome had known her novi homines for three centuries now, admitted in the main for personal distinction and service in war.Then Rome's wars against foreign enemies had augmented the aristocracy with a new nobility. No record stands of the sentiments of the nobiles when they contemplated the golden crown worn by a man called Vipsanius, or the elephant of Cornificius. It would have been vain to point in extenuation, to their valour in war, to urge that many of the upstarts derived their origin from ancient families among the aristocracies of the, kindred peoples of Italy. As for the consular Balbus, that was beyond words.
新しい、エトルリア、ウンブリア、ピケーヌム、ルカニアといった外国人の名前がそこでよく見られるようになっていた。ローマでは、もう3世紀もの間、そうしたnovi hominesが知られていたので、主に個人の識別と戦争への服役で認められた。そして、ローマの外敵との戦争によって、新しい貴族階級とともに貴族政治は増大していった。Vipsaniusと呼ばれた男や象に乗ったCornificiusが被った金の冠をじっくりと鑑賞している折の貴族たちの所感は記録に残っていない。戦争での武勇があったとはいえ、多くの成り上がり者が、イタリア人の血統で旧来の貴族政治を担った一族の家柄から派生するよう促したことは、実質的に無意味であったろう。執政官Balbusに関しては、筆舌に尽くし難い。
The patricians were sparse enough at the best of seasons: Octavianus created new families of that order, for patronage but with a good pretext. Among the consulars could be discerned one Claudius only, one Aemilius, partisans of Octavianus; no Fabii at all, of the patrician Cornelii two at the most, perhaps only one; no Valerii yet, but the Valerii were soon to provide three consuls. No less conspicuous were the gaps in the ranks of the dynastic houses of the old plebeian aristocracy--among the principes not a single Metellus, Junius or Calpurnius. Many years would have to pass before the Fasti of the consuls and the front ranks of the Senate regained even the semblance of their traditional distinction.
貴族たちはその最盛期にはたいそう少なくなっていた。Octavianusは、いい口実というわけでなく、保護してくれる者たちに、その順序で新しい一族を作り出した。執政官は、Claudius家から1人だけ、Aemilius家から1人、Octavianusの支持者は複数いた。Fabius氏族は全くおらず、せいぜい高位のCornelius家からは2人か1人だけ、Valerius家はいなかったが、Valerius家はすぐに3人の執政官を生んだ。まさしく古い平民による貴族政治 という王朝の階級間には目に見えるギャップが存在した。プリンケプスにはMetellusやJunius 、そしてCalpurniusもいた。執政官のファスチと元老院の前列が旧来の栄誉の様相を取り戻すまで、何年もの歳月を待たねばならなかった。
They have been spoken, however, as to a more fully declared friend of Caesar, to one who was invested by him with the greatest honour and power, and who would have been adopted by him no doubt if he had known that you would accept kinship with the family of Aeneas in exchange for that of Hercules; this created doubt in his mind when he was thinking strongly of designating you as his successor.In the forefront, in the post of traditional leadership of the State, stood an array of consulars, impressive in number, recent creations almost all. They numbered over thirty, a total without precedent. New men far outweighed the nobiles.Some families of the aristocracy could show no member of consular age or standing.
彼らは、Caesarのより公然たる友人で、Caesarの大いなる栄誉と権力を与えられ、かつHercules家ではなく、Aeneas家との親族関係を受け容れるであろうとCaesarが知っていれば、疑いなく採用されたであろう人物について話し合っていたが、このことが、Caesarが自らの後継者にお前を指名しようと強く思うようになったとき、Caesarの心に疑念を生じさせた。 最も重要な地位、従来の州の指導的地位には、多数を、最近ではほとんど全てに執政官の系統を配置した。その数は30を超え、全てにというのは、前例がなかった。新参者が貴族よりはるかに重要なのだった。貴族のなかには執政官の地位にあるものがいないという一族もあった。
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