As we compared items with the packing list once again, we found out that there was only one item which hadn't arrive. Attached is the correction list. As for samples to be returned, we'll only purchase samples to be productization. We'll pay for those only after amended declaration of wrongly arrived items is completed.As for products, we'll reconsider paying for wrong sized delivery at a discount price, however, we cannot pay for excess delivery unless you accept refunds.
2. “Of course I can get your op-ed in The New York Times.” We can’t all get ice cream for every meal. As exciting as your opinion might be to you, it’s a tall order to get your op-ed in the Times. Sometimes not even this guy makes the cut. So beware the publicist who guarantees he’ll score that fancy media placement. No decent PR pro would make such a foolish promise. 3. “Our logistical paradigm is to incentivize positive optics for your verticals.” At some ugly point in the history of PR, a bunch of fools started spitting ridiculous, nonsensical mumbo jumbo to inflate their egos and intimidate clients.
If you ever hear a PR business pitch that includes words you wouldn’t speak in casual conversation, tell the agency thanks, but no thanks. Steer clear from these jerks; they literally don’t speak your language. 4. “We no te powr oaf grate PEE r.” Amazing that in the era of spell check and search engine auto-complete, some PR firms still blast press releases with typos and narrative nightmares. Even worse are PR firms whose counsel and creative materials are littered with errors. If the agency can’t take care to ensure quality presentation on their own behalf, how do you think they treat clients?
もし通常の会話で使われることのない単語を含んだPRのビジネス宣伝文句を聞いたなら、代理店に感謝を述べつつ、丁重に断りましょう。このようなろくでなしは避けるべし。彼らはあなたの言語を話しません。4.「We no te powr oaf grate PEE r」スペルチェックや検索エンジンのオートコンプリート機能には驚くべきものがありますが、PR会社は依然として誤植や話術の悪夢でプレスリリースを台なしにします。さらに悪いのは、自身の忠告や創造したマテリアルにエラーが多数あるPR会社です。もし代理店が自分のためのプレゼンテーションの品質確保ができない場合、クライアントはどのように扱われると思いますか?
5. “Good news—I told that reporter to go #^&* himself.” PR pros are supposed to respond artfully to media inquiries, and never lose their temper—doing so bites the hand that may offer the client positive publicity. Just as bad is arguing about a reporter’s legitimate characterizations of a news story. If the PR firm insists on becoming the story, stop paying them. 5 types of PR agencies to avoidJust like any complex industry, public relations produces its share of bad actors who should be avoided at all costs. If you’re looking to hire a great PR firm, run far away from these jokers:
5. 「いい知らせです。あのレポーターにおととい来やがれって言ってやりました」PRのプロは巧妙にメディアの質問に返答するべきであり、決して短気は起こしません。そうすることで、クライアントに提供されるかもしれない肯定的な宣伝記事をふいにするからです。同様に悪いのは、レポーターのニュース記事の正当な位置づけについて口論することです。もしPR会社が話題になることを主張するなら、彼らへの支払いをストップしましょう。避けるべき5種類のPR代理店他の複合業界と同様に、広報活動は是が非でも避けるべき厄介者の分け前を生み出します。もし素晴らしいPR会社を雇いたいなら、これらのジョーカーから遠くへ逃げるべきです:
Hello...ok thanks...you seem a good person too...offer some gifts and when i say that put you negative feed-back and contact e-bay director,etc you make me a full refund...appear some message about that in paypal..i don´´t receive in bank account..I don´t go put on you negative feed-back and don´t want to damage your business or your live..That´s a quite wrong put on you a positive feed-back for you make a full refund..but it´s true i don´t know what is that product!?You prefere a neutral feed-back or any feed-back!?
Variable life insurance is a form of life insurance that has cash value linked to the performance of one or more investment accounts within the policy. Because of its investment features, insurance carriers in the United States typically register offerings of variable life insurance with federal and state securities regulators. To register the offering, carriers typically need to provide some level of detail of the investment selections within the policy. Without knowing the specifics of each potential client's investment profile, carriers often settle for registering a uniform offering that includes a selection of mutual funds or hedge funds as investment options within the policy.
Not all investments are suitable for placement within these policies. They are better suited to absolute return and hedged strategies rather than equity based investments. Because of the volatility of the stock market the drawdowns within the investment portfolio tend to be larger and the owner may end up having to put more money into the policy to keep it in force if the account value drops considerably.This can become a very powerful tool for purposes of estate planning. In essence you can buy a hedge fund inside an insurance policy and the value will grow tax free and upon death the cash value of the policy passes to heirs tax free. See also Private Placement Variable Annuities.
By comparison, private placement life insurance is offered without a formal securities registration. The advantage with this approach is that the carrier customizes the investment options within the policy to meet the needs of the prospective investor.[2] The key disadvantage with this approach is that it is typically more expensive for a carrier to offer a customized policy to a client. For this reason, private placement life insurance is typically only offered to qualified purchasers seeking to invest large sums of money (often more than US $1 million) in the policy. In addition, an attorney will be needed to help draw up the documents, adding to the cost of the purchase.
So, today I sent email to everyone who have purchased from me. I would appreciate if you take a few minutes to answer the questionnaire.In order to serve you better, your opinion is important. Please fill in and return it.
There were many boxes, small products inside, packed tightly in a large cardboard box. Economical though, I don't think it was the best way to pack ceramic dolls such as lladro's. They were packed so tightly that there were no cushions at the sides. Despite its heavy weight around 30 kg, there weren't enough cushions at the bottom, all I could see was a thin cushion at the top. Another cardboard box weighed lighter and enough cushions were used on all sides, so products inside were intact.
Dr. Gyanprakash A. Ketwaroo (Medicine): A 77-year-old man with a history of ischemiccardiomyopathy was admitted to this hospital in midspring because of increasingdyspnea, weakness, and diaphoresis.The patient had been in his usual state of health until 3 days before admission,when weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, and diarrhea developed, followed byprogressive shortness of breath. On the morning of admission, he awoke with dyspnea,which was worse when he was lying flat; he was unable to catch his breathor get out of bed. He was diaphoretic and felt nauseated and weak, with no chestpain, fever, or cough.The temperature was reportedly 37.8°C.
Gyanprakash A. Ketwaroo博士(内科学):虚血性心筋症歴のある77歳男性が、呼吸困難、衰弱、発汗の増大のため、今春中頃にこの病院に収容された。当該患者は収容三日前までは健康状態に問題はなかったが、衰弱、食欲減退、疲労、下痢を発症し、続いて進行性息切れに見舞われた。収容の朝、患者は呼吸困難とともに目覚め(寝そべると悪化した)、正常に呼吸することができず、ベッドから出ることもできなかった。彼は発汗し、吐き気と脱力感を覚えたが、胸に痛みはなく、発熱および咳も出なかった。体温は37.8度と報告があった。
His wife administeredacetaminophen and called emergency medical services personnel. On their arrival, thepatient’s skin was cool and pale, he spoke in sentences of three or four words, andhe used accessory respiratory muscles. The blood pressure was 160/90 mm Hg, thepulse 96 beats per minute, the respiratory rate 40 breaths per minute, and the oxygensaturation 90 to 91% while he was breathing ambient air. Basilar rales extendeda third to half of the way up both lung fields, and the abdomen was distended.Oxygen (5 liters per minute) was administered by a nonrebreather mask, andoxygen saturation increased to 99%. He was taken to another hospital.
患者の妻がアセトアミノフェンを投与し、緊急医療サービス職員へ連絡した。到着時、患者の肌は冷えて青白く、3、4語程度の長さの文章を話し、副呼吸筋を使った。血圧は160/90mm Hgで、脈拍は毎分96回、呼吸は毎分40回、外気呼吸時の酸素飽和度は90から91%だった。基底ラ音は両肺野の3分の1から半分まで拡大し、下腹部は膨張した。酸素(毎分5リットル)は非再呼吸式マスクにて投与され、酸素飽和度は99%に増大した。患者は他の病院へ移送された。
On examination, the temperature was 37.2°C, the blood pressure 152/79 mm Hg,the pulse 93 beats per minute , the respiratory rate 24 to 30breaths per minute, and the oxygen saturation 100% while the patient was breathingsupplemental oxygen through a nonrebreather mask. There were coarse ralesbilaterally, the skin was cool and diaphoretic, and respiratory support with bilevelcontinuous positive airway pressure was added transiently on arrival, with symptomaticimprovement. Electrocardiography revealed atrial fibrillation with intermittentpacing and bifascicular block, with ST-segment depression, T-wave inversion,and Q waves in leads V1 and V2, which were reportedly unchanged from5 months before.
診察した結果、体温は37.2度、血圧は152/79mm Hg、脈拍は毎分93回、呼吸は毎分24から30回、非再呼吸式マスクによる酸素補給を受けている際の酸素飽和度は100%だった。大水泡音が両方にあり、皮膚は冷たく発汗を伴い、到着時、一時的に二相式接続的気道陽圧法の呼吸補助が行われ、症状の改善がみられた。心電図検査により、断続的に起きる心房細動と、ST低下、T波逆転、V1、V2誘導のQ波で二束ブロックがあるのが明らかになった。これらは5カ月前より変化がないとの報告があった。