The drone’s creator, Ryo Konomura, said that he came to SXSW to announce a fresh Kickstarter for the latest version. The original Phenox was limited to 30 units because it was made by hand, but the current Kickstarter (with an ambitious US$100,000 goal) hopes to raise enough money for mass production in Japan.
その無人飛行機の作り手である コノムラ リョウさんは、最新式の、斬新なキックスターターを発表する為にSXSWに来場したと語る。初期のフェノックスは手作業により作っていた為30ユニット限定生産であったが、最新のキックスターター(100000USドルの売上見込み)は、日本での大半の生産で十分な売上が期待される。
I am trying to rent an apartment, but the company does not respond to my email requests. I really want this one or al least would like to know if I can rent it. I am going to try and open an account at mufg tonight. Another company contacted me and showed my another apartment, but I don't want to sign a lease before I know if I cannot rent the other place at all. I hate to bother you for this, but on Saturday if there is a free moment could you call the number and speak to them for me. I hate to bother you with this, but it has become slightly urgent. My family doesn't know this, but I caught my current roommate stealing from me. I need to leave as soon as possible. Sorry to bother you.