Thank you for your service. I am Yamada from Japan.I appreciate your quick response which helped me a lot.I am considering purchasing that item.Speaking of A-000, what should I do?The product which has just arrived from your shop, doesn’t work at all.I tested it under various conditions though only that product doesn’t work.I wish to exchange the product for a new one or to send it back to you and to get a refund.As there are another products that I am planning to purchase, I will be waiting for your reply.I wish to do business with your shop for a long time.
mo105407福萬醤油 (ふくまんしょうゆ) - 天神/和食(その他) [食べログ]福萬醤油/ふくまんしょうゆ (天神/和食(その他))の店舗情報は食べログでチェック!口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です!地図や料理メニューなどの詳細情報も充実。たまごかけご飯に合う醤油5本セット(通信販売)たまごかけごはんに最適な醤油を5本厳選して詰め合わせたセット。醤油によって変化する、たまごかけごはんの味の違いを楽しむことができます。
mo105407Fukuman Shoyu - Tenjin/Japanese cuisine (Other) [Tabelog]Let's check the restaurant information about Fukuman Shoyu (Tenjin/Japanese cuisine (Other)) on Tabelog! Like word-of-mouth reputations and evaluations, lots of veritable information by users are available! Also, detailed information such as maps and menus are complete.Assortment of 5 bottles of shoyu suitable for egg sauce over rice (mail order)This is a carefully selected assortment of 5 bottles of shoyu ideal for egg sauce over rice, "tamago kake gohan".With 5 different kinds of shoyu, you will enjoy various tastes of egg sauce over rice.
no100902今でも当時の面影を色濃く残す街並は京都との繋がりの強さを物語ってくれます。 津山(岡山県・津山市)日本の小京都を代表する街はどこかと尋ねられれば、まず津山を挙げていました。津山は山陰と山陽との中ほど美作地方の中心として古くから栄えた街で、その繁栄が中国地方の小京都と言われる由縁となりました。 山口(山口県・山口市)大内氏が作った西の京が山口です。山口を本拠とした豪族の大内氏は京にも強い影響を持ち、その栄華を示そうと山口に京都に勝るとも劣らない街作りを行いました
no100902The cityscape, which looks much as it did in those days, shows its strong relationship with Kyoto.Tsuyama (Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture)They cited Tsuyama first to answer the the question about typical Little Kyoto in Japan. Tsuyama is a city which had flourished as a center of Mimasaka Region located between Sanin and Sanyo, and the city was called Little Kyoto for that prosperity. Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)Yamaguchi is a capital in the West, built by Ouchi clan. The Ouchi, one of the powerful families based in Yamaguchi, had a strong influence on the capital and they built a city which was just as great as Kyoto in Yamaguchi so as to prove their prosperity.
no84502Nara Park (Nara City, Nara Prefecture)In Nara Park, various kinds of cherry blossoms, such as Nara Yae-zakura (double cherry), Kokonoe-zakura (ninefold cherry), Japanese cherry and Yoshino cherry, paint spring with their early or late-blooming flowers one after another. The best time to see cherry blossoms here is from the end of March to the end of April.Kenroku-en (Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture)Takato Joshi ParkSome people say that cherry blossoms around the Takato Castle, "Takato Kohigan-zakura", are the best in Japan. The best time is from about the beginning to the middle of April.Koganei Park (Koganei city, Tokyo)Located in the suburb of Tokyo, Koganei Park is a place famous for its cherry blossoms. Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum is in the Park.
al62801ゴシックファッションが好きなあなたは必見!世界が注目する日本が生んだゴシックブランド5つを紹介日本発のゴシックブランド。ヨーロッパのゴシックブランドとも違うアートな一面をもったブランドをご紹介。 Mana(マナ)とはギタリスト、シンセシスト、音楽プロデューサー。現在活動停止中のヴィジュアル系バンドMALICE MIZER及び、現在自身が手がけるサウンド・プロジェクトMoi dix Moisのリーダー。
al62801You, who like Gothic fashion, shouldn’t miss it! Introduction of 5 Japanese Gothic brands that the world pays attention to.Original Japanese Gothic brands. Let us introduce to you, these brands having artistic aspects different from European ones. Mana is a guitarist, a keyboardist, and a music producer. The leader of a Visual Kei band MALICE MIZER, whose activity is currently suspended, and of a sound project produced by himself, Moi dix Mois.
al62003 私服だと、友だちと遊びに行くときはおしゃれするけど、普段お仕事のときは撮影とかあって着替えもあるから、最近はメンズのLやXLのTシャツをよく着てます。すごく楽なんですよ(笑)。大好きなadidasのビッグTシャツとパンダのスニーカーでスポーティーなカワイイスタイル!MILKBOYのバナナ柄のトップスとギンガムチェックのパンツでボーイッシュなスタイル!黒のパーカーに赤いドクターマーチンの靴でアクセント!
In my plain style, I dress up when going out with friends though, usually changing clothes for photos is frequent at work, recently I often wear an L or XL-sized T-shirt for men. I must admit it’s pretty comfortable.(lol)A sporty Kawaii style with my favourite adidas’ big T-shirt and a pair of Panda Bear sneakers!A boyish style with a banana-patterned MILKBOY’s top and a pair of gingham trousers!An accent by a black parka and a pair of red Dr. Martens' shoes!
al62002本名はBBCの取材で公表している[3]。フルネームは“きゃろらいんちゃろんぷろっぷきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ”(Caroline Charonplop Kyarypamyupamyu)。世界が注目する日本のカワイイ女子といえばきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ!きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅのオフィシャルサイト。ライブツアーやメディア出演などの最新情報をいち早くお届けします!ファンクラブの入会も随時受付中!
al62002Her real name was made public in a BBC’s interview [3]. Her full name is: Caroline Charonplop Kyarypamyupamyu.Speaking of a Japanese Kawaii girl who attracts the world’s attention, it’s Kyarypamyupamyu!Kyarypamyupamyu’s official website. We quickly inform you of the latest news like her live tours and media appearances! Your apply for membership in her fan club is accepted at any time!
al61904動物を愛しすぎて自ら動物に変身することも・・。 嬉しい時、悲しい時、孤独な時・・・いつも側にいてくれてる音楽。僕も人の心に伝わる音楽をしたくて、この世界で生きることを決意しました。PVを撮影。美しきヴィジュアル系を継承し続ける男ASAGI。彼の描くヴァンパイアストーリーと、激しいロックサウンドは日本のみならず、やがて全世界を魅了することになるであろう。
al61904Sometimes, he can transform himself into an animal… When you are happy, sad, lonely…music is always by your side. So I decided to work in this industry so as to produce music that touches people’s heartstrings.Film a promotion video.ASAGI, who has inherited the beautiful Visual Kei.The vampire story that he represents and his strong rock sound will fascinate people not only in Japan, but also all over the world.
Here are some tips that helps you to be Kawaii! How to arrange Japanese-style Kawaii eyesRound eyes are girls’ ideal. What do you need to arrange round eyes?Round eyes and long eyelashes are essential for a doll face!!Arranging attractive eyes with color contact lensesWith color contact lenses, you won’t be afraid of going out without makeup on.Managing three-dimensional eyes with color contact lenses.Those who have small-pupilled eyes should choose larger lenses.We have various kinds of color contact lenses like ones produced by a popular model.False eyelashes are items for transformation.
al61606年たっても衰えることなく進化し続けるhydeは、まるで映画の主人公のような存在。美しさもワイルドさも兼ね備えた彼こそロックスター!日本のロック界でも異彩を放つ、神々しいほどの美しさを持つこの男から目が離せない。HYDE(L'Arc~en~Ciel)とK.A.Z(Oblivion Dust)からなるロックユニット
al61606Hyde, who has been developing regardless of his age, is a person like a movie hero.He is the very rock star having both beauty and wildness!We cannot take our eyes off this man, who stands out prominently in the Japanese rock industry and is divinely beautiful.A rock unit composed of HYDE (L’Arc~en~Ciel) and K.A.Z (Oblivion Dust)
al32504お仕事に行く時もきて行けるから黒があると便利アップどんな時でもリボンが大好き♪カワイイものだけに囲まれてお姫様気分Baby, The Stars Shine Bright」のお洋服は美沙子ちゃんもお気に入り♪美沙子ちゃん自身がモデルを務める「Baby, The Stars Shine Bright」のワンピースでお姫様気分♪「Baby, The Stars Shine Bright」のデザートワンピースにMILKのハートバッグで全身ピンク色コーデ♪
al32504Because it can also be used for work, it’s more convenient to have a black itemLove ribbons anytime ♪Surrounded by only cute things, you’ll be in a princess moodBaby, The Stars Shine Bright’s clothes are Misako’s favorite as wellWearing a one-piece dress of Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, which has Misako as its model, you’ll be in a princess mood ♪A total pink coordinate with a dessert one-piece dress and a MILK’s heart-shaped bag ♪
"Musen-mai" is pre-washed rice ready to be cooked without washing.This is Akita Komachi brand rice, which is cultivated with an extremely reduced amount of agricultural chemicals. Here I am showing you a recipe where anyone can easily cook delicious rice. You will enjoy the real Japanese taste, which is almost the same as you have in Japan.1. Put this rice into a rice cooker with 500ml of cold mineral water. 2. Wait for 30 minutes. 3. Turn on the rice cooker.The key points are: cold mineral water and waiting for 30 minutes.
Thank you for your daily support.Regarding all the helmets I purchased from your shop, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan asked me if each of them satisfies safety regulations. I have purchased 20 helmets so far.I am sorry to trouble you, but please send me back the attached Excel file by checking safety regulations.Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
It's been a long time. How have you been ? It's Hiro.I am sorry that it's been a year since I last wrote to you. Unexpectedly, I work in Singapore now.My efforts finally paid off. As I have learnt English so far, I was selected as a resident officer.Every single pronunciation that you pointed out is very useful to me.They (occasionally!) say: "your pronunciation is good".We have the impression that it's hot in Singapore though, compared to Japan in July and August, I find it comfortable. And it's not hard to find Japanese stuff because there are Japanese shops such as Daisô.
Some parts of the story didn't convince me though I enjoyed seeing how a new soldier grew up to become a veteran. After all, experience makes a man a first-rate soldier. By the way, I'm wondering if restaurants abroad charge tea after meal. Well, in Japan, at a certain TV personality chef's restaurant, it seems they charge you for water you didn't order.
I'll show you how to transform yourself to be a giant. I know you are busy, so I won't take so long. All you need are Surimi, and that's it, your face. And how... (Excuse me, it's not appropriate for those who are eating right now.) By the way, as it's raw food, please have the Surimi once you finish. / "Mae patsu hime ka" is an abbreviation of maegami pattsun hime katto, which means princess-style haircut with straight bangs. She is a charismatic model wearing two hats: a model and a nurse. As a model and a TV personality, she plays an active part on various media to make Japanese pop culture and fashion more popular in the world. She's the leading person.
I have heard that ○○ will be newly released at the end of the year.Are you going to make new products to compete with them ? If you decide to take action on new products, could you please let me know first. By the way, I am wondering if our remittance has been checked.