Mahjong match:Player1: 本当かよ!半荘ほとんど一人勝ち?Pl.2:サンソウ。ツモ。チーワン。三アンコ。ハツ。チートイツ。ツモ。地和。Pl.r3 to Pl.1:どうた兄ちゃん。今こいつが言ったのが。半荘の間にあんたが欲しがった上がり手かい?*a:ゆきちゃん、俺 帰ろわ。b:まっててくれたらご飯作るよ?a:大丈夫、帰って食べるよ。*a:あんまりああいうことをしてるとだなお前いつか一人ぼっちになっちゃうぞ。b:...ならないよ。a:フン。あっそ。
Mahjong match:Player1:Really? He wan almost all of a half-game?Pl.2:Three-Sou. I got it. Seven-Wan. Three Concealed three-of-a-kind. I got it. Chiho.Pl.3 to Pl.1:Sonny, Is that maneuvers you wanted in a half-game?a:Yuki, I'll go back.b:I will cook if you wait for me.a:OK. I go back and cook myself.a:You will be left alon if you keep on with like that.b:No, I won't.a:Do whatever you want.
I am sorry for my late reply.This NOREN has no slit in center but you can cut as you want along the roulette.Off course you may use it as a tapestry or a partition without a cut.It is a thin and tarnsparent cloth so you can see behind it. I apologize that I cannot assure it meet your expectation.
In growing of "show rooming" that means people check items in real shops and purchase in net shops, Ion steps up efforts toward customer retention by "Omnichannel" strategy which heads for sales maximization with direct connections of real shops and net shops."Carpet bombing" strategy of Ion 's customer retention will suit better than "Omnichannel" .
そして私はA-to-zクレームが発生する前にアマゾンに配達遅れについて聞いている[Case 201338791]その際も問題があるとは言われなかった。発送までの時間も、問題なかった。もう一度教えてほしい。全額返金の根拠は何か?
And I asked Amazon about the delay of delivery before the A-to-Z claim occurred. [Case 201338791]At that time the answer is that there is no problem.And shipping was done in time.Please tell me once more what is reason for refunding the full price.
"くららさんでしょ?最近よくテレビに出るようになった。霊能者ってやつだろ?""ああ。そう そう。 みちるさんは怖いのが苦手なの?""うん、悪いなんだよ。どうして女は女を見る目がああも厳しいんだろう?いい女なのに...""あ、みちるさんが嫌なのは人の方なの..."*文句があんならてめぇ一人で玉葱でも噛ってな。*あの復讐は子供ながらに震えたね。*読んでなら、読んでる場合じゃねえと思って。
"She is Kurara, isn't she? Recently I saw her on TV often. She is a medium, isn't she?""Yeah. Don't you like supernatural things, Michiru?""Yes. Why are women strict with other women? I think she is a fine woman.""Ah, I understand. You dislike that woman."*If you have a complaint, bite onions by yourself.*Child as I was, that revenge terrified me.*This is not thetime to read it.
Amazon.comで売った商品をアメリカの顧客に届けた。 Expected Ship Date 3日過ぎてしまったが、これはアマゾンの規約違反かどうか教えてほしい。その根拠も示してほしい。そしてその規約に違反したら私は商品代金の全額払い戻した上で商品もあきらめなければならならいのか?
I shipped an item sold at to a customer in U.S.A. But the shipment was later three days than the expected ship date. So please tell me whether or not I broke the rule at Amazon showing the ground. And If I was against the rule, should I return the payment and In addition lose the item?
水口 輝昭 氏 ミズグチ テルアキお客様が望むものを考えながら、メニューを構成1977年生まれ。小学生の頃から料理が好きで、自然と料理人を志すように。初めての職場は東京湾を巡るレストラン船。その後、3~4カ月にわたってヨーロッパ各地を旅し、本場の料理や文化を肌で感じ、造詣を深める。2005年より【銀座KAZAN】の料理長に就任。女性客が多い店なので、メニューにフルーツを取り入れたり、繊細な盛りつけにこだわったりと、お客様に喜ばれることを第一に考え、日々取り組んでいる。
Teruaki MizuguchiMenu planned on customer' wishI was born in 1977. I loved cooking from childhood and wanted to be a chef. My first job was in the restaurant of a cruiser around Tokyo Bay. Then I travelled extensively in Europe for three or four months so had firsthand knowledge of European cook and culture. I became a kichen shef of "Ginza KAZAN" in 2005. Everyday I give top priority to customers and think about menu, for example a menu with fruit or fine ane delicat arrangement.
As you say, only one machine is enough for test. But we are concerned about the result through a load balancer, especially about the session. We think that we cannot reproduce an action and identify a problem and work around it, if the test server is not under the same condition when a problem occurs in taking over a session.