This is a depilatory wax, tender to your skin made mainly of honey.Since it is made of natural ingredients, people with thin-skin can use it as well.Because it is a water-soluble wax, anybody can easily use it at home.It completely removes the unwanted hair from its root.Clean the spot where you want to remove hair from, then apply about 1mm of the wax.Then press the wax-paper there, as the wax went through the paper, pull it fast and strong.After you removed the paper, push your hand immediately to the spot where the hair was removed from, and the pain will go away.
Because I was applying for a permission to trade dolls in Japan, I did not see your message.I received the new dolls, but there were no TPE glue and heating rod inside the package.Since there were a complaints from customers, I would like you to send these for 3 items, next time I order.If you cannot attach these, please tell me in advance, because it will cause trouble for my customers and they get angry at me.Thank you in advance.English text.Is this means that I can trade with damaged dolls if I repair them, but I have to play 200$ deposit?
I checked the pictures, but since only 1 of item A can be seen, I think it does not prove that there are 4 of A and 8 of B.I checked it several times and this inbound number was really strange as I thought. That's why I think it must be an error of the FBA sensor.If it turns out in the future that this Amazon survey way mistaken, can I receive reimbursement?Furthermore, since it appears that the Vita's number on stock is mistaken frequently, I will get a picture which shows all the items before sending from now.Will this become a proof that I sent the items properly?
I'm thinking about it would be warm if we sleep close to each-other now, and I start missing you. I don't know why but I miss you so much today. Because I love you, it really makes me sad when you're short to me sometimes, and it makes me to do the same to you.
Here’s hoping Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will start the overdue paternity-leave revolutionAs a father, when I stayed home after our second baby was born in 2005, and later when I spent time as a stay-at-home dad, there was something I learned very quickly.I was pretty much the only dad doing it.People will insist that this has changed dramatically in the past decade. But really, it hasn’t.
FacebookのCEOのMark Zuckerbergが父親産休の遅れた改革を始めることへ期待2005年に私たちの二番目の子供が生まれたとき、私は父親として仕事を休んで、主夫として家にいたら、早く分かったことがあった。それは、こうしているのは私くらいだということだった。人々はこれは過去十年に大きく変わってきていると言い張っているかもしれないが、実際そうではない。
It is a remarkable, but simple, truth. I know that in general we’re still far from parity between men and women economically, politically, or socially. But still, for all the progress in terms of women advancing in politics and business, society still assumes mothers will be the ones to decide whether to stay home after a child is born and after.And that means that even as we talk about trying to achieve more equity for women in tech, and in society in general, our culture still presumes it will be mothers, not fathers, who will put their careers and lives on hold for extended periods of time.
That’s why I’m hoping Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement last week that he’s going to take two months off after his baby is born will change the dynamic around a conversation that seems stuck in neutral.“We’ve also been thinking about how we’re going to take time off during the first months of her life,” Zuckerberg wrote. “This is a very personal decision, and I’ve decided to take 2 months of paternity leave when our daughter arrives.”
だから、子供が生まれたことを理由に、二か月間仕事を休むというMark Zuckerberg氏の先週の発表が、進展のないこの問題に良い影響を与えると期待したい。「私たちは彼女(子供)が生まれたら、その最初の二か月にどうやって時間を空けられるか考えていた」とZuckerberg氏が書いていた。「これは非常に個人的な判断で、彼女が来たら二か月間の父親産休を取ろうと事前に決めていた。」
Bravo. Yes, he has the financial means to make this decision an easy one in economic terms. But make no mistake, given that he’s CEO of one of the most important tech companies in the world, there would have been no second-guessing if he had decided to just take a few days off and then hop back to work.By contrast, when Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer recently said she would only take two weeks off after her twins are born in January, she was hit with another round of criticism.
確かに、彼はこのような判断が容易にできる経済状況にある。しかし、考えてみよう。彼は世界の最も重要なテック企業の一つとされている企業のCEO(最高経営責任者)であり、気まぐれに数日間仕事を休んでから急に仕事に戻っても、誰も非難の言葉など口にしないだろう。その一方、最近、YahooのCEOのMarissa Mayer氏が一月に誕生した双子のために、たった二週間の育児休暇を取ると言った時、社内から激しい非難の声が上がった。
“Since my pregnancy has been healthy and uncomplicated and since this is a unique time in Yahoo’s transformation, I plan to approach the pregnancy and delivery as I did with my son three years ago, taking limited time away and working throughout,” she wrote in a Tumblr post.Just as happened three years ago, when her first baby was born, almost all the stories and cultural conversations have revolved around Mayer and her decision. What no one (or hardly anyone) asked then…or now:Will Mayer’s husband stay home with the baby?
I pondered this question three years ago in a column for the San Jose Mercury News. There may be no better anecdotal evidence of how little our views on this issue have changed than the fact that, three years later, still no one asks, or even wonders.Mayer’s husband, Zachary Bogue, is successful in his own right as a partner at the Data Collective VC firm. Still, surely she makes more money than he does. Wouldn’t it be logical for the person who earns less to take more time?
私は三年前にSan Jose Mercury Newsに書いたコラムにこの問題について考えを回らしていた。だが、三年後の今も、誰もこの質問をしないし、考えさえしない。これは、この問題についての私たちの考え方の変化のなさをよく表している事例証拠である。Mayer氏の夫のZachary Bogue氏は自分の力でData Collective VC社の共同経営者として成功している。それにもかかわらず、彼女は彼より収入が高いに違いない。収入が低いほうが仕事を休むのは合理的ではないだろうか?
“The default position still seems to be that if a woman and man both have a job, it’s the woman who will take a step back and stay home with the child,” Brad Harrington, research professor and executive director of Boston College’s Center for Work and Family, told me when I spoke with him three years ago. “But it never seems to be the knee-jerk reaction to ask why wouldn’t the man make the same choice.”Of course, how Mayer and her husband choose to make these decisions is none of our business. But, again, what’s amazing to me is less about the personal decision of Mayer and her husband. Instead, I’m amazed that then, as now, nobody even wonders about paternity leave. All the focus is on Mayer.
「夫と妻も仕事がある場合、妻が仕事を休んで家で子供の世話をするというのは、未だに当然のことになっているようです。一方、『夫が仕事を休んだら?』というのは自然の反応になることはないようです」とボストン大学の仕事と家族センターのセンター長であるBrad Harrington氏が三年前に私と話していたとき言っていた。もちろんMayer氏とその夫はなぜこの選択すると決めたのかは私たちには関係のないことである。しかし、何度も言うが、私は驚くべきことだと思っているのは、Mayer氏とその夫の選択ではない。それより、私は三年前も現在も、誰も父親が育児休暇を取る選択肢を考えさえしないで、Mayer氏が議論の中心になっているということに驚いている。
This wristband keeps you from stressing over stressMove over, Apple Watch, this sleek new wearable will actually teach you how to improve your health and let you look good doing it.Today, Caeden, a maker of luxury headphones, launched pre-orders for its Sona wearable wristband. Designed for men and women, the band comes in leather and silicon and detects heart rate, monitors activity, and calculates calorie burn, like most wearables on the market.
ストレスを防ぐリストバンドしかも、この新しいお洒落なウェアラブルのApple Watchは自分の健康を守る方法も教えてくれる。今日、高級なヘッドホンメーカーであるCaedenが、新商品のSonaリストバンドのプレオーダーを始めた。そのデザインは男女両用で、バンドは皮とシリコンで、市場の他のウェアラブルと同様に心拍数とカロリー消費を測る機能や行動をモニターする機能がついている。
The Bridge“If the mission of Cornell Tech is to bring together academia and industry to spur innovation and the commercialization of new products and technologies, then The Bridge is really the physical manifestation of that mission,” said Kate Bicknell, senior vice president at Forest City Ratner Companies.The Bridge will be Cornell Tech’s pièce de résistance in many ways. The mixed-use building will foster major tech companies, startups, labs, incubators, and coworking spaces. Cornell envisions this space as its Bell Labs — a place where unlikely innovators will cross paths.
The Bridge「Cornell Techのミッションは学界と業界をまとめることによってイノベーションと新しい技術の商品化を推進することであれば、The Bridgeはこのミッションの具現化した姿である。」とForest Citry Ratner Companies社の副社長のKate Bicknellが話していた。The Bridgeは様々な意味でCornell Techの重要な作品になるだろう。この複合用途ビルには大きなテック企業、スタートアップ、研究所、インキュベーター、コワーキングスベースなどが入る予定。このスペースはベル研究所のように普段は会いそうもない研究者たちが出会う場所になるとCornellは期待している。
The building will be 230,000 square feet and will be designed by Weiss/Manfredi, an architectural firm known for incorporating outdoor landscape into its designs. Cornell will occupy a third of the building, and the rest will be reserved for tech companies of various sizes and stages. Bicknell said the cost of doing business in the Bridge will largely depend on the type of space being rented and how much funding, if any, the inquiring company has.
Residence 1The residential building will be 26 stories tall and will house 500 students and faculty. When it’s finished, it will be the biggest Passive House in the world. For the uninitiated, Passive House is an exhaustive standard for energy efficiency used internationally. Energy efficiency is a big priority for the new tech campus. Not only will this residence be highly energy efficient, but the campus as a whole has green goals. For instance, The Bloomberg Center is aiming to for net zero energy use.
宿舎ビル宿舎ビルは26階建ての建物で500人の学生と教職員の住むところになる。出来上がったら、世界最大のパッシブハウスになる。ご存じでない方もいるかもしれないが、パッシブハウスは国際的に使われている、エネルギー効率の徹底的な基準である。エネルギー効率は新しいテックキャンパスの大きなポイントである。しかも、エネルギー効率で優れているのはこの宿舎ビルばかりではなく、キャンバス全体の目標も地球に優しいあり方である。例えば、Bloomberg Centerはエネルギー使用量をゼロにすることを目標に掲げている。
Cornell plans to adorn buildings with solar panels and use a network of geothermal pipes to heat and cool buildings.While the campus is coming together, Cornell’s Tech campus has been operating out of a few Google-owned spaces in Chelsea. Roughly 140 to 150 students are currently enrolled in the program. By 2017, the campus hopes to have 300 students in its program when phase one of construction will be completed.By the time the Roosevelt Island campus has completed all stages of construction, Winters expects the Cornell tech program to have 2,500 students. When asked what the university is doing to keep students in the New York area, he said much of the effort is centered around attracting the right talent.
Cornellは建物にソーラーパネルを備え付けて、建物の冷暖房に地中熱を利用している。キャンパスは工事中の間、Cornell's TechキャンパスはチェルシーでGoogleが所有している少ないスペースの一つで開催されている。現在、約140~150人の学生がプログラムに在籍している。キャンパスの工事の第一段階が終わる2017年まで、プログラムの学生の数は300人に増えるとキャンパスは期待している。Roosevelt Islandキャンパスの工事が完全に終わった時点で、Cornellテック・プログラムに在籍している学生は2500人まで増えているだろうとWinters氏が予想している。大学はどうやって学生たちをニューヨーク圏に留めるかについて聞かれたとき、Winters氏は才能のある人材を引き付けられるように努力しなければならないことを挙げた。
“A lot of times things will coalesce around one or two or three professors who are doing a certain kind of research. People want to be involved with that. They attract graduate students, they attract master students, and suddenly you have 20, 30, or 40 people who are working on something that nobody one else is working on and that becomes the attractor,” said Winters.He also noted that New York provides recent grads with a wider variety of opportunities than Silicon Valley can. New York isn’t uniquely focused on the tech industry. Financial companies, fashion labels, legal firms, and a whole slew of industries call New York home. That diversity may be attractive to a lot of people.
And as Winters wisely noted, “Every company uses technology.” The tech campus revolves around a core set of skills: coding and entrepreneurship. As more and more companies and industries are developing mobile apps and other digital properties, those skills will become even more relevant. Cornell is keen to deeply embed its students with every company that wants to be innovating.*Update: The Bloomberg Center not the Bridge is aiming for net zero energy use.
また、Winters氏は「どの会社もテクノロジーを使用している」と賢明に指摘している。テックキャンパスは、コーディングと起業家精神などの基本的なスキルをその中心に置いている。更に多くの会社がモバイルアプリを開発するようになると、このようなスキルはなお一層重要になるだろう。Cornellはイノベーションにあふれているすべての会社とその学生たちを繋げたいと熱心である。更新:Bridgeではなくて、Bloomber Centerがゼロエネルギー化を目指している。