We sincerely appreciate for your support this time.We've solved the matter last Friday.And it was needed to hold an examination to confirm something with the customers on weekend.We've finally solved all of the problems.So we're sorry not to get ahold of you soon.It's all right that you make this matter done.
18:00 (doors open)18:30-21:00 (poetry slam & prizes)21:00 – 22:30 (Jazz & party)Cost: 2000 Yen (includes free drink and entry into door prize draw)What’s a poetry slam? A group of poets come up to the microphone perform their best work. Members of the audience then vote on which poe wins the prize.In case you’re into more than just spoken word, there will also be a live jazz band, “Yokohama Soundscape”, ready to take over at the end of the poetry sets.And there’s more! In addition to the prize for the poets, there will also be door prize draws for audience members, including tickets to our next show!So clear your Saturday night on March 21, and join us for our funkiest, jazziest, poetriest fundraiser yet!
18:00(開場)18:30-21:00 (詩のコンクール&表彰)21:00 – 22:30(ジャズ&パーティー)料金:2000円(ドリンク・入場時の商品が当たるくじ付き)詩のコンクールとは何でしょうか?詩人のグループが、マイクを使って最高のパフォーマンスをするのです。そして聴衆が、どの詩が受賞するかを投票します。もしあなたが単に語られる言葉以上のものがお好きなら、詩が終わった後にジャズバンド「横浜サウンドスケープ」のライブもあります。そしてまだまだあります!詩の賞に加えて、聴衆の皆様方には商品が当たるくじがあります。これが次の見せ物です。3月21日(土)の夜は開けておいて、私たちの素晴らしい、ジャズ的な、詩的なパーティーにお越しください!
#willhot melt is a adhesive placed inside of the head, its very similar to a hot glue. It hardens in place. Its used for feel (more muted), add weight and to crease a bias. #golf xcessI did not order 21 degree, but I will see if I can get some. I am supposed to get them this week or next week.